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Posts by Dankwest

  1. Dankwest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Malice You see HTS? I told you he was no good. Choose Lanny instead and get an all expenses paid trip to San Francisco.

    No i dont care about those other bitches
  2. Dankwest Yung Blood
    Let's fuck
  3. Dankwest Yung Blood
    Can confirm she's pretty disgusting.
  4. Dankwest Yung Blood
  5. Dankwest Yung Blood
    Ski lo
  6. Dankwest Yung Blood
    Haha you guys are too much
  7. Dankwest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Piles of Crack How the hell does amphetamine constipate you?

    i have no idea.. I try to eat but it just stays stuck in there, I try to drink lots of water.

    I'm probably just dying
  8. Dankwest Yung Blood
    I dont sleep..
  9. Dankwest Yung Blood
    Hah, gay tm that's a good one
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