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Posts by Acolyte Finny

  1. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    What's even worse is some of the scummiest people I know are sober
  2. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    8ball at the end of april for $180 ,I got half an oz for 1000 at the start of may, ran out just before July 1st and got a quarter for $500 which I stepped on & made my money back +$100 and kept a few grams pure to smoke myself.

    Ive been buying grams now and they are gone in a few days.

    I also work full time 40 hours a week and sell other stuff on the side.
  3. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    You just described my life.

    Im supposed to rent apartment but I keep buying and doing more meth.
  4. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    I would Do one too but the jedis fucked my mobile data
  5. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    Originally posted by infinityshock that's called 'weeds' by the sane people

    Thats the joke dumbass. Ive never seen a beautiful meadow or field of flowers in my life despite going hundreds of miles into the wilderness.

    Behind every corner lies a logging road, pavement, power lines and "keep out" signs.

    Post last edited by Acolyte Finny at 2017-07-13T13:26:14.245348+00:00
  6. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    People like that are cool. I'm banned from all the local trash homes because I'm too wild
  7. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    No this is just what I can remember off the top of my head. Ive been stolen from enough times that I know not to trust anyone.

    I have no friends, probably because I threaten to burn down peoples houses all the time.
  8. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    I am just triangles
  9. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    no, just me
  10. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    I grew up in a trap house, skipped school and dropped out and blew up a house/was homeless last year. I don't like leaving the house

    I work 24/7 no sleep sacrificing all mortal pleasures for cash $$$. I'm like a monk of trianglism.

    Okay we will get hydro down to your place and have some lesbian adventures.
  11. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kinkou Yeah… I don't have wrinkles because I don't make faces unless I force them. Idk if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Lul

    even your butt is wrinkle free
  12. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    You have furniture, copper and appliances. That would be one pretty fucking desperate robbery if someone did that to you though, most random house BnE's aren't this planned out and your house would be considered a huge miss especially with dogs, I hope you have your firearms in a locked container though.

    This guide is for targeted robberies against people you want to fuck over or dope houses.

    We should make a home protection guide. I like using explosives and poison, vaporized acids ,FIRE WALLS

  13. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    I am mountain man tandy savage and a prarie boy, I see no need to go any more East of Ohio.

    I feel like my ancestral roots stretch all the way just past the Rockies into the south. All the big govt of North America is situated in the east, I am a WEST COAST nigga so I don't even consider these my true leaders.

    Originally posted by hydromorphone me too, know I know they make him nervous.

    Originally posted by Kinkou I can swim foreva and grew up hiding in the woods lmao

    whats the closest city between you two I'll supply everything/ fund all travels lets party hardy 2018
  14. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    oH YEAH some extra points about solo BnE's . Check EVERY room pretty much like a police officer, start at the top and work your way down. Check under beds and every closet.

    Originally posted by Kinkou Most important thing to evade home intrusions, know every inch of your home and it's strong points to hide behind and keep your guns next to your bed.

    My house has nothing expensive but still… lol

    Aren't you a shut in? how often do you go out?. I'm not afraid to kick open a door and have someone shoot at me, I almost always expect it.

    Those powder charge nail guns sound like gun shots though so if I was gonna hit you id either use that or a real gun knowing you are armed.

    Also consider the possibility you might be violently ill or hospitalized for unknown reasons or have your house being smoke bombed/tear gassed or an explosive charge just went off.

    I would try to disarm you maybe even with a laser dazzler or tranquilizers if you are a true shut in..

    There is always a way. There is less of a way if you aren't ruthless.
  15. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    This guide is about how to get the most from a domicile that is owned/rented by someone you want to fuck over.

    Most important thing (according to Sun Tzu) is to know your target, their habits, desires, schedule, strengths and weaknesses. You should also have a good idea of whats in the house already before you ever step foot in there.

    You want to scout the location on foot and look for good getaway locations. One of my favorite escape tactics is to spend a few weeks loosening fence boards so I just vanish into a suburban maze of houses and fences. Why jump a fence when you can just go through it?.

    At this point you are gonna have to decide if this will be a vehicle assisted robbery or on foot/bicycle/skateboard. Have backup escape plans, plan for conflict and things like witnesses, neighbors. The last thing you need on a job is a surprise.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT.. you can have the biggest guns, lots of people and cloaking technology but that doesn't do much good for a trap house in the middle of the damn street surrounded by residential houses across from a school. This is exactly the scenario I'm currently involved in.

    Some word of advice, unless you are a complete psychopath you will have many instincts telling you not to do this, but do not allow opportunity to slip from your hands, if you don't act early and take action then someone else will. You will never find sympathy in this line of work, just enemies. Even if you have a good stick up crew they should not know where you live.. But you should know where they all live.

    Before the door gets kicked in you might want to consider these sabotage tactics ; cutting the power, ordering a pizza to the house to see if anyone is there or paying a hooker to "wrong house sorry", poisoning the occupants or setting off an explosive. The idea here is to do something before the robbery has even started which puts you at an advantage/them at a disadvantage.
    I personally like the poison route, I stalk my targets for months and hit them multiple times when they have the most to lose.

    Most people have guns nowadays which means you will look pretty fucking stupid walking in there with a knife. But I don't have a gun so how do you rob an armed drug dealer with nothing but a knife?. Make him think you have a gun. A lot of things can seem like a gun when a person is scared enough, sleight of hands make them look here instead of over there.
    I have seen a guy disarmed without anyone ever firing a shot unless you count the nail gun being fired into a wall a few times which caused the target to drop his weapon and submit.

    If you have a car take EVERYTHING, tie everyone up and lock them in the bathroom. TV, electronics, furniture, pretend its like storage wars and you just got a locker, take it all, get some boxes and pretend you are moving, only take valuable stuff, anything with cords, books, computers, electronics, video games, art. If you have the time you should get a big moving truck and empty the place out of all furniture and appliances, then start smashing up the walls with a hammer and yank out the copper.

    You should also find any hidden valuables with either of these tactics (guns, jediels, dope, cash, etc) Either tell them to give it all up or be fast and search the entire house quick.

    A second method is the solo/quick/do it when nobody is home method which is mostly what I do, takeover style robberies require a lot more planning and resources.

    Doing it solo is best when nobody is home, this requires a fair bit of scouting and stealth but it's lots of fun if the person really deserves it. I like it when they never see me coming. If there is a house I'm going to hit I will make a point of walking by it every day, maybe lighting a cigarette and looking around for people.
    those are 1st stage scouts, 2nd stage is to stake the place out, this can be very difficult in some areas especially if you are well known.

    You must stake the place out to know when it will be empty. Once you acquire this information its time to act.

    The Breach {this portion of the guide submitted by JOHN LOCKE}
    How to get through any door,window.

    Tools: lockpick kit, shimmy/crowbar, screwdriver, blowtorch, lockpicks, hammer(non metal), door knob turning mechanism, mini electric screw gun.

    *cutting the power will not do anything for an alarm system*

    windows with bars can be unscrewed from the outside sometimes, unless the screws are hinged from the inside which requires you to smash the window quietly with either porcelin or spark plugs. Cutting the window might also be an option.

    You should not spend any longer than a few minutes on a window, they are a good point of entry but almost too much work for me.

    Doors are easy, the electric ones when fried with a powerful magnet will go into a permanent lock mode which is like a free door shimmy to me. Unless the door is properly reinforced you can use a crowbar (a long one at least 4 feet long) and use the locking bolt and force of the door to destroy the frame of the door itself (this requires a fair amount of force). The only doors I have seen that stand up to this are heavy metal frame commercial doors and people still tried to pry it open.

    Most doors can be lock picked if you know what your doing, buy some locks and practice with guides from the net.

    Sometimes you can use a blowtorch to melt the internal mechanisms and the handle falls right out of the door and you can just walk in, it helps to pre wear the metal beforehand or coat it with something. And extreme version of this was made famous in Breaking Bad when the main characters used thermite to melt through a heavy metal alarm powered door to a warehouse to steal meth precursors. I've never heard of someone using thermite to break into a dope house before.

    The most crude but my favorite way of getting inside any home requires 3 tools, a special device that clamps onto any door knob and allows you to apply unlimited force, a metal shimmy or tool to twist this abomination and finally a hammer to either whack the shimmy with if it needs more force or you can just start hitting the knob until the internal mechanisms smash and it all breaks apart.

    I have also heard neodynium magnets can be used to destroy locks but Idk much about this.

    I will add more to this guide later.

    some final tips though: ABOUT GETTING THE WRONG HOUSE

    its really nobodies fault but your own, clever targets will always meet you in front of a house they want to rob, or any random house that isnt theirs, they will make you believe they live somewhere when they actually live somewhere else.

    Or maybe your target was just staying with friends for a short duration... or family.

    It happens, sometimes you think its a dope house and you walk in to your target + his wife and kids.

    Just tie everyone up and pretend its the right house, it's the only way.
  16. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    lets party
  17. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kinkou Sure. But that seems really wrong.

    I'd taste ur fat.
  18. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    GOOD! cuz I prefer it actually.
  19. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    lol i made thihs fred when i was homeless
  20. Acolyte Finny Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kinkou HTS and I live real close

    She lives in the "forbidden zone" though which is dark territory for my kind. I don't even like ordering things from there because the great lakes, bridges, all those borders just throw a wrench in the global capitalist regime. I COULD have a few thousand $$ worth of chemicals but I had to pick them up from the the forbidden zone.

    The logical path would just be to keep going east but I'd rather go through north dakota, idado or whatever because there are no forests/lakes in my way.

    lakes and trees make me nervous.

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