Actually pretty straight
[my uncorrupted problematic arianrod]
beetch my skin doesnt need a bunch of poison to look perfect
Actually pretty straight
[my uncorrupted problematic arianrod]
calling mash a retard wasnt very nice tho you fag
Actually pretty straight
[my uncorrupted problematic arianrod]
its never "no reason"
you are subconsciously in love
we know your spirit now
Actually pretty straight
[my uncorrupted problematic arianrod]
ah well
plz dont just toss it in the trash can that shit breaks my heart
take it with you wiped clean when you get your new phone and leave the old one with the store to get recycled
Actually pretty straight
[my uncorrupted problematic arianrod]
yeah it sounds like a hardware issue, I don't think you will be able to take care of it on your own, taking apart cell phones is UTTER HELL
Actually pretty straight
[my uncorrupted problematic arianrod]
as if there isnt a life to have at night time
Actually pretty straight
[my uncorrupted problematic arianrod]
do these things actually even exist lol
Actually pretty straight
[my uncorrupted problematic arianrod]
I cant think of anything deep fried that wouldnt be just as good to me air fried
Actually pretty straight
[my uncorrupted problematic arianrod]
at the moment I am camming in the NiS telegram chat video/voice party, hoping I will be able to go to bed at a sorta normal time .. lol