2019-09-28 at 4:01 PM UTC
Incel Rant
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Originally posted by -SpectraL
Women want real men, not boys. A real man is proactive, brave and forward. Those on the road to success are marked with failures, but those who persevere win out against all odds. Go right on over there, say hello, buy them a drink, sit and chat, or leave, if they ask. You don't lose anything but your self-dignity by standing around waiting for the good life to come to you.
fucking hell, speculum actually saying summing real. you don't see that everyday.
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did you have to do a course to be this retarded?
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§m£ÂgØL what would you even know about airplane toilets? They're way too small for you to have ever fitted in one.
I'd hate to be on a long flight with §m£ÂgØL if he needed to shit. That would be messy as fuck, it'd stink the whole cabin out. He'd have to try and dump into a sick bag in his seat or summing. Just as well he'd be using two seats I guess, coz that would be nasty for anyone sitting next to him.
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Originally posted by aldra
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner"
I've long had a theory that modern 'liberal democracy' was designed to be easily controlled by high finance; that it's not a flaw but that it's entire raisin d'ettercap is to create a layer of beaurocracy between the people and actual power to effectively absorb any accountability and attempts at systemic change
i've always said if you want to know who's really running things in any country, then just look at who's got all the money. if you're in control then you're gonna tip the odds in your favor.
the only purpose of the government and politicians is to enable the real boss' to hide away and give the people the illusion that they have some form of say in what happens. the fact is that if the people really had a say in what happened then things would go their way and they'd get the things they needed.
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Originally posted by aldra
Cuck Island v2
There's nothing wrong with a 'dictatorship' though really, no more than 'liberal democracy' as a model. the thing that's important is accountability; the people need to be able to hang their leaders if they fail to serve them. the old Chinese called it 'The Mandate of Heaven'
just because a govt and a countries media doesn't refer to themselves as a dictatorship doesn't mean they're not a dictatorship. like how the UK is an authoritarian fascist state that wears a mask of democracy.
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Originally posted by Technologist
Glad you don’t feel that way Narc. It just seems like a lot of people would love to see America’s democracy fall. Such as;
If our democracy fails, we all have Trump to thank. It’s becoming a dictatorship by the minute. It’s fucking crazy.
That guy is pretty informative. His vids are good.
well actually i'd love to see americas so called democracy fail, because it already is an authoritarian fascist state, just like pretty every country in the west is. just because the media portray it as democracy and freedom and constantly shove that bullshit down your throat on a daily basis doesn't make it so. you know people living in germany in the 1930s also thought they were living in a free country and that it was the best country on earth. their media used to play the same game with them too.
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Originally posted by aldra
maybe one day they'll degrade into a monarchy
or maybe they'll become one of those totally cuck countries that bows down to another countries monarch.
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Originally posted by Fonaplats
I also need a water bottle.
Any suggestions?
only a real next level retard could be incapable of going to a fucking store and buying a fucking lunchbox and water bottle without help.
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Originally posted by Bill Krozby
I've known what it means for over a year now, you stupid idiot.
only a year?
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2019-08-24 at 10:05 PM UTC
Question for bennt vader
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i know coming on here and talking about all your pervy kiddy diddling fantasies to others gives you a twisted thrill. i disrupt that by constantly engaging you in endless circles of debate having you trying to justify yourself over and over and ridiculing you. and in so doing denying you want you really come here to do. i was never going to let you have what you really wanted.
you fucking bacon
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Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania
Why is it Blue. LOL She blew blue
because its from a blue movie silly
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Originally posted by -SpectraL
It's funny how even Wiki hides the fact that Tylenol is mixed with an opiate, codeine (15mg). Even the generic Tylenol has 8mg codeine in it. They don't want people to know.
vicodin and percocets also has tylenol in it. but not all tylenol contains opiates. you're talking about co-codomol there you idiot. you can get just tylenol just about anywhere.
the reason they put tylenol in over the counter opiates is to prevent people from abusing the opiates. this is what i mean why tylenol is more dangerous than heroin. it says a lot when they are using tylenol to make opiates too dangerous to take in anything more than a lower dose.
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wariat do you have a cat? maybe try and keep it off your keyboard.
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Originally posted by Grylls
More than 300,000 chicken boxes that feature a Home Office anti-knife crime campaign have been distributed to over 200 outlets across the UK.
As part of the government’s #knifefree push, the insides of the boxes are printed with real life stories of young people who have chosen to pursue positive activities, such as boxing or music, instead of carrying a knife.
another bullshit show by the authorities designed to portray them as our protectors, when in fact the truth is they created this knife culture problem in the first place. its like i keep telling everyone, they control you all by making you believe their are threats that only they can protect you from. when in reality the threats are imagined or exaggerated way beyond reality, or there are threats which they created in the first place. then they got everyone believing they are your hero's saving you. people really gotta start waking up to this protection racket.
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you guys do realize that there are countless people in this world with all differing opinions on just about everything right? and that your stuck up snobby opinions are just one of many, often completely opposing. so altho they may be the right opinions to suit yous and your stuck up arrogant self obssessed lives, other opinions are right for other people. that's how the world is, so some people like to enjoy the pleasant effects of smoking tobacco, and are able to pull off making smoking look as cool as it is, and aren't frightened little faggots who shit their pants when walking past a street light when their shadow suddenly sneaks up on them, and aren't the types of people who let media and govt scaremongering agendas rule every aspect of their pathetic conformist little lives. they enjoy living their lives they're own way by their own rules making their own decisions for what's right for them. where they decide what they do and don't do and are brave enough to accept the consequences of their choices if and when they happen. and they don't just jump onto some stupid faddy trend created to play up to that same scaremongering agenda and then desperately and patheticly go round acting like following that dumb fad makes them somehow cool because they've convinced themselves that doing so means they're 'popular' because all the others are doing it too. when in reality they are just a scared little sheep following the herd and doing exactly what the shepard has directed them to do.
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Originally posted by Technologist
I saw someone say before that not breastfeeding caused breast CA. Wrong. I breast fed my son.
Narc not sure if that’s what you’re saying, or if you’re being your usual sarcastic self.
i don't know how clearer i could have put it. not having as many babies in the modern world as women were designed to have, means less babies suckling on those titties which is less stimulation which is what used to keep cancer at bay. just having one baby doesn't cut it, hense why you now a titless old bag. i'm guessing your brains were in your tits an all.
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people use bitcoin to access illegal porn on the internet. nobody in their right mind would use their credit card which would very easily track straight back to them as soon as the site got busted.
secondly, why the fuck would you go to so much trouble to get credit card numbers etc, when you can simply buy live fullz on dnm sites like empire and cryptonia for as little as 5 dollars each ffs?
all that's involved in what you're talking about there leaves so much scope for you to trip up and leave a trail that would lead straight back to you. then you'd get busted big time, not only for the credit card fraud but for intent to distribute child pornography and shit an all.
see why you're so retarded now you fucking fool?
you need to stop dreaming pal, its gonna get you in a lot of trouble.
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2019-08-11 at 4:17 PM UTC
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Originally posted by Ghost
More people = more money being spent on commissary. It's a billions dollar industry selling all dressed chips and honey buns to inmates
the costs charged to the tax payers is where the real money is. we're literally paying them to lock us up on trumped up charges or over bullshit laws that shouldn't be laws in the first place. its unreal how people aren't angry as fuck about this tho. just shows the power of propaganda and fake media.
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pretty nice gear tho
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Originally posted by WellHung
What do you need the Rambo knife, for?
thats like a 3 inch piece that broke off a kitchen knife
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