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Posts by Malice is an ISIS recruiter

  1. Originally posted by NARCassist why you telling us shit we know?


    because you are all loop posters
  2. What captain falcon is describing is the geometric configuration of the universe which if you do not understand creates lots of problems trying to visualize space time concepts like expansion.

  3. Originally posted by Captain Falcon Didn't read

    i like this post
  4. dont report lanny is a rat
  5. Holy fuck I found it
    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M


    Originally posted by Six*Six*Scronald2 enhancement "Bundy" to D X M

  6. searcgh for "woprld wiflter" word enhancement and "bundy" its somewhere
  7. it might aslo be here
  8. its one of the posts on this account
  9. Originally posted by Captain Falcon It doesn't expand "into" anything, there are simply more points being created between existing points.

    "i like this post"
  10. Originally posted by NARCassist even if its an alternate dimension, that is still space. literally space.


    Thats what I'm saying. Dimensions can expand into each other, there is no "edge of the universe' like futurama its endless fractals of all possible configurations.

    Can a universe/dimension die?. They can be created so they must have the capacity to be destroyed (or transfered???)
  11. dee exx em./

  12. I cannot control your actions. It is you who is caught in the loops. I have posted good threads/replies several times only to have lanny suck back some more vermouth, delete it all because HTS-jealous and then we are back to square 1

    There is no difference if I post good content vs/spam. I have found the spam stays up longer because lanny easily gets burned out , it also takes less effort.

    Well thought out replies/threads take time which Lanny uses to charge his lasers and aattacks me when I am just replying to my good threads.

    The looooooooooop

    hamster ass niggas you are caught in the loops. If I left this place forever you would still be stuck.

    No matter what actions anyone takes the loop cannot be escaped because Lanny is a cuck and cucks always get caught in the loop.
  13. Who do you think made the internet?
  14. Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Why is quartz all colors?

  15. Journalist Jack Amano, reveals how Japan’s intelligence community learned of the existence of terrifying new weapons. In 1987, a Japanese satellite known as "Ginga" was launched. Circling the globe in high orbit, the satellite was said to be searching for "X-ray emissions from distant stars."

    However, its secret mission was to detect gamma radiation from both Russian and Chinese nuclear weapons tests. During June 1987, Ginga registered a massive pulse of gamma rays emanating from below the orbiting satellite. Hasty investigation showed the radiation emissions were coming from Kosmos 1900, a soviet satellite.

    The satellite was radiating the upper atmosphere Van Allen belts. The conclusion was that the Russians were engaged in weather engineering as well as a developing a space platform for missile defense and earthquake induction.

    As information from the satellite "Ginga" enhancemented through to selected scientists, a graduate student at Osaka Prefectural University reviewed the data. Hideo Murai was one of Japan’s leading X ray astronomers at the time. Thus began his ill-fated journey into the leading ranks of Aum Shinrikyo - the apocalyptic cult that was secretly sponsored by Toshio Yamaguchi, head of Japan’s foreign intelligence service.

    Murai, who knew all and - following the tragic Sarin attack on Tokyo’s subway - was preparing to reveal all, had to be silenced. Meanwhile, the US ground-based "mirror" facility in Alaska, called HAARP, that duplicates the Russian abilities - went on-line in 1995.

    Originally posted by NARCassist so what is the universe/balloon expanding into? has to be empty space


    alternate dimensions of infinite space of all possible configurations but dark matter resonance with light/particles in our 1D universe allows us to expand infinately without anything to stop the growth.

    Post last edited by Malice is an ISIS recruiter at 2017-07-08T14:22:20.734498+00:00
  16. Quartz is the second most abundant mineral in Earth's continental crust, after feldspar. Its crystal structure is a continuous framework of SiO4 silicon–oxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall chemical formula of SiO2.

    What does this have to do with light, particles, waves and quantum theory?.

    The Star Tetrahedron has played a central role in the work of physicist Nassim Haramein in furthering Unified Field Theory.

    It is quite significant to this discussion that Haramein arrived at some of his most important contributions to Einstein’s work by including movement (spin, or torque) to equations modelling the space-time continuum, instead of Einstein’s more static conception of space-time.

    The addition of this audacious and curvy, “feminine” element to the (“masculine”) field of mathematics proved to be a key insight in resolving some of the previous roadblocks in Unified Field Theory.

    Haramein’s amazing work shows that the underlying structures of all magnetic and gravitational fields— including the Earth’s—occur in star (double) tetrahedron shapes. These pyramids are clustered together so that they are pointing both upwards AND downwards, in a balance of gravitational and electro-magnetic forces that creates overall stability and ultimate sustainability.

    This balance is represented in a more basic form by the ancient symbols of the Star of David, comprised of a triangle pointing up, and a triangle pointing down, and the Yin-Yang, indicating the continual flow between expansion and contraction.

    We can see the Star of David and Yin Yang in action in another important figure in Sacred Geometry, the Double Torus, which is essentially a Star Tetrahedron set in motion. According to Haramein’s Unified Field Theory, the Double Torus illustrates the underlying structure and movement of everything in the Universe, from the smallest subatomic structures to the largest black holes (renamed “Black Wholes”) and everything in-between, including human energy fields and social/economic structures. Please have a look at the 3D (or is it 4D?) illustration at the following link:

    Here is another view of the double torus, the result of two opposing forces reaching equilibrium, thereby forming a recursive feedback loop. In contrast, pyramid schemes are an example of a vicious circle (positive feedback loop), which moves towards collapse if unchecked.

    There is something strikingly out-of-sync with sacred geometry & cosmometry about the current structure of the Women’s “Circle”: the constant funneling of money from the appetizers to dessert, with no equalizing flow back outwards of this money. Remember that the toroidal flow of the Yin-Yang does not merely travel inwards. It necessarily and holistically moves outwards as well.

    Case in point: Even if every single woman in “dessert” reinvested 100%—all $40,000—of their “gift” money back into “appetizer,” it fails to offset the exponentially-widening base of the pyramid. For one woman to get to dessert, 32 women must be recruited. Which means even a $40,000 reinvestment offsets only 8 (of 32) women.

    The result is a continual cash flow from the many to the few, which is impossible to maintain over time. For this structure to be sustainable, the concentration of funds into the “dessert” position must be stabilized by an appropriate “pay it forward” style-redistribution.

    Because they are not balanced by an opposing downward or outward flow, ALL pyramid schemes as we know them ultimately fail, as their base of support is drained and the whole structure implodes upon itself.

    Importantly, the Sacred Geometries the Double Torus and Star Tetrahedron reach equilibrium by balancing the opposing forces of implosion and expansion, of gravity and electromagnetism.

    Science likes to laugh at crystal pyramids but there is something behind it.
  17. Does anyone else do this?.
  18. first class status

    you mad average

  19. I only spammed the front page because I keep getting banned and deleted for no reason.

    THis is the loop and I'm half baked sploo.
  20. Lannys jealousy over HTS-sexy has reached critical mass. He is punishing the forum/all of you because I'm flailing like a madman. The only reason i'm flailing is because Lanny keeps delete and banning me for no reason.

    He is just mad that HTS-cutie likes me more so it started this feud. She still sends me nudes when shes drunk though so its not like you will ever win. When someone is drunk their true emotions come out and she tells me she loves me and sends nudes.

    Yup looks like you got cucked, again.

    Might as well just take the whole forum offline while I get paid & laid and fuck your bitches.

    Why doesn't your girlfriend post here lanny? hjahahhahahahahahahhaaa
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