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Posts by Spiceroy

  1. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    i'll start
    every vocaroo should be a response to the one above you
  2. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht Lanny is a cool nigga and doesn't deserve that fate.

    haha you have assburger
  3. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep I enjoy stims so much more now that I spread the use of them out. I remember doing crystal like everyday for a few months, before I went to jail. this was like five years ago or so. It wasn't a super large amount or anything but just kind of like something I was using to get through the day. But the daily crystal use was a lot rougher on me than I realized at the time. I look back on how crazy I had acted & how obvious it must have been. Just totally twacked.

    Meth is so much more enjoyable to me now that I just get a large amount and binge for 3 days & don't touch the stuff for about a month or so till I binge again.

    I got a bottle of Sailor Jerry's today…Crouton just doesn't seem to be doing the trick for me anymore.

    die scum
  4. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    there should be a fund to kill him
  5. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    Originally posted by RestStop Sploo is definitely the most retarded faggot I've ever had the displeasure of seeing on the internet. I've been using the internet for 16 some years so that should tell you all something.

    y u mad tho?
  6. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]

    sploo or roshambo

    vote now!
  7. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    im talking about the guy who lives in a diaper
  8. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    oh u
  9. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    you deserve to be euthanized
  10. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    somebody should put a bullet through his head
  11. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon That's how I killed Mark, lol

    did he ban you
  12. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon At least he was attractive enough for his dad to bum.

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Sploo, you're a cute kid. Getting a girlfriend is not hard, you just need to not be a weirdo, get some confidence and partake in social activities. Find out if your college has a gardening club, go and honestly participate, and talk to the chicks there like a normal human being until you can ask them out.

  13. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone So… Like… What's your favorite thing to lay your head on when you go to sleep at night? Personally, I just ball up a bunch of blankets and make a little "hydro-nest", sitting on my pile of used and unused jars of T-PAIN like a dragon sleeping on their pile of gold… Just thought maybe you'd give me insight into how shitfuckers roll when they crash from Their crazy degenerate drug use.

    this person is a mother
  14. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    Originally posted by aldra they probably bummed each other too

    your dad waited until age 25 to bum you
  15. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    Originally posted by Malice Uh, that's really not something you should brag about.

    you've never even had a job you're so mentally disabled
  16. Spiceroy Yung Blood [frothily solace my piperaceae]
    starcraft2 is the same game as sc1 but with better graphics and less strategy/skill required. brood war is by far the superior game
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