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Posts by Scrawny I

  1. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 You last way longer than 20 minutes. And yeah, we could ignore you and then get back to browsing instead of "welp scron is having an autism seizure again, guess I'll just go back to drawing dicks"

    What? what plane of reality are you even on.

    I think you are all too slow to run a forum.. you kids have no idea what the fuck is going on.

    How well did this work out on RDFRN? do you people learn nothing?.

    Remember chris hansen where is he??????
  2. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    okay maybe there should be an ignore but its not hard to just make one yourself like the 4chan plugins, lazy fucks.

    But if there is an ignore function ..

    You should be able to ignore yourself.

  3. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 We need an ignore function so that scron becomes dickless. We can just hit 'ignore' and boom.

    Yeah you are so original you are only literally the last person to think of this, retard. Its been discussed to the point where I think none of us even want to code it, fuck it. Too much effort to ignore accounts that can be deleted easier.

    REALLY USE YOUR BRAIN... we are on the way to some next level space age forum software here and you got SCRONALDO THE SPACE BLOB consuming all matter destroying the universe cheering you on.

    I will destory nigga space station last, you must watch loved ones die first.
  4. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    I'm not clicking anything you post you scummy fuck but you don't think everyone here that knows anything about CS (including myself) doesn't rack their brains trying to make the software perfect.

    I'm like the bug finder, forced evolution nobody asked for, I don't even want to do this but its the path. Lanny is steering the ship, not me.

    You forgot how much I contributed, I even designed the favico.

    Fix IP ban screen + allow people to delete posts and all problems are fixed.
  5. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    How did you get a triangle at the endd.

    Originally posted by runtigerboi it sez in english underneath

    post of the year
  6. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    Originally posted by aldra use geany as a text/code editor, if you want a bigger word processor you can use libreoffice

    thanks for the tip mate. +1 on u
  7. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    go tige go
  8. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    Ignore an account that gets banned in 20mins? THats stupid.

    YOu don't even need an ignore list just fix the IP ban screen and let people delete posts and everything will be fine. I'lm working on it myself but peop[le keep banning me and distracting me.

    YOu are holding up your own production???.
  9. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    >american posting about nazis

    redneck AF
  10. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    who let you off the leash
  11. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    also I meant to make this in half baked , I am so high hahahaha
  12. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    I had that one thread in art and design where I made tripcode art..

    Yeah im mad. I''ll never make a fucking piece of art for any of you ungrateful fucks again as long as I live.. just shit memes and I will actually try to make them horrible on purpose this time.

  13. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    thats a good tige *pets tige*
  14. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    Why are you still on mukbang lol.

    I swear Im gone for a month you are all slow motion.
  15. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    Good music tine!
  16. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    thats a good tige *pets tige*
  17. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    Tigee!! tieee whoa tige whoa good tige
  18. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    And no I don't use MS word because I'm not a cuck.

    When I was a kid in the 90's I remember the default word software let you do all this stuff and more, now its 2020 and I can't even get a word count?.

    Thats so crazy.. I needed to see how many words I have so I just copy+paste onto here and hit submit and a little red box comes up and tells you how many words.

    Also I find the text box on this website / mobile to be better than a lot of other things. THats pretty sad when this lannycode is better than MS software lulz.
  19. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    Originally posted by aldra I don't know or care. throwing a tweakertantrum even if that is true doesn't help your case

    Tit for tat , dont be a zat.
  20. Scrawny I Houston [mockingly ostracise the devisal]
    Originally posted by Malice No one gives a shit. Stop meth posting and shitposting about meth constantly. Do something else when you're tweaked out other than spending all day on here, you fucking drug addled loser. Quit your job and become homeless, commit suicide, or overdose already.

    I wrote this

    Or maybe to do slave labor. If you were forced to knit baskets for 12 hours a day in a room with armed guards watching
    you, think about how many people would end up just a bit happy because of the new basket they just bought! I mean, that's
    so much better than the feeling of disgust and hatred everyone gets when they see you anywhere.

    I know I said never mind before but you mean so little you work a lot better as a punching bag. Your thoughts and feelings are completely worthless. You should go into the sewer and eat shit to survive, because someone like you going to a catholic school
    is shameful, and the fact that you go home from school every day to a house with food, water, and heating, and only get spanked by daddy 3 to 5 times a day means that life really is an unfair, terrible thing. You're like a walking garbage bag full of dirty AIDS needles.

    So the real question is: WHY THE FUCK WONT YOU DIE ALREADY?????? >:(

    I think I really will leave you alone now though because I've been doing this for like 7 months and it's starting to get kind of boring. I think I've made my point lol. Your only friend is a fucking DOG, I guess that's a shorter way to put everything I just said. You're basically a step below human in evolution, like you're a monkey disguised as a really ugly [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=14px]disabled[/SIZE][/FONT] girl. AIDS must be a hell of a drug.
    Voodoo magic destruction is what gets me going late at night when there's not much happening but for whatever reason I feel better than I usually do which must be from the adenosine or whatever levels getting altered when one offsets their circadian rhythm. I feel sedated almost just by watching Family Guy which is pretty much the worst show ever made but it has something in it that makes people crave it. Then I pass out around 1am and leave my mortal body where I cast spells n shit trying to learn who I really am by overcoming permanent DSexM depersonalization. bundy ruined my first sexual experience because I was going on a cruise shit and I was coming down from bundy and I felt like dying because I didn't feel human. Then I actually took a shower and talked to Skyler who was such a cutie and I still ruminate over that time because I think I still am kind of infatuated with her. But voodoo magic man. Let me tell you about those fucking golf shoes man! They are terrains for the soles of my feet to be profoundly uncomfortable in so I never wear them and I don't know anyone who does either. Then again, what kind of loser do you have to be to play golf in the first place? I can't imagine that ever being fun, ever. I always reach a downtime in my stimulant usage where I'm done working on my megapuzzles and then I can't think of anything to do except play the bass guitar or STARCRAFT or something, yeah, maybe i'll play starcraft. And heres a revision on that puzzle I was working on before with a better explanation.
    Things have been getting worse in a way. I smoke spice for 4 hours a day by trading my abilifys and seroquels for it which the guy snorts, been binging on zoloft, snorting addies. My parents are making sure that I never have cash again because they're sick of my bullshit. Yesterday I just slept all day long because I was getting enraged about ashley liking occasional violent videos on youtube. Like what the fuck girl you're 13 are you just the antichrist and you made a sucker out of me maybe you're just pure evil. I wonder if she ever cared about me at all. I don't have anyone to reach out to, and I feel like things are getting worse because I continually ostracize myself from potential friends. I just need a GF already and I think I'll be able to get one soon because this girl Emma at the church drama production is getting sort of interested in me. I always seem to attract the same sorts of people though and I can never tell if they're threats to my being. This girl Emma is just like classic schizoid personality disorder anime watching weaboo who's somewhat flat and androgynous but she likes to help people out, she's pretty, and she's nice. I think I've been hurt by women way too many times in the past. Nobody loves you like they say they do, or nobody loves, one or the other. I used to be able to do a ton of reading on different subjects and develop new theories but recently I havent been doing much except polysubstance abuse. I need to find a new interest to perk me up, like math of some form. I'm done with my IQ testing website officially because I have enough tests but it's like a massive savant skill gone to waste. Scoring the answers is fun but I think I'll have to design a new sort of test to be innovative, or rather, turn it into a puzzle-like computer game with some sort of theme and story, or they could be like dungeon puzzles in RPGs. But anyways, I guess by the predetermined laws of attraction I'm of course going to find girls who mimic me in certain ways. Skyler was glib, abused, and a fledgling alcoholic, Mellissa was a psychopath, Ashley was cold and a total loner. I wish I could live in a reality where I'm the decent guy and I meet decent people who don't make me have to reconsider my (lack of) morals. My life is in a continuous, lazy fog of boredom and anger. I take those things to heart….bitch why would you walk away from me when I wanted to give you a hug and you looked at me evilly huh?? Also, I probably need to get my ego in check because I'm obsessed about what my actual worth to the world is. Am I attractive? Am I ugly? What is my actual IQ? I use that as a defense mechanism so that when someone hurts me I can just remember that I'm superior to them. People are just full of shit in general, that's my opinion. Everyone's out to harm you and nothing is to be taken at face value, and whenever I let my guard down, something happens to make me put it back up, because it seems sadism is inherent in every human no matter how pure they seem. Are there people on this earth who don't secretly get some sort of pleasure from inflicting harm, whether it is in the real world or a virtual world, I do not know. And it's like a tunnel, you can go deeper and deeper and see how sick someone's inherent nature is, but then when you combine it with the positive things they do…are they okay in actuality? Human morality is so complex and subjective I guess we just have to go off gut feelings and value judgements. MONDOf____xxx____xx_____xxx______ /\__ _\ /\ ___\ /\ ___\ /\__ _\ \/_/\ \/ \ \ __\ \ \___ \ \/_/\ \/ \ \_\ \ \_____\ \/\_____\ \ \_\ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_/2019-09-31 at 3:39 PM UTC in wVSwSSSSdl They all became hated because they fucked up. Period. End of story. They became too big for their britches and then they got knocked off their perches/high horses for it. If they hadn't of gotten so high and mighty, they woulda been fine. They disregarded any and all good advice in exchange for the stupid little egos. They just forgot that some people won't just roll over like dumb dogs in the road, but they sure learned the lesson in the end - every single damned one of them. Do I feel bad for them? Boo-hoo? Not a chance. They made their beds, and now they can fucking lie in them. oxycontin oxycodone abg 20 ivaxMeh… let's say you have a house, and it's fully alarmed, and someone still gets in and steals your stuff. That's not your fault. Nothing is secure on the Internet. The fault lies with the thief, not the home owner. The only way to be fully secure on the Internet is to not be on it.As for Idiosyncrasy, I actually like the guy and respect a lot of things about him, but my own personal preferences, likes and respects mean jack shit when it comes to the cold hard facts, and that's all anyone should really care about. He just stood there and did nothing the entire time the closing was being grossly mishandled, member accounts were shat on, possibly useful content was whisked away for no good reason, the whole time he just sat there and watched and didn't even twitch a muscle. He didn't really care all that much about his PI, he was just being passive and apathetic and useless, like he has been for the past 7 months. Well, that's the facts of it. And whether I personally like the guy really means jack shit in light of that. He betrayed the Totse spirit in the end. Make no mistake about it. Nobody can even hope to argue that and walk away happy. oxycodone oxycontin m 30 MallinckrodTotse:You are kind of a dick arent you?Yung Blood (banned)do not clickespecially do not clickLol, these guys are still around. NOBODY uses western union anymore, not even scammers, even I'm not out of the loop this fucking much. Western Union bug has and always will be a ripper's myth. Now give the above poster his account back or I shall call the police, as a law-abiding citizen of the world :o, the attachment of sugar moieties to proteins, is a post-translational modification (PTM) that provides greater proteomic diversity than other PTMs. Glycosylation is critical for a wide range of biological processes, including the attachment of cell to the extracellular matrix and intracellular protein-ligand interactions. This PTM is characterized by various glycosidic linkages, including N-, O- and C-linked glycosylation, glypiation (GPI anchor attachment), and phosphoglycosylation, etc.More related information:! Afterward we can all fingerbang one another's buttholes! Im luvin it!!!! \O0 0o o0 0O/I fight homeless prostitutes and slap them bitches up
    I have an idea. I'm not guaranteeing it'll work, but it operates on a lot of principles that I know to be true.
    Long story short, the answer is the Wargames Sub.

    After we put up the site and advertise it in a few locations (4chan, reddit, whatever), A select few of you guys would be invited to a War Games sub. We leave registration open for a little bit, wait until we get a core group of a few people (we don't need a lot, a few are fine). We start by designing how we want our first war game to be. The first one It could be really basic, like connecting to a computer on my network and doxing "me" (fake information). The goal is to get a small group of people working together so everyone can supplement everyone else's knowledge and we can all work together on the stuff we don't know in order to build a better learning experience. When it gets a little bigger, we could have teams and target servers on either team.

    Whenever we create a campaign, we close registration. Then we spend a 1 - 3 months executing the campaign. You can still view the page but you can't register. People will see it, be interested, want to learn, and will join whenever registration is open.

    The other thing is that we'll probably only have one or two subs. The forum is so small that it'll look really inactive if we have a million different subs.

    I'm building a computer lab in my house as we speak, and I would be willing to get a unique connection and unique IP address specifically for these exercises. I'm going to school full time and am working a lot less so I'll have time to dedicate to this bullshit. Furthermore I'm going to school in a tech field so it's related to my education and I can ergo justify it.
    #100ThingsThatMakeMeHappy Marijuana Plants, Underage drinking, Meth, Crack, Weed, Cocaine, Molly, Stealing, Drugs, Guns. RT if you agree
    Geez the fucking salt in the comments! WOW! If you didnt believe me when I promised that I would change, maybe you will when you see me around more often… I just honestly don't understand how people have 0 P.O.s… Because I break rules that I dont even know are rules. Ive read the rules once and it took me a while, and I ended up forgetting them the next day. So God knows that I've fucking tried! You guys at this point just enjoy banning me is probaly what is going on. But its ok! ;) It's not like this server is the only gmod server I play on or anything. Not like I enjoy to RP until I get put in a sit with some asshole who mass RDMs and gets a warning, then 2 days later mass RDMs again and gets another warning. Then there's me, the guy who knows the rules, but not that fucking specific.. REALLY?!?! Am I really supposed to remember all of those rules word for word, when I have school, and sports, and everything else in my life! I love to play Dark RP, and only on this fucking server so God help me, if you dont believe that I don't break rules on purpose, then I will have to be an angel 24/7 and reading the entire rules every five seconds. I would normally read the rules once every other month… That's not enough I guess. That's my idea. I don't know what you guys think but I'm pretty confident it would work. I don't think it would attract a ton of people right away but you wouldn't want that to start. You'd want basically a select few guys who are knowledgable enough to execute this but not so advanced they blow everyone else away. It's very doable and, if the right people were in charge, you could wind up making something very successful.\vv \/ vv \/ vv/ Originally posted by infinityshocki promise, ill just use my fingeri swear…thats just my finger. stop trying to turn around. ok wen amin cont hear us in heare on a certain night we make a time n were jus gona go ragid on the forum an do a riot k who s down yuuuup, someone remind me to unban him tomorrow your keyboard sloberings mean absolutely nothing and have less credibility than that nigger jayson blair. case in point…you trying to pass off as references in that mexican apache helicopter thread that 'news' article which was, in fact, a pure speculation piece with zero factuality. as long as we're on that thread…you also mentioned something about arabs and vikings being the first to have their soldiers use drugs, and something about arabs being the first to make alcohol. welllll mr professional dipshit…soldiers were using drugs far further back in history than the vikings and arabs (opium). and evidence of alcohol use was found in china long before the a-rabs decided to become alkies. i didnt even reply to that post because your idiocy was so idiotic it wasnt even worth my time to reply.I probably align myself the most with the Taoist (or pretentiously Daoist) belief system. There are many facets of it that I do not wholly agree with and much of this I attribute to mistranslated and understanding on my part but as with all religious systems there is corruption and incorrect thinking on at least a minuscule level. If I were to call myself a Taoist I would not be able to call myself a true Taoist at least in terms of how the true chinese of the its golden age and would rather say that the writings of Lao Tzu and other daoist philosophers are most correctly in line with the right understanding of the universe.nothing i post is pretending. youre more than welcome to verify the accuracy via google or whatever other source you desire.its obvious you know nothing about what i know…especially when it comes to the flood event. yea, many religious texts and historic documents reference some sort of flood event. we both agree on that. they all have virtually nothing in common other than there being a lot of water…which is not surprising considering the authors may have been slightly smarter and more conniving than the writhing masses at the time, they are veritable retards when compared to someone from modern times. what their actual intentions are, it will most likely never be known, but its obvious they adjusted the story that they heard to suit their own needs when they passed it on. during a time when the majority of the human population never went further than a few miles from their home and never met any other humans from anywhere outside of this geographic area…its no surprise that information exchange was limited. the first documented source of a flood is akkadian HOWEVER it is known that before it was written, it was passed on as oral tradition. how long before being written down for posterity was it known? fuck, it could have been 10,000 years ago as a result of giant glaciers melting and flooding them…it could have been some perfectly natural precipitation event that dumped a little more water than normal (california this week?)…it could have been a fucking drizzle considering how little rain that area gets. (altho, i dont know what the weather/precipitation patterns were back 6,000 years ago…it could have been a veritable monsoon for all i know.) the middle east may have evidence of a flood event but considering the virtually infinity possibilities as an explanation for this event, theres no way to tell if it was localized only in the area that was capable of written communications…or if every square inch of the earths surface was submerged. and, what about human populations that werent didnt have the written betabet?ICQ : 697292644 GOOD HACKER FORUM - DO WU Transfer(western union) - Dumps Track 1 & 2- Bank Login -Software Wu Acc Paypal,Cvv Good and fresh, go ahead…keep posting stupid shit, and im going to pick it apart to show everyone else what a clueless idiot you are. Disulfide bond is a single covalent bond formed between the sulfur atoms of cysteines. The other sulfur-containing amino acid, methionine, cannot form disulfide bonds. Because it is a covalent bond, disulfide bond is often considered to be the primary structure. However, the function of disulfide bonds are far more than components of primary protein structure, they play a very important role in stabilizing the tertiary and quartenary structures, and are the prerequisite of proteins’ proper biological function. Originally posted by infinityshocki promise, ill just use my fingeri swear…thats just my finger. stop trying to turn around. My fellow niggas in space,It is not uncommon that our niggardly sniggering and niggering leads to some rather interesting scenarios. Indeed, this is the only place I know that leads otherwise intelligent people people hit on cute future "Faces of Meth" stars they know they shouldn't, get so high that they become mentally retarded and pretend they're a girl, inevitably get drink gallons of cough syrup for the lulz, write detailed stories of gruesome murders only to leave with a series of sommmmmmmQuestions, or rip off drug dealers with gold plated vending machine plastic necklaces while banging a girlfriend who knows you're a dignified pedophile. This is the only place where one man becomes an ordained shepherd of the Slam Pigs while a child gets unprecedentedly and massively butt-hurt (Dissociator).
    However, it is with heavy heart that I come to the community today with a different strata of observation - an observa
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