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Thanked Posts by Narc
2019-01-07 at 10:03 AM UTC in ATTN: ECAPAnd then they all lived happily ever after.
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2019-01-07 at 2:12 PM UTC in 21 Jump Street (the 80's TV Series)
2019-01-07 at 12:18 PM UTC in The primary difference between developed and developing countries...I'm a bit confused tho. Are you suggesting the united states is a developing country?
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2019-01-06 at 12:37 AM UTC in Who would take receipt of me?
2019-01-04 at 11:59 PM UTC in Killing Someone At Random
Originally posted by esbity A random person would be for the thrill. Imagine the rush you'd have. It would last for a while. Kind of like a serious crime and the thought that you committed it and got away. That warm fuzzy feeling you'd get. Murder would be so much more profound.
Yeah would make sitting in a cell way much better.
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2019-01-04 at 7:39 PM UTC in If you're a Russian citizen and you criticize the Russian government...
2018-12-21 at 11:27 PM UTC in Commander in ChaosHe already does
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2019-01-04 at 11:06 AM UTC in My daughter just diedYeah and he quoted the shit out of it an all
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2018-12-23 at 10:14 AM UTC in What happened to Sophie/Psychomanthis?
Originally posted by hydromorphone I personally don't think it's so much a "forbidden fruit" thing, although I'm sure there are some cases of that, I think it's more a psychiatric disorder that needs proper professional help to be addressed, and as the system is now, it's extremely hard, even for one who has offended to receive proper treatment for their disorder. Everything else though, I do agree with you on.
Pretty much all non-vanilla sexual practices are based around risk in some form. Our brains are programmed to create exhilleration when we take risks. If you combine exhilleration with orgasm you got a really kickass high.
Think about it, having sex in public places, risk of getting caught, being tied up bondage etc, risk the other party might switch on you. Auto-erotic asphyxiation, risk of death. Serial adulterers, risk of getting caught, ending relationship. Its also why women are drawn to bad boys, risk of getting hurt makes it more exciting.
Of course the bigger the risk the bigger the high, so the risks associated with getting caught fucking a kid gives a massive high.
I'm pretty sure most people who partake will not really be consciously aware of why they do it tho and instead will focus their mind more on the objects involved in their desires. But at the end it all boils down to being more exciting because of the risks involved.
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2019-01-03 at 10:06 AM UTC in Life is total bullshit.Its funny whenever you walk around Europe or america and everyone just looks depressed all the time. Yet whenever you see people in piss poor third world countries most of them have big beaming smiles all the time.
That says a lot about wealth and happiness.
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2019-01-01 at 11:44 AM UTC in WTF is with people changing user names on this site?Clearly some users are discarding their accounts coz theve made total cunts of themselves and are too embarrassed to be themselves anymore. Like captain falcon and §m£ÂgØL for example. But they're so stupid they think they can come back under different names and everyone will either not realize who they are or will forget how much of a soppy faggot they were.
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2018-12-23 at 5:01 PM UTC in What happened to Sophie/Psychomanthis?Hahahahh §m£ÂgØL doesn't even know what a pedophile is. What a dumb fuck.
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2019-01-01 at 12:43 PM UTC in WTF is with people changing user names on this site?
2018-12-31 at 4:36 PM UTC in TIF by synthesizing an entire liter of GHBHere's a crazy thought, just sell it.
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2018-12-31 at 4:52 PM UTC in DOX THREAD: NARC HOME PHOTO
2018-12-31 at 9:39 AM UTC in The use of snitches in the war on drugs is beyond belief.I'm loling that everyone in this Fred said something smart except §m£ÂgØL. And he has the front to go calling others stupid, lol.
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2018-12-29 at 7:32 PM UTC in The use of snitches in the war on drugs is beyond belief.The legislators are way more evil than the drug dealers they claim to be fighting.
How the fuck can you justify ruining lives and communities like that?
Makes me wish some of these dealers would get smart and come forward and 'snitch' on some of these politicians and DAs for conspiring to distribute drugs. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
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2018-12-30 at 1:19 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention
2018-12-30 at 12:28 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention
Originally posted by hydromorphone I'd like to know too. He is a desperate little shit. I think he's just jealous. He never was like this until I moved on. lol it's sad, really.
You'd think he was the only faggot to ever get dumped and then find out a baby wasn't actually his after all.
I think we've all had that at some point in our lives, its no biggie lol.
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2018-12-29 at 5:14 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention
Originally posted by GGG You will get patients sick(er) from the unenhancemented water now because there is nothing to clean the water.
You really are making a mountain out of a molehill here, you soppy faggot.
Shows just how desperate you are to trash hydro for.
Why is that §m£ÂgØL? Why so desperate all the time?