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Posts by Erorr

  1. Erorr Houston
  2. Erorr Houston
    Originally posted by reject I think it was erorr or someone else from TRT plugged it and they said after a while they were just shitting gloop

    lol that was liquor not RC's .... it burns 100x worse in the that end of your body then drinking it :(

    Post last edited by Erorr at 2017-08-19T08:18:49.151697+00:00
  3. Erorr Houston
    Short version of the story: Im from ny and in Pennsylvania they dont sell beer in gas stations but only state approved and run liquor stores that close early....

    Was already 3 forties in and didnt know this and went to a gas station to grab a night cap.....was so offended and upset in the response to "THE FUCK MAN!? ITS ALL JUICE WHERES THE BEER?" That I apparently whipped out my only 40's swill from my bag and proceeded to put hot dogs in my pocket blatantly as i chugged my 40s ass while walking out the door (may or may not flipped him off while doing so)

    the 2nd charge was just after my very first grand mal seizure (hours after bashing my temple on a iron safe repeatedly) and i had a concussion unknown to me but very real....i was offered some beer from housemates to feel safe and when I went outside to have a smoke I forgot which house I lived in so I knocked on a few doors just in a blind attempt to be home and boom...cops called and no breath test, just pure assumption on drunk in public and criminal mischief.....

    2500 dollar lesson of fuck Pennsylvania ....
  4. Erorr Houston
    "Title should be "What" but whatever.
    I often sit back and think on old times, as we all do here. It's only apparent to me as a 29 year old adult how influential totse/zoklet was on me. It helped shaped a pathetic white twit from the suburbs into a sharp-witted razor blade with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. We may be fragmented and broken up as a community now. Shit, many of us didn't even make it to a day where we could feel nostalgic about it.
    Erorr actually did a stint in my town for a few months (Sept - Nov 2015). He managed to get arrested three times in three least. He took two trips down to central booking. I helped him get a job and he worked/couch surfed in my town. I bailed him out of jail. He lived in my storage unit for a few weeks until the landlord called me asking why the fuck someone would be living in my storage unit. It was a fucking pickle to say the least haha. That dude gets crazy when he gets drunk. Still, it felt good to help a friend in need. A friend that I had never actually met before until that point but felt like I had known for a decade (which I almost had).
    But still...I have a soft spot for the abused, neglected and the wicked masses. If you're a totsean/zokleteer then you can consider yourself a friend. We were all just helping each other back then. If you're a totsean today then you've still got a friend, right here.
    Have you helped anyone from totse/zoklet in the years since it shut down? What connections do you still have? How has it changed you?
    I want to hear more stories about the cesspool of hatred and molotovs that we grew up with and how it affected your real life.
    -Dose Me"

    Saw this and got really loving over this dude.... Fully expected hatred once seeing my name in it and saw nothing but empathy.....
  5. Erorr Houston
    sounds like me lol minus the flipflops atleast...

    Post last edited by Erorr at 2017-08-19T08:51:03.809348+00:00
  6. Erorr Houston
    Originally posted by Piles of Crack Tried to go into tinychat and it was all faggot banter/behavior like usual lately so I left after five minutes, I miss the days when we used to get cool groups of people in there and just chill and bullshit with each other. Having to hear about how I'm "fucking §m£ÂgØLs chick" or some variant of that within seconds of logging in gets stale pretty fast.

    God ..... we used to go so ham...

    Foobie slugging mouthwash as cats slammed rc speed and everyone generally just laughed like we were all in the same room frying together.... it was a horrible enabling circle of evil but that kind of unity and friendship still remains remarkable....
  7. Erorr Houston
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Just PM when you can ok

    nah trt or bust
  8. Erorr Houston
    If i were still 21 id he all OH YEAH!? but like my shits wet spaghetti and im still seizing and sooooo not about cranking it right now. I gotchu???? like idk Ill gladly slap you some dick pics but just....not today lol
  9. Erorr Houston
    nannananana for scale?
  10. Erorr Houston
    God would never be oppressive.....dude be like yo heres all, do it! go on, do it! Be it, be all..... and our race be all like whaaaaaaat
  11. Erorr Houston
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Need pics to verify

    im no Mandingo... just in the 8 inch club.....cant spit game on that..... motion of the ocean baby
  12. Erorr Houston

    Post last edited by Erorr at 2017-08-17T11:19:18.602820+00:00
  13. Erorr Houston
    Originally posted by Piles of Crack Did he say "got something to deliver…your eyes only" right before he whipped his cock out?

    God I wish, I really really just want to go back to that night and redo it all to include all skyrim puns as possible man. It hurts i negated such a hilarious opportunity... if i remember correctly it was just whiskey in bed watching the cartoon the critic turned me being the dom and making the hanky panky go down......that man had such a diverse vocal range for skits and in the thick of drool on my balls ....well god ill never get the "uuuooooooooohms" out of my head while he slurped..... it still fucking haunts me lol

    He extremely advocated i get into porn and kept calling my junk fantastic lol
  14. Erorr Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny FUS



    He was a super lanky blonde pony tailed man I lived with in new orleans for a stretch. I loved and hated him so much in his demeanor.... he would wiggle his limbs and consistently make expressions and noises like OOOOOOOOooooOOOOooooOOOOoo HAHAHAHA! or talk in a british accent mid sentence. Like the dude was a kook but he was admirable in his fuck everyone freedom of oddity... guess he was working at landing the voice acting for the joker in a e-book comic series so the entire time we lived together and worked together he constantly broke out in 90s cartoon joker skits out of nowhere....

    He said he was bi prior and ive always been we werent lovers or fuck buddies but one night being particularly horny and drunk as fuck after a bottle of whiskey and 9 shots in a solo while at work.... well yeah lol

    I really regret not being sober enough to suggest the roleplay of him telling me he had a message for me at climax haha
  15. Erorr Houston
    I uh .... had a beer and am listening to the wipers???
  16. Erorr Houston
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Doing OK mate. I've been looking for some sort of change, and change is coming. All I can hope for, is to stay in motion and try not to stagnate.

    Well best of luck man..... idk your concept of change but I hope your truck uh keeps on uh truckin. I couldnt even begin to explain the linage of the chaos of the past few years but just my god <3 Big shout out to dose me saving my life literally and being the catalyst for reform ..... from there just wow. I really want the future to be what iam working for but in this society one set back means so much more than a stubbed toe.... car accidents turn into jobs and homes lost in a trickle down effect ya know? where iam at now i just hope the savings account stays climbing and my job keeps growing but man is it hard sometimes. Not that iam even on drugs or have any instable habits that jeprodize but just that middleground of almost broke and almost secure perpetuates any mishap as the jenga block that destroys the entire tower :/
  17. Erorr Houston
    Btw guys last year I had my first "celebrity" hook up :o

    Got head from the voice actor of the messenger in skyrim :o

    That makes me like ya know almost famous right??
  18. Erorr Houston
    Originally posted by greenplastic i just remember seeing you say that on zoklet

    that and mad conductor

    lol thats a quote of mine??? Dawww, were you always this handle man? and you mean that band or was there an actual member by that handle? MC is honestly trash but that opinion built over seeing the creator and mc on my fb feed daily acting so narcissistic and insecure all the while his tracks degraded further and further.... I cant even listen to the first album without resenting it based on ethics.....
  19. Erorr Houston
    How is everyone?? Im loving seeing casper in here and so many familiar names......

    Hows it all been hanging for everyone? Struggle? Growth? Consistent delirium ??

    Couldnt even begin to start on an update much less remember where it all went silent. Been a sufferer of partial seizures since 13 but since zoklet went down I started getting grand mals and insane absence and complex partial seizures constantly.....

    Cant help but go "BAAAAAAAAAATH SAAAAAAALTS!!!!"
  20. Erorr Houston
    Motherfucker drops multiple albums that year and that joints over 80 minutes alone..... Dudes ridiculous
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