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Posts That Were Thanked by Narc
2018-12-24 at 3:04 AM UTC in Listen up you snow flake Gen Ex’ers
Originally posted by Grimace I can't tell you how many times I was sent an E-MAIL or even a FACEBOOK MESSAGE by a kid who was interested in a job for the summer while out of college. An e-mail?? Is that supposed to impress me? Is that supposed to make me believe you are serious about the job and someone I need to look into further? Straight to the trashcan.
Is this a troll?
Someone politely inquires about your ability to offer an employment opportunity, and you act like a drunken thot in a disco rejecting a short guy?
This is why the white race is fucked. -
2018-12-24 at 12:53 AM UTC in Who you think you'd get on with best irl out of hydro and §m£ÂgØL?
Originally posted by Lanny Yeah, §m£ÂgØL's cool and I don't have a problem with him or anything but the, uhhh, way he conducts himself would start bugging me pretty quick. As someone who's a know-it-all dickbag, other people doing the same thing is… difficult to be around.
I think I'd get along fine with hydro as long as she didn't try to give me a back alley medical operation for some reason.
Just because I try to prepare for the worst case scenario, doesn't mean I'd preform a surgery on someone if they didn't want me to. I may make my case, and give my advice, but at the end of the day, that's your choice to make. I would want my wishes respected, so I would certainly respect the wishes of others. (an example: You experienced facial trauma that left you unable to breathe from swelling/injury, and either there was no way to get an EMT/Doctor/Hospital in time, and otherwise you would die if I didn't preform a circothyrotomy... Well, if I knew prior to this that you didn't want me to preform a life saving medical procedure on you... Well... I would respect your right to die if that's what you wanted.)
§m£ÂgØL has framed his experiences with me as though I've tried to force shit on him that he didn't want done, when that's furthest from the truth. I heard for MONTHS and MONTHS that he was scared he was diabetic, and he was often having anxiety over this potential fear, and family history... so of course I offered to check his blood sugar with the blood glucose tester I had, which I of course would have used never used sticks, and test strips with. I mean... this is the first line, and easiest way to see if someone is diabetic before going to a doctor to get a referral for blood work... which he also didn't want to do either... so of course after the thousandth time of him bitching about his concern that he was diabetic I said "For fucks sake, stop being a pussy either you stick, or let me stick your finger, use the tester, and fucking see what your blood sugar is before eating, an hour after eating, and then 4 hours after eating so we can get an idea with what your sugar is, and how if fluctuates/how your pancreas does with releasing insulin, and how much sugar you got floating around at given times... doing this multiple times will give us a frame of reference, and be able to determine if you should worry about being diabetic or not..." and then he would bitch and cry and say "No", but then go on crying and bitching that he was scared he was diabetic because a large portion of his family is diabetic. Even telling him to go to the doctor if he didn't want to check it out for himself, he would bitch and say "No". This is where he's gone on about "she'll try and poke and stick you" shit. At another time, when I was taking a B-complex IM shot to help me feel better, and have more energy, I OFFERED him a shot too, since he complained about feeling tired all the time (one of his concerns about being diabetic.. lo, and behold, he was just lazy) and he acted like I was threatening him all because I was holding MY shot when I offered him a shot. I never pushed the issue, I just explained how it might help him, and that there was no real risk in taking an IM shot of a B-complex.
Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Hydro would be tryin to get my nuts. Gawlum would be coohler.
uh, no, no I would not. I'm a lot less sexual of a person than I guess I've come across on the forum. I suppose it's because of 3 relationships that I've been in with other forum regulars. I got into those relationships not for sex, rather for the closeness to that person that we were at the time. Of course we had sex, but that was second to just wanting to be near that person, at least at the time.
Hell, PoC, we barely had sex once due to the fact his dick was so small he couldn't get it in me, and that's the God's honest truth, and I suppose that attempt was him "losing his virginity" lol. God... for the things I do feel bad for, it's for taking the virginity of two faggots on here. All it did was make make them even more faggots who blame all their problems on me rather than man up and take responsibility. Does everyone do this, where they blame everything on the first pussy the stick/try to stick it in? It seems that way.
Originally posted by GGG Literally the most degenerate users here are the ones who wanna hang with hydro lol.
There's a reason she doesn't have long term friends. You can usually tell how shitty a person is by their ability to keep friends. I have so many friends i cant count and many of them are long term friends.
I have a few long term friends, friends I've had for 15+ years. The reason I don't have a lot of friends has nothing to do with me making them. I have a lot of people I meet, and easily befriend. I've met people I've known now for years just by striking up conversation in a store, and hell, I've literally made 5 friends in the month+ I've been in the hospital. The guys who work security down at the main lobby desk LOVE me, and I bullshit and smoke all the time with them.
Ironically enough, I tend to go through very antisocial phases, and that's when I start avoiding people, not answering calls, having anxiety about just opening, and reading emails/mail they send me, or checking voicemail, which is why I don't even set VM up anymore. I'm pretty antisocial in general, it's just sometimes I get REALLY bad with it where I just can't deal with most people. The people who stick as friends are the people who are persistent, and patient with me.
§m£ÂgØL forgets that there was several occasions where I pretty much told him to fuck off and go live his life, and he forgets that he literally threatened me if I didn't stay talking to him He threatened to call DFC if I wouldn't stay his 'friend', because apparently just updating him on the status of the baby wasn't good enough, and this was before my son was even born, before I left my ex of 11 years, before there was anything between us. THat was his chance to just move the fuck along and not have to worry about nothing... but at the time that's not what he wanted.
I've pushed a lot of people away from me in the past. Sometimes it's just the avoiding shit, and like with §m£ÂgØL, and even 1337 back in the beginning of our relationship/just before we got together, I would just avoid, and then just tell them to fuck off if they got persistent, and eventually I'd come around after a while. When I don't keep friends, it's because I don't want to keep friends. I'm pretty happy alone/having just a select few people around me.
Oh, and on §m£ÂgØL bragging about his minor blips of success: I think he fails to tell everyone about his ability to keep employment since he pretty much quits work when he's bored of it, or his family is going on vacation. Another thing that is irritating is his quitting without notice shit. Yes, I was a stupid dumb teenager once and I quite a couple jobs suddenly, but I later realized that it just looks bad to not at least give a week notice. It's also just lazy too. One day that shit will come back to haunt him, I'm pretty sure of that. I don't even think he's worked at the same place for more than a couple months at a time. By the time I was his age, I'd at least had a few years work experience at a couple places by then. Hell, there even was a time I was doing well and successful like he's doing now. I worked my ass off, and shit, I was doing work I loved at the time too. Fuck, there was a point where I was rolling around in more money than I knew what to do with. Things can change in an instant though. -
2018-12-23 at 4:52 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention
2018-12-23 at 12:07 PM UTC in Is it sleazy that I constantly hit on girls half my age?
2018-12-23 at 11:06 AM UTC in Who you think you'd get on with best irl out of hydro and §m£ÂgØL?Essentially: people would think I was a cringey asshole if I posted about every "wise" thought that popped into my head, and for the same reason I think §m£ÂgØL is a cringey asshole. 🤔
2018-12-23 at 11:02 AM UTC in Who you think you'd get on with best irl out of hydro and §m£ÂgØL?
Originally posted by Loing I actually agree with your assessment of §m£ÂgØL.
That is because I am oh so sagacious. Seriously, if people don't agree with my assessment of §m£ÂgØL... they should.
Originally posted by Loing But the only reason you see it as grating and prideful is because you're a NEET and have resigned yourself to a life of dependence. Anyone talking about doing well in their career itself, making good money etc would appear prideful to you.
I don't know that that's true. I mean, I will acknowledge that NEETs are prone to a certain level of bias in these matters, but consider: I don't find Lanny distasteful. He's a successful programmer with a successful career, and has made as much known to me through his posts here. Lanny, however, has never implicitly made clear that he thinks poorly of people who have not achieved the same level of success that he has. §m£ÂgØL has. Perhaps accidentally, on account of the inexperience I previously mentioned.
§m£ÂgØL publicizes every stereotypical mile marker of progress that he passes. Trying to learn a new language, trying to learn a programming language, trying to broaden his experience through travel... there is a distinct pattern with §m£ÂgØL. -
2018-12-23 at 10:50 AM UTC in Who you think you'd get on with best irl out of hydro and §m£ÂgØL?
Originally posted by Loing He's just proud of the progress he's made, chill.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him for this or anything. I've talked to §m£ÂgØL like 1000x the amount I've talked to hydro. I wouldn't say we're necessarily friends, but I'd like to think so, and I'd like to think I know him better than I do most of my acquaintances from here and also more than most of them know him.
That said...
Pride is one of the deadly sins for precisely this reason. I'm gonna go out on an extreme limb here about pride and its expression: I feel like the problem here is that either expressing pride - or the sensation of pride itself - is new to §m£ÂgØL. What I mean is that §m£ÂgØL does not know how to be proud without appearing prideful. Essentially, he is too inexperienced with Pride to express the emotion in a way that is unlikely to attract some degree of scorn. In real life this may not be true, but online pride is clearly prone to becoming a sticking point in his relationships. *shrug* -
2018-12-23 at 8:43 AM UTC in Who you think you'd get on with best irl out of hydro and §m£ÂgØL?I've barely spoken with hydro, but I suspect she'd be more fun to hang out with. She seems infinitely less judgmental and shitty. §m£ÂgØL seems like the type of dude to brag about his income. Not the kinda person I'd enjoy spending time with.
2018-12-23 at 3:15 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention
Originally posted by Loing Can't read
Fixed that for ya, buddy.
Have a family member, friend, or your caretaker check out the link above I provided. It might help you along your way to becoming more literate than you currently are by finding a program/tutor who can help your reading/writing comprehension. When writing a statement, you would say "I cannot/can't read.", rather than "I did not/didn't read.", and if you're going to express this in a more formal way, you would write "I cannot read your post." I'm sorry that what I write is too hard for you to understand, but with practice, I'm sure you'll come around and be able to read the big-boy books one day. -
2018-12-22 at 11:58 PM UTC in I wonder why Fonaplats is not doing his daily Fona-Threads anymore....Probably got arrested for being a stalker. 🤗
2018-12-22 at 11:53 PM UTC in What happened to Sophie/Psychomanthis?I am wondering too where Sophie has been.
As for the posts going on and on about him being a disgusting pedo, well, I believe when you begin isolating pedophiles, to the point they can't come out in the open to say they have a problem and get help, then you have those pedos hiding in the shadows, and more likely to abuse a child at some point.
I'm not really speaking on Sophie's case here, just in general. It's a psychiatric disorder, and those people need help, but most the time, it would turn into a witch hunt if a person so much as admitted to being a hebephile, much less attracted to a younger demographic, and that's assuming the person just had the THOUGHTS and ATTRACTION, and never harmed a child. GRanted, if you cross that line, and harm a child, I do believe you need to serve time, but more than being punished, one needs to get help while serving, and get rehabilitation, and ways to curb their desires, and express themselves in a healthy way that won't harm children. The problem is, is that most the time, there is no psychiatric help whatsoever when they serve their time, so when they get out, they are pretty much set up on a registry, which pretty much guarantees they won't be able to get employment, and very much limits their housing situations, and also, they're pretty much gonna be ostracized from society, which puts them at an even higher risk of re-offending because hey... what do they really have to lose at that point? THey have no support systems in place. However you feel emotionally, the way shit is done, at least in the US, is causing more danger for children then it protects them. Emotions, which I get, can get high, considering people who have, or have a loved one who was harmed by a pedophile, but that serves no good to society. We need help for these people, with more inclusion, less fear to come out and tell a shrink "Hey, I got a problem" and thus higher chance to get help, and never act on those urges. As it is now, a pedo wouldn't tell another soul, unless that soul was another pedo about their desires BECAUSE of the repercussions of just admitting a desire, not even a crime.
Anyway... Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
and I hope Sophie is doing alright. I loves dat nigga. -
2018-12-22 at 6:06 PM UTC in Who is actually the best looking guy on here?How do you know its only looks that matter when your personality sucks too ghost?
2018-12-22 at 5:38 PM UTC in Unban Infinityshock
2018-12-22 at 9:28 AM UTC in Commander in Chaos
2018-12-21 at 10:01 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention
Originally posted by Technologist Hydro,
Off their property? When I was discharged, and I sat down in the lobby to be picked up, I was told by security to leave AT A DIFFERENT hospital than I'm at now, and beyond a towel, and a couple alcohol pads (seriously, I took the 4 left in my room), i didn't take a single thing. I later followed up with the administration. Apparently, they were concerned I was homeless and they've been told to not allow the homeless, and/or those released from the ER to wait in their lobby. The security was unaware I had been admitted for 10 days.
I used to feel bad for you, but you’re just pathetically desperate. Do you actually think you could help others with this stuff? Put a PICC line in someone, you must be joking. Putting an ET tube in someone? You must be joking?
Now, you’ve fucked up your life enough, DO NOT fuck up someone else’s by trying to play doctor.
I guarantee they know that stuff was stolen, and I bet they know it was you. And you wondered why they wanted you off the hospital property before????
You need tons of help, and cutting off your leg ain’t gonna do it.
Rationalize your actions all you want, that’s nothing but delusion.
As for helping others with the sit I've gotten (and I've bought quite a lot of shit myself, back in the day, when money wasn't such an issue), I have. I have saved lives. Most of those lives happened to be of the animal variety, but a life is a life at the end of the day, and for most things, it's the same, be it a person or animal. Calcium treats ketosis in people as well as cows, goats, horses, and dogs. If it's IVed, it needs to be done very, very, very slowly. I knew a veterinarian who should have known better who ended up killing my friend's cow who had ketosis by quickly IVing calcium. The cow was dead in less than 5 minutes, and resulted in her convulsing right before the end. He also botched a C-section, which frankly, wasn't even worth the time to attempt with the IVed calcium, and the amount of time it took them to even start, much less pull the calf. I'm sure it was worth it to that idiot though with the hefty bill he charged her though.
I've placed a feeding tube (nasogastic tube) down a couple baby goats and calves before, which I never missed, and I had a pretty good success rate of bring the one's I did do that to around. You've got to understand here, that when I began, I didn't have any experience, and just that of my father whom was well versed in veterinary medicine to help me, but he was just there to talk me through it, I had to do it on my own. I was in situations where if I didn't do it, I knew for sure those animals were going to die. At least by doing what I did, I gave them a small glimmer of hope of making it. I've certainly had a high rate of death, but considering when I've gotten the calls, they were already in 'snowball's chance in hell' territory to begin with, and when you're dealing with animals who live outside (and can't really be brought indoors, besides a barn which is just as dirty as outside, with dust and debris floating around), you're not going to see the same success rates you otherwise would see in say a person, who is in a 99% clean and sanitary environment, with the ability to keep the temperature a comfortable 72 degrees no matter what time of year it is. Also, when you're dealing with animals, particularly livestock, it's not like a person who says "hey, I feel terrible, and my throat hurts" days before they develop a cough, so by the time you realize the animal is sick, they usually are a lot sicker than when the treatment for a human would begin, in most cases, anyway.
When shit is serious, I do recommend people go to the ER, or at least their doctor. I've treated people with sutures, who needed it, because first, they weren't going to go anyway, and they didn't have insurance and want that huge bill. I've drained abscesses before too for similar reasons. Unless it was in a life or death situation, where there wasn't time to get them to an ER/EMTs to get to them or no medical help was available, I wouldn't be doing a circothyrotomy, or doing any crazy shit, but I tell you what, I want to prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and often times with animals, it's the case where I treat them or they don't get treated, so I do what I have to do.
I can at least say this when it's come to my animal patients: I've acted when no one else has, or would have, and even if they didn't make it, I gave them a chance they otherwise didn't have, and I went down fighting with them, I gave it my all.
Hell, I saved a 5lb little dog who's back hips got smashed in by her own owners who ran her over. She's alive and well right now and can stand on her hind legs and dance around right now because I gave it the ol' college try, and pulled her through when no one else would have. She also got doped up on percocets my father had just bought because he was going through WDs from his doctor being shut down, and he gave them to this little dog who wasn't even ours, because she was truly suffering in pain.
Everyone, doctors, nurses, plebotomists, IV therapy... they all start somewhere. They all study, they all have their first patient, their first *insert procedure/surgery here*, they all have to begin at the beginning. Now, I have done a lot in my life, but I know I have more to learn, and more experience to gain, more hands on practice to put under my belt, but I'm far from a novice. I didn't go the usual route in learning what I know, but knowledge is all the same, despite where it comes from. Of course, I know there is a lot left to learn, but that's why I continue reading, I continue to pick people's brains who have more knowledge and experience than myself, and that's why I continue the pursuit of gathering such knowledge and experience. I have a passion for medicine, and always have, and I've spent a long time gathering as much knowledge, and experience as I can. Hell, I've been known to teach a doctor a thing or two, an attending at that, even at a hospital as prestigious as Hopkins, and I've also learned a lot from those I've been around too. It goes both ways, and it's called 'practicing' medicine, because one is never done learning.
Originally posted by Technologist I never said I was a doctor. I work around that shit all the time. I’ve helped them guide in PICC lines with xray. I’ve also taken xrays for ET tube placement, and even the docs have placed them wrong. I would NEVER attempt that shit and I have far more knowledge than hydro. I accept my place in healthcare.
Certainly, accept your limitations, and hell, if I worked in healthcare, I wouldn't be doing shit to others outside my job title for fear of losing my job, or worse, getting a malpractice/practicing without a license (which sure I could get the latter, but the people I've doctored up aren't going to do that anyway, and I'm not going to be doing any serious shit on someone again unless it's life or death, and there's no other option.)
Just because someone has the title of a doctor, or a veterinarian , or whatever else their title is, doesn't mean they SHOULD be practicing, or that they know what they're doing. You're very naive or an idiot if you think otherwise. Certainly, there are many, many competent folks in their field, but to think there aren't some who fall through the cracks, cheat their way through, or somehow manage to make it through medical school/nursing school, that's just wishful thinking, and not reality at all.
Originally posted by DietPiano Nahh man, hydro has read like, 118 wikipedia enteries EXACTLY and 21 pubmed abstarcts (not the actual studies). She's a lay doctor now.
Hydro, how do voltage gates work? How does the body use protein to rebuild muscle?
Ouhhh, that information doesn't directly pertain to getting high, therefor hydro has no use for it.
Dr. Hydro. She should be allowed to be a doctor. Just for psych meds tho. It doesn't matter if someone knows about physiology holistically to prescribe psych meds. Hey hydro, what dose of lithium should someone with reduced kidney function receive? Hey hydro, what do you about the reduced kidney function?
I wouldn't trust hire her to work at my donut shop. She'd cut her finger on grease and give people people 3rd hand acaradiasis.
Voltage gates work by being responsive to voltage potential which affects ions passing into a cell membrane since they usually can't get through otherwise. They regulate how much gets through by being open for short periods, by being affected by the concentration of ions, and opening and closing, or being inactive based on the changes in polarity on both sides of the cell membrane.
When you consume protein, it's broken down into amino acids that form peptides which go to te liver where the liver synthesizes proteins which are sent to the sites needed to repair muscles, and the DNA gives instruction on how the aminos are woven together to repair/build muscle.
In a nut shell. Of course there's a lot more complex shit going on with those two different things, but for the sake of time, and just to give you a rough explanation, there ya go.
Dude, I don't know why you've got so hung up about opioids just because I use them to treat chronic pain. I think maybe you have more of a problem here than I do. Just because someone uses a drug to improve their quality of life, and that drug happens to be opioids, it doesn't mean they know nothing about other biological functions. I am aware there is more to medicine than opioids, and more ways than opioids to treat pain too. Don't think I haven't tried more than opioids to reduce my pain either. I take gabapentin, and I'm on 1,200mg tid. It helps with the neuropathy pain I experience from the surgeries, and also with my anxiety. (I originally was prescribed it at 100mg for anxiety, then went up to 300mg prior to having surgery.) Hell, when pain is caused by inflammation, NSAIDs and steroids can do a great job of alleviating pain, just by reducing the pressure, and swelling inflammation can cause. They also have risks that opioids don't have too. (Like, I'm kinda scratching my head on why my doctors have me on ibprofen, naproxen, intermittent keterolac and then decide to throw celebrex in the mix when I'm on warfrin... I would say that okay, one, fine, but the risk increases of GI bleeding when you throw in celebrex by a lot on it's own not to mention with an NSAID, not one but two regular, and the other spotted... I wouldn't make that call... I wouldn't want to risk it.)
Frankly, you have it in your head as to who I am, and what I know, when in truth, you know jack shit about who I am, and especially about what I know. I've forgotten more than all the knowledge you possess in your wee bitty brain there more than likely. I don't know though. I am not going to claim to know ALL about you just from a few posts on a forum though. What I do know is, is that you're the sort who thinks they know it all just from the first layer they see of a person, and from experience, people like that tend to stay ignorant, at least in the ways of learning about the people around them.
Originally posted by GGG She's not. Let me tell you it is no exaggeration when i say she is just eager to use her stolen equipment, and will repeatedly diagnose/give you drugs or try to stick you, regardless of whether or not there's an actual problem.
You'll niggas just read the posts but I've witnessed her play ER doctor/vet irl. And like any doctor, she hasn't been without loss. Although her ratio is certainly less respectable than an accredited doctor.
Well, I wasn't wrong with your diagnosis, and you sure didn't have an issue with taking the drugs I gave you. Certainly, I would have "prescribed" other things, but I did the best with what I had, you have to remember. You dealt with a shitty doctor, who did a shitty suture job, and didn't even prescribe you a days worth of pain meds, and I don't even believe gave you shit to change your dressing even (I believe with the latter, but I could be wrong... but I'm pretty sure we had to use the shit I had on hand). I was also on the money about your lovely persistent yeast infection too, and the fact that you kept reinfecting yourself by not cleaning your fucky toys properly.
My ratio may be less, but the odds against me have been worse than that of accredited doctors. For one, they have access to every pharmaceutical on the market, and in a hospital setting, price isn't an object when it comes down to saving a life. Another thing, animals have far different living situations than humans, and animals can't really tell you when they come down with a cold, or when something is wrong. You have to see it, and hope you catch it early, but sometimes you don't so youre dealing with something that's gone way past the point most human beings have been seen and admitted in the hospital.
Considering all the fucking odds against me, I've done a pretty damn good job. When fucking sodium chloride got made RX only for vet use, I didn't fucking flinch. I fucking got distilled water, and figured out the ratio of salt to add, and fucking had to SubQ it to a dog who was so dehydrated I couldn't get an IV in her. Finally did get her hydrated enough for an IV, and set her up. I couldn't tell she'd been bitten by a rattle snake until days later when the site when necrotic and opened up (a person would have said "I was bit by a fucking snake!!!" she couldn't.). She's alive today because I said FUCK THE MAN and fucking did it myself, and then said fuck your precious bagged sodium chloride, I'll fucking MAKE MY OWN. I sure wasn't going to stand by and let my dog die, I had to do something. -
2018-12-21 at 6:26 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs AttentionShut the fuck up.
2018-12-21 at 2:26 PM UTC in Please enjoy the Winter Solstice, Northern Hemisphere folks...Ode to winter - By Jiggaboo Johnson Dec 21st 2018 8.17am CST
Your icey fingers grasp my soul
Your long dark days take their toll
Memories of summer and spring are dim
you envelop the world in misery, you evil Djinn
But soon your reign will end, and brighter days will come
Warmth and sunlight breaking through, your time here will be done
beach days and laughter will once again, fill the darkened space
Spring and summer will kick your ass and dickslap, your stupid face. -
2018-12-21 at 2:02 PM UTC in Who's the biggest sexual deviant on NIS?
- Technologist,
- Narc,
- RestStop,
- GGG,
2018-12-20 at 8:36 PM UTC in How do they get babies to cry for moviesRead them a copy of OP’s first novel.
2018-12-20 at 3:59 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention