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Posts by Legalize Prostitution, Murder & Drugs.

  1. Oh god just ran out I feel horrible
  2. Originally posted by -SpectraL Also, breaking news…

    The Department of Homeland Security has just declared Antifa a terrorist organization.

    I thought that happened already? Usually I see this stuff or predict it will happen long before it ever does.

    Freeman on the land was a very worrisome addition to the list.. As far as political movements go its really the only one worth looking at and my own movement has a lot in common with denying authority of the state.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL The United Nations used to be called the League of Nations, and it was just as useless now as it was then.

    While you are correct about the League of Nations being a do nothing drinking club, which is exactly why they turned it into a globalist conquest for domination and control.

    Every country must follow.

    The biggest lie being that all their medical, economic and political efforts only benefit the ones at the top while everyone else is forced to give up their humanity and join the system.
  3. Originally posted by RestStop That nigga went hard AF tho' FAM.

    Yes but it wasn't for his people, behind the scenes he just took orders and tried to look good for the global power struggle.

    He was betrayed and made out to be the scapegoat.
  4. Originally posted by RisiR † Adolf Hitler.

    lol he is a large part of the reason why we have the UN today.
  5. I was up all night doing cocaine and I feel just fine.
  6. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Everything from gay pride day, antifa, black lives matter, Donald trumpians, Bernie cucks, brexit, thekkk, the dallas cowboys, it really brings out the cringiest in people.

    The only thing people should take pride in is their selves and loved ones that treat them well and inspire them.

    like look at 1:40 the girl can't even stand up, yet is holding a bat like she is going to "crack sum skulls" anyone could swiftly walk around stabbing her with a knife like the pig she is.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-07-02T21:43:00.533173+00:00

    Exactly. Thats why the political movement I'm starting is not really a movement at all
  7. First world democratic political parties have zero independence, left wing, right wing it doesnt matter because the extreme of either is identical to the other .

    What it really is is United Nations state building and its the real NWO/Illuminadi 1% everyone harps on about.
    The people you vote for have sold you down the river.

    Its not your fault for supporting these corrupt puppets, every name on any ballot is not a free vote.

    So I guess what I'm trying to say is any party that adheres to the UN is inherently non democratic.
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