One perculiarity of our times is that people are so quick to accept the reality they see,touch, taste and smell. We do this automatically, disregarding the fact that every preceding age was totally mystified by existence, to the point that Mystics,poets, philosophers, sages,and spiritual teachers, without exception, insisted that there was an invisible, hidden dimension which constituted the "real" reality. In a hidden realm could be found God and the gods, heavens and hells, a domain of perfect forms, according to Plato, Nirvana, According to the Buddha, or some visions of spirits, ancestors, shamanistic creatures, and so on .
Where did this "real" reality go? The easy answer was simple. The hidden dimension was extinguished by science. I a scientific age, nothing was considered real unless it was formed by bits of matter, molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, bound by elementary forces. On this foundation, which is often called physicalist, reality became consistent from top to bottom, from the farthest galaxies to the domain of the quantum, leaving everyday reality - rocks.
But the easy answer has been unsatisfactory for over a century, even by the standards of science,and now physicalism hangs on by dint of scientific superstition, given that actually proving it is impossible. Without a doubt modern physics has revived a hidden, invisable, formless dimension that exists beyond time and space. This dimension preceded the Big Bang, without going into detail, we can accept what modern cosmology asserts, that something came out of nothing, the something being our universe and the nothing a formless dimension we can dub the pre-created state(even though there are problems with any word assigned to describe it, since words are a creation in time and space also).
So the mystery of "real" reality has returned with vengeance.