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Posts by Scrawny II

  1. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I can already see it. They're going to force us blue collars (and I've seen it happen in 2008) into tent cities.. we'll be like those people under highway overpasses. The problem is, many are just Families in transit looking to get help from welfare but plan on getting back on their feet.. they can't stop the asshole drunks and angry fuckers moving in and being around their children. they're lucky if they have a car to live in.

    I mean San Francisco has to be the only city in the USA where someone employed and has a family has been forced to live in an RV and park it in Golden Gate Park or some other area. I mean at least on a large scale. we are the homeless capital of the USA> some are normal people in a bad situation while many are sick and sent here from Utah, getting sued by San Francisco (and a few other states) and then you got the stereo typical drunk and crazy fuckers walking around shirtless and chose to drop out of society. Educated Men and Women who could of been lawyers or medical workers dropping out to live on the edge and do heroin and meth. I mean they're not victims of drugs, they literally chose to drop out and get high because it's a rush to live like pact of dogs?

    I'm not being a snob. I've been homeless but I tried to work, find a gym to workout and shower, try to eat what I could afford. I was forced into this. but now we all might be forced into this.. or 85% of the population forced into poverty. we will be house squatting and deadly fights will break out all over the place.

    this isn't a John Carpenter dark fantasy.. this has become reality. Probably why Lucas sold ILM to Disney and said "Fuck this.. I'm moving to the secret island". I don't know if he really said that but I wouldn't be shocked if he has.

    I'm gonna make a robot that auto generates your posts.

    First thing it has to do is make 3-4 paragraphs and have it do some long ran t about "Jeff Hunter" "TOTSE" "Beaver Creek" "California" "San Fransisco" "Bay area" "SF" "9/11" "2008"

    just a bunch of buzz words and random shit thrown in, yes I think this would be a good project.
  2. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Originally posted by Malice Yume, how long ago did you become a hiki and how? Where do you live (country, state)? Just curious, I didn't ask before.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Not sure this place is the appropriate location to be discussing personal background history.
    Maybe I'll make a documentary one day …

    Smart man, Malice is a known cannibal who likes to stalk people and his custom user title best buddy Lanny gives him the IP address of his targets.
  3. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    BURNOUT haha what a fizzle.
  4. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Originally posted by benny vader pedos are human too mane

    Yes just like Ted "Huff bundy Everyday" Bundy, going to your local school and shooting several children in the name of ISIS after you smoke some methamphetmines yuup god bless murica
  5. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]

  6. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    LOL. the zyngulriaty is real man ive been saying it all summer!!
  7. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Not very Patriotic of you, but I too am worried and I don't see a future of America if this continues. I don't want to live in a nation with a massive wealth gap between have an have nots. America was about Middle Class as well. prosperity for the common man. the population makes it difficult to compete.. so assembly jobs were created and Man didn't pass down to son or daughter of how to be self efficient and not job dependent other than their own skills. but we're all in a system of job dependency and therefor we should have strict rules on AI. the people will turn on those that have.. and these Russian AI Bi Pedal robots learning to shoot accuratly over the best marksmans should be a frightening thought for Americans. the temptation for a conventional war using AI against Americans on the battlefield will surely bring Nuclear exchange.. first small nukes on battlefields and finally IBCMs

    not to mention robots doing our Jobs. from all transportation libevery, taxi, truck drivers, commercial airline pilots, train conductors and engineers will go first. then medical assistance and then Doctors will be replaced in hospitals so Doctors will go independent and use more accurate AI while they control them or stand over them.

    retail stores are already losing business to online or are going online exclusively but any loader, stock clerk, cashier etc.. is being replaced.

    that leaves the Majority of the population with out work. what do you think will happen? riots, extreem riots and over powering a new AI police force (police jobs will go bye bye too to AI). People in the deep south or midwest might think this is excessive talk, but you come out to the tech hub in California or in Chin Shanghai, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and other nations with wealth.. you will know it's real and it's coming for your job and it will replace everyone out.

    Georgia Stones might be a real warning.

    <— i always notice near verbatim my statements are used by others. I've made these statements 20 years ago.. but it was still a world of "What if" scenario. and of course people have "what if" for centuries recorded in old archives. But we now live in the time of "What If" which is "Now Is"

    -totse2001 6/29/17

    moment before this post

  8. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Originally posted by ACE I really wouldnt want to visit a site with child porn on it period. For legal reasons. Like i wouldnt even want them to be able to say I went ti it.

    But besides that a darknet totse community would be great. They probably exist I guess.

    There are illegal pics on this site right now, just letting you know., I can provide links. Thank richard burnish and the card carrying cucks for that
  9. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    howd u do that
  10. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Okay so im gonna shooop that pic, what should the flags be, banners? trianglsm? ill make it anything u want.
  11. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    top toeing in my cowboy boots.
  12. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    More like the GAYzeeboo
  13. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Originally posted by ACE You want muh IP or something nigga?

    It would be cool to make a darknet version of totse but like rdfrn…but it would end up being abunch of pedos

    I am officially pudding my foot down right here right now. No more pedos UNLESS
    You also post about mass shootings, illegal drugs and serial killers in the same post.
  14. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Triangle of the screaming electron.

    Raw zimmys for raw splergs

  15. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Lol muricans gonna get mobbed by the lesbian mafia, ISIS and mexican cartel WOOP WOOP its coming DRIVE A TRUCK THROUGH A CROWD ON JULY 4th WOOP WOOOP!!!!!!
  16. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    I'm not gonna tip you, I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU!!
  17. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Originally posted by NARCassist the funniest thing about this fred is that it laid completely unanswered for 2 weeks until I found a beer for its op.


    You are a thread necromancer.
  18. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]

    I own both deez
  19. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Originally posted by NARCassist try rt instead.



    I'd rather watch alex jones.
  20. Scrawny II Houston [the macaronic luteal fas]
    Making your sig stretch the screen is the oldest troll trick in the book.
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