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Posts by chimh chong un

  1. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
  2. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
    m&P bumming in a tree s h i t f u c k i n g
  3. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
    tiger pood
  4. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
    u need a van
  5. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
  6. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
    if u werent fat*
  7. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
  8. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
    dam rsb gota wach his back wen spoo sed he gonna kill him dawg
    if dats the past then whats the future???
    htv nood singing a chain vs mmucielago on th train???? lambergini crowed wif spice????????
  9. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
    iwas being raped by my grandma while doing this so plz dun ban meh. den my g
    oldfish jumpt on my keyboard and typt it. n den my monkey started banging my
  10. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
    What do you guys want me to do? I'll do anything. Anything but typing kill in the console of life.
  11. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
    First of all he didn't even tell me it was a sit I have the logs. So I didn't take it serious because I didn't know I was in a sit. I killed Bill Krozby because I mess around with him and he calls me a cuck and shit so I pmed him to come here and I shot him he wasn't doing anything staff related so I didn't interrupt that. He then teleported me to him and asked me why I killed him and I as a joke said I slipped but then said it was because he called me a cuck
  12. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
  13. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
    this was my 2nd rdm although my first one was because me and my friend was being mugged and the guy got mad when i started shooting him he said i wasnt part of the mug even though i was right beside my friend when he posted it. anyway i was not trolling i was killing the mayor because i didnt like the laws. i obviusly like this station i have almost 2005hr on it i never even got kicked from this station before that i recall. so why would you treat a longtime nigga that way. if you want more people to play the station dont burn your older niggas because they tell others about the station.
  14. chimh chong un Yung Blood [this reproducibly britannic orbiter]
    RP Name:ching
    Your time played on NiggasIS:
    Administrator's Name:ph4nnY

    Length of ban:1440 minutes

    Reason why you were banned:
    "RDM and leave, Read the rules before returning.".
    Reason why you should be unbanned:
    im not sure if the ban was false or not
    Additional Information: Hi i was raiding a drug base i dont recall rdm as i recall hitmen trying to kill me i was defending myself i dont recall maliciously rdming i raid alot im not accusing anyone of accusing me of false rdming i was logging off to play another game after raiding my freind said that i was banned i was raiding a fair bit today i would like to appeal this ban as i belive the ban was false i didnt just kill somone out of the blue i also been mugging a fair bit raiding nexus etc.
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