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Posts by Grumpy & Gay Rape fun in the Florida sun MONGOL VOID KING Skronqldo

  1. Originally posted by Captain Falcon God damn shut the fuck up faggots

    Hey thats pretty good. I think this should be a new meme.

    Also thats a good song title.

    I will drop some OC tonight LOOK FOR IT!!!
  2. Originally posted by Malice Scron, I swear to god, you of all people acting elitist and considering yourself superior.

    Whoa there old man no need to fly off the handle. I think its time for your nap and some price is right reruns. Take your cuck dope and be good now.

    Lol I consider myself superior? , maybe only to you. Sorry but I grew out of the whole "beta beta" phase when I was like 16 years old.

    You fruity sheltered fun in the sun Americans are stuck in our own little tiny dimensions completely unaware of the true reality lurking in the shadows.

    Maybe if you got out more you people would understand the world better. How much time do you all spend here angry, pissed off whining about useless bullshit only cucks care about?, fantasizing about sploo banging his head (Roshambo made a meme of this Years ago AND YOU JUST THINK OF IT NOW LOL)

    No disrespect to shamby but his intelligence leaves you in the dust, I think we all knew that though, its just very funny to see it proven before your eyes every time Malice makes a post

    Existence is much more than TRT and cuck drugs.

    Dare to huff the overlapping dimensions? Do you even straddle??

    Post last edited by Grumpy & Gay Rape fun in the Florida sun MONGOL VOID KING Skronqldo at 2017-07-04T23:20:01.997130+00:00
  3. Originally posted by Sophie Jesus Christ you're like that grumpy old man that resents everyone else for having fun.

    Grumpy old men used to be cool ubermensch that were masters of the world around then until their cognitive functions went into sharp decline and they develop mood disorders and backwards self destructive logic, drive away all their friends and loved ones because they are such miserable wastes of space.

    Except malice isn't a man at the end of his rope or someone with a dying brain. He's always had cognitive dysfunction and it really shows since all he can post these days is cracked out blog post rants in TRT "HURR durr ns197nardil hurrr"

    All people do here is bitch and whine about how much this forum sucks, everything suck BAN x User. Life is so unfair , you all deserve so much better than this!!.

    Does anyone actually ever post about hobbies or stuff they like?. There are probably some 0zero reply threads a few dozen pages back.

    Also I find it pretty funny how 95% of this user base is hopelessly forever alone, no real life friends. Nobody here uses FB because none of you want to add each other and have your PI spammed by card carrying cucks.

    The loooooop
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