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Posts by Mitya Coil

  1. Mitya Coil Yung Blood
    one WHOLE cummy bear?

    massive pussy
  2. Mitya Coil Yung Blood
    Originally posted by hydromorphone It's more of an ER thing, and while I suppose some ERs might see more suicide traffic than others, it's probably not a super common thing. Plus, you're dealing a lot with young kids, teens, young adults, mentally ill people, and won't find a lot of humor in most of their stories that brought them there, or the way they attempt (overdose, slitting wrists, failed hangings… use of firearms- I knew a guy who'd attempted with a .22, and well, he survived, and was fucking asshole, retard. I didn't mind the retard part, but he really was an asshole. He kept expecting that if he INSISTED on doing shit for me, like fucking arguing with me until it's like, fuck… or even going so far as to snatch shit out of my hands, in attempt to do this first perceived kindness for me, but later blatantly saying I "owe" him something for that, and meaning sex, despite me saying from the first time I'd met him that I didn't put out, engage with anyone sexually, and definitely wasn't looking for a relationship at all, and had never changed that whatsoever. He wasn't "retarded" like most peopled think of, he was able to communicate pretty well, and while not being "smart", wasn't terribly dumb either.

    I'd heard from people he know for a lot longer, before he attempted suicide (went to a party, and he acted like a fucking ass toward me, and all these girls whom had dated, or knew him fairly well told me a lot) he was into running track in highschool and that was it. He fucking didn't have the time of day for girls, and didn't afford much attention toward them. He'd gotten very depressed, went through a bad loss of someone dear, and that's why he'd attempted while abusing opiates and benzos. After the attempt, he became super interested in woman, and sex. He was trying to fuck his friend's mother, like seriously. He'd just randomly came up to her one day, stuck his tongue in her mouth and grabbed her ass and tit with the other hand, and got kicked out of there to never be allowed back (I know the woman, she's a friend of mine, and she only let him back for a party in memory of her daughter who'd died in a fire, and he was close friends with her before she died), fucking he'd come on to every girl he thought he had a chance with. It was fucking clear as fuck that the inhibition, and discipline side of his brain was damaged from the gunshot, as well as what the fuck ever part fucking handles common fucking sense. He developed epilepsy from the injury to his brain. He'd ran his mother broke to be able to afford weed, but also was on anti-epileptic medications, because weed somehow "helped", but he'd still "get" seizures… da fuk? It was his excuse to smoke weed everyday, all day, and have no sense of conservation, and a good excuse to guilt his mother to buy it for him, spending a fuckton, while he did shit but chief up all day, despite this really causing a lot of financial problems for his family… I'm not saying smoking weed for him was a bad thing, but it fucking was NOT medicinal usage, especially considering he'd have no ill effects without it other that being pissed he didn't have weed, or being that he was using other medications to control the seizures, and couldn't use marijuana alone to manage them. He also refused to use edibles, and thought they were dumb… and would just smoke to get as stoned as he possibly could. VERY self centered, egotistical person, where he felt like everyone should feel sorry for him for his own damn fucking stupidity in failing to fucking kill himself. I fucking told him one time after first meeting him, and talking about it(he brought it up, not I) "yeah, well when I finally get to the point of blowing my brains out, I'm at least going to do it right so I won't have to suffer like you have. I'll use a .357 or fucking higher caliber than you chose to us…" and he kinda got bent out of shape because I didn't stroke his sympathy boner and go on about how fucking sorry I felt for him. he tried to tell me "Well, I didn't know any better about calibers and shit…" lol "well, if you're going to end you life, the least you should do is spend a little fucking time researching to see if what you're going to do will actually work without a risk of failure. I wouldn't want to put the people I love through all that shit… If I'm dead, they'll get over it, but risking being a vegetable, or a life long burden on people I love, I feel is a lot worse. I'd never use a 9mm or .22, there's too much chance it'll just fuck you up, and if you're going to do it with a gun, aim for a closed casket anyway. Make sure, when you put that bitch to your head and pull the trigger, you essentially paint the room you're in in brain matter, and skull fragments, with not much being left to what used to be your face". I was pretty suicidal at the time myself while speaking to him. I got the impression when he'd "attempted" he was crying for attention and the benzos really fucked his common sense up quite a bit. He blamed opiates for what happened, saying "If I'd never had used them, I wouldn't have got to the point of doing it", when really, it was likely the benzos, but still… He did it were there were people close by (showing I think that he was crying for attention- people who care about their loved ones, wouldn't fucking shoot themselves literally feet away in another room while everyone is home, I don't think, not the way he talked about how much he loved and cared for them and didn't want them to deal with his bullshit… You'd think you'd at least try to be alone, where if you did fuck up and didn't die immediately, you'd bleed out shortly from lack of medical attention. Hi whole persona screamed of attention whore, self serving, and he LOVED the attention and sympathy his issues, and "suicide attempted" got him… it was literally the first thing he'd tell people upon meeting them, like WTF? People like him… you just think… why? oh why… why couldn't they just been just a tad bit smarter and completed it… fucking literally a failure at everything and refused to go to college ("because… it's too hard and stressful, and I have a brain injury!") or have a job of any kind ("I already get SSI check anyway… why would I work?" despite being physically able in every way, and able to communicate, was very social and outgoing, and could understand directions, but he'd want to just argue on "why" he should or couldn't do something such as INSISTING to drive my car, which wasn't even my car… He'd had his learner's permit (22 years old, but at least I give him a pass her unlike §m£ÂgØL, he did have a brain injury as an excuse, having occurred 5 years before, it's understandable it'd take that long to straighten out his seizures and other shit), but it wasn't even my car, and explaining to him that I wasn't comfortable letting ANYONE, much less an epileptic kid, who'd botch a suicide with a gun, having brain damage drive a car I KNOW the owner wouldn't be happy knowing someone he's never met, never mind the other shit, was driving his car. Fuck, I didn't even let most people drive cars I've fucking owned, because I'm fucking paranoid and don't trust people. He fucking literally wanted to fight and yell about it, like fucking, dude? da fuk? and he fucking knew better. He was just very immature and used to getting his way, and hated then when his disability interfered as an excuse of why I WOULDN'T give him his way. Another time, a mutual friend was sick and need a ride home from the doctor's office, so we went to pick her up. I told him to give her the front seat, since she was sick, and had a big bag with her, and the backseat didn't have as much room in it. He fucking wanted to argue with me over this, and fucking the said "yeah, but she's sick… I could like… catch it from her" WTF? lol so her sneezing on your shoulders, and coughing on your back is A-OK? lol We're in the same fucking car anyway! I just wanted her to be more comfortable, and it was literally only a 5minute drive to her house, and he'd be able to sit up front again. Incredibly childish shit, which might be part of his injury, but I think it was truly from him being spoiled, pampered, and always given his way because of the sympathy and guilt his family and friends had for him attempting suicide. I fucking don't understand people who fucking live to get sympathy and use it in every act of their lives t get what they want… fuck, I wouldn't want ANYBODY to be pitying me, or sorry for me like that. I'd be wanting to HIDE the fact I was a retarded idiot who fucking failed with a gun at suicide and fucking basically fucked my brain up permenantly… Id be trying to either do it right, or move on with my life and be the best person I could be, and do as much as I could to raise myself higher, be it by having SOME kind of job, pursuit, goal, or education… but nope.. fucker just wanted to be babied forever, and felt entitled to everyone giving him his way, and driving his mother into debt so he could just sit around and get high all day, and dip out to try to get laid with every female he crossed paths with in the most creepy, weirdo ways possible. The girl I'm friends with, who also has known his for many years, says she really think he's capable of rape… and the way he's gotten and stories I've heard (from him too!) really do sound like he is capable of doing it- he;s also got into a lot of legal trouble (shoplifting, stealing, trespassing after warnings already issued, he even had a restraining order when he kept going over to this girl's house when she'd told him to stop coming over, and mailing weird letters to her too) but gotten out of it because of his "brain damage"…. lobotomies are no joke but I think he was always a spoiled attention seeking brat, but this just exacerbated his personality to be even worse with no inhibitions, or boundaries, and also lacking any social couth, respect,, and common sense. I too think he was a sociopath. It was very hard for him to relate to others, but he expected everyone to related and understand his "struggles and injury" and why he constantly brought it up in almost every conversation, like he was proud of it or something, IDK….

    You used every neuron in your brain to write this
  3. Mitya Coil Yung Blood
    Well I am always wearing gloves when I'm on a job, and my jobs involve looking as inconspicuous as possible and prepared for police interaction.

    Any normal person wearing gloves might look strange but I find some kind of PPE will make your whole outfit blend in much better.

    People have even asked me "whats with the gloves and mask?" And I always say I'm going to work or coming back
  4. Mitya Coil Yung Blood
    Last night! I was black out drunk and don't remember a damn thing.

    I am $400 poorer thou
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