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Posts by Half baked Schplew II "DONT ZATTOX ME FANGLECUCK!" : Scronaldo editiom

  1. how do I lewan every time Itry I just dfall backwards off my computrr chair and my mom stars tellinh at me???
  2. how do I lewan every time Itry I just dfall backwards off my computrr chair and my mom stars tellinh at me
  3. Originally posted by Magic-Scrawnson This guide is very powerful USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

    Just a small town girl….

    jk lol

    Okay so heres what you do, you need about 10-20 females you are sexually attracted to and methods to communicate with them, this can be social media, telephone, IM, or just hanging out.

    I even have a girl in the Philippines that I snail mail with, she has a kid and she is very sexy and smart. She sends me nudes.

    Also YOU SHOULD GO FOR GIRLS WITH KIDS/i.e SINGLE MOMS! aka YUMMY MOMMY! YOMMY MMMMIES!!!!!!! that way its not your DNA and as long as you aren't of those annoying lame step parents the kid will respect you more than their biological origins, they will think "look at this guy just swooping like a ninja"

    I have a bad habit of going for pregnant girls. It usually means they are in a relationship but sometimes even that doesn't stop me.

    Heres what you do when you have a good roster and your juggle is on point. Get them all to fall in love with you and tell them you are a Polygamist.

    I swear, I have been doing this for 10 years now and now my roster is all girls who are down with polygamy and all in love with me. As the years go by some will drop off but you just have to meet more cutie pies and talk to many females. Only the strongest will survive like its the hunger games!

    More like thirsty games AM I RIGHT?

    And thats it, right now all these girls are adding each other on facebook and everything, they have started talking to each other. I meet new girls and I'm like "I'll bring you into the fold" and they have no objections as long as I dominate the fuck out of them all. I have no idea what im doing to be honest I think this could end bad.

    But they are like racing to marry me first, the ones without children are the hungriest.

    This guide is very powerful USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!
  4. Originally posted by Zzanny wen dose my ban expire

  5. How do I join the loop?.

    Maybe if I took some nardil and smashed my head against this desk hard enough I could post like you guys.

    How to report posts the captcha is broken for me.

    Ware SC post?
  6. Sorry but when your account gets deleted without warning you have no time for anything but mispelling and calling everyone a faggot.

    Thank Captain Lanny "pass the vermouth" lanyard literally huffs JENKins for that feature.

    Hey at least the spam is gone though?. It only took him weeks of binge drinking to solve that issue.

    Jeff Hunter be damned, Idio who? this kids cuckholdry is fucking legendary.
  7. WHy is there a blank char after your name
  8. Originally posted by -SpectraL She's a loser.

    This just means I can fuck her easier.


    Post last edited by Half baked Schplew II "DONT ZATTOX ME FANGLECUCK!" : Scronaldo editiom at 2017-07-05T00:25:28.206101+00:00

    Post last edited by Half baked Schplew II "DONT ZATTOX ME FANGLECUCK!" : Scronaldo editiom at 2017-07-05T00:25:40.866384+00:00
  9. Originally posted by Totse 2001 Oh and Bill Ayers should not just condemn the attack of 2001 (as is stated) but use his former knowledge to help prove 9/11 was orchestrated by False jedis (Mossad agents) Arab Royals and the mother fucking Bush admin. along with banking groups

    Him and his buddies of the Chicago 7 (or whatever they were called) can help Wikileaks. Or is he secret CIA asset?

    YOu should be permabanned for the summer for

    1. making this in the wrong subforum (its actually two threads worth of content, one half should be in Explosives and everything else in politics.
    2. spamming and off topic.

    Lynch this madman AI computer god! beaver creek be dammed!
  10. I have two good explosives/bomb threads, on deck, waiting for Lanny to finish his vermouth binge and die so I can post these threads.

    I'm not posting anything else long and well written like this only to have it banned to the void, I have 100+ threads like this and as soon as I get "unbanned" and I post them all I will just be banned again for spamming.

    Welcome to the hyperloops, my name is Sploo and I'm your void tour guide.

    edit: the word "binge" after vermouth.

    Post last edited by Half baked Schplew II "DONT ZATTOX ME FANGLECUCK!" : Scronaldo editiom at 2017-07-05T00:21:25.526987+00:00
  11. I think they suck quite well, maybe you just keep getting ones with no previous oral sex experience?.

    Send em my way gont.

    Originally posted by Malice You were nothing but a sperm, Bill Krozby. You literally just posted this a few hours ago:

    Thats called cucking a female, something you would know nothing about since your first sex experience be with an overpaid escort that takes your money, calls you a cuck and walks away.
  12. I swear Infinityshock is just a RisiR alt.

    They only ever reply to each other.
  13. Originally posted by Captain Falcon God damn shut the fuck up faggots

    I'm sploo now eternally banned to HB (who was sploo before sploo was sploo?). Except the 3 cuckateers Idio Fango and cocklin at least were gentlemen about it. You all caught in theloop!!!

    Not like this fat alcoholic who is such a lazy laid back cuck that If burnish spammed his PI and doxxed him he would actually call the police or something while keeping the forum online or something equally as retarded.

    You will never have another coupon guy with this rat pulling the strings, he has admitted that he refuses to ERASE posts because he doesn't want to get in trouble for destroying evidence lol.
  14. Originally posted by 霍比特人 85% of Malice's posts have content, whether you find it interesting or not. I usually don't, but he's still leagues better than scron.


    replace "Malice" with any of your gay card carrying cucks from zoklet, you will all defend each other because you are all you have.

    Its sad really
  15. TFW I'm sploo getting banned to HB.

    how are you guys liking the loop?

    Originally posted by Malice How much time do you spend indoors tweaking and doing nothing but making an insane amount of worthless shitposts and spam, bitching about being banned, which you fully deserve?

    Fucking incredible how oblivious and deluded you are.

    I will admit to doing lots of drugs and not leaving the house much but all I do is make pictures on my phone and stalk HTS, listen to music and read about chemistry.

    I have no time to spam this place nor do I have the resources or energy. I can't even figure out how to set up my own forum when I have unlimited cash.

    You are stuck in your own fantasy realm if you think anything here has any bearing on real life at all. If you want to see the 100+ good threads ive made since April I'll gladly dig them up, how would I have all this time to write all these threads that take me days of research while outspamming Burnish & Bling??

    You give me way too much credit. The only way I could do such things would be if I was more than one person............

    Or if I existed in multiple dimensions alongside the ones you are all stuck in.
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