stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by Siouxsie_Q
Well, for starters…
Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein…
Faggot. Hitler did nothing wrong, and Saddam didn't really do much wrong either. You're a fucking jedi aren't you? Either that or you legit don't understand a damn thing about Iraq, or Germany and what the jedis did to both of those countries, and why they wanted to destroy them.
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stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
pffffff 2k? i had 40k on totse. 10th highest post count on the whole site, all of it actual good info or ripping fags a new one, none of that stupid HB or SG posting you faggots did/do, and i sure the fuck didn't make any gay ass comics in my posts. nope, just nothing but pure information and vitriol for plebs such as yourself enter. leave the poor fat girl alone, if she wants to be fat let her be fat.
no jk, but at least find a better way to make fun of her than that one tit pic. i read the titty thread you made, and it was funny, but you're driving the joke in to the ground, you have a habit of doing that.
also, nb4 you crack jokes about her actually being my wife.
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2018-08-22 at 4:48 AM UTC
How to sleep after meth?
stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by mmQ
For me, smoking weed will re-up my high for a while, however the hell that works.
I used to love lacing my joints with ice. It burns a bit of it up, and people argue against it but the high is great.
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2018-09-01 at 8:56 PM UTC
just had a poot of coffee
stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by A College Professor
omg im quitting this shit and going straight edge , my bladder or prostate hates me when for having this caustic sludge anyway and it doesn't even work anymore.
no one told me when i had my first cup that it was going to end up like this.
Your prostate already hates you from all the dick beatings it takes.
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VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by -SpectraL
I molest child
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VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
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stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Whats the matter, doesn't your little camper have a chemical toilet? Ironically that's what your moms nickname is.
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2018-09-01 at 9:45 PM UTC
We should be nice to Snoob
stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
at least he doesn't have to put in dentures
I wish I could, my teeth are fucked. I didn't know Leet had falsies though.
I'll bet he takes em out to prep the bull.
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VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by infinityshock
(((its not race mixing when its a teaching experience)))
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VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
Wow you are so toxicity and rude. I thought you were my friend.
lmfao he thought he had friends you guys. Point and laugh.
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VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by A College Professor
im pitching the idea to my investor were going to call it Faggotsurf and i want the icon to be like a surfboard or something
It could be a Pic of you surfing on a dick in a sea of semen.
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stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by Enterita
But you said shes no longer fat and ugly.
Nobody is going to lie about her looks to insult her, then other users here would just call us out.
Silly stump stump!
You hate all women and would find something to shit talk. You're like Elliot Roger's. No woman is good enough for you except 10s and you feel entitled to them, and when they reject your 5foot tall incel beta faggot ass you rage.
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VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Lmfao his mom's a piece of shit though how can a kid at 9 be gay?
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VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
I need a link to the article ND I wanna know how he killed himself so I can laugh harder.
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2018-08-27 at 4:23 PM UTC
anyone who doesn't like me
stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery
We are the most intelligent and contributive species.
This. I'm so sick of humans saying we are the worst species ever. It's lacks merit and is based in some stupid hippy dippy tree hugging faggotry about muh mother erff.
Humans are the pinnacle of evolution on this planet, just because you are a fucking retard doesn't mean the species as a whole is.
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stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson
So it's racist for whitey to say "you people" but not for niggers to say "my people"?
Everything white people do is racist.
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VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by ShizNitty
Im 6'1 185 lbs. workout six days a week and practice intermittent fasting along with drinking a gallon of pure spring water a day. So with those details, ill leave it up to you to decide whether im unhealthy or not hahaha
the answer is yes though
I'm a six foot five chef at Wendy's that makes 6 figures a year.
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VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by HTS
They are better than you. You should try to be more like them.
This. Cut your dick off enter, it's the next step. If you hate women so much you should become one and show them how much better at it you are than them.
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VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by Enterita
is that what your mom said when she saw your leg
I would laugh hard as fuck if someone said that when they saw my leg.
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stupid noob
VICTIM of farm equipment
[the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
Originally posted by Enterita
There is no escape. There is no exit. There is only… Enter.
This message brought to you from Enters mom's basement on his stepdads wifi connection.
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