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Posts That Were Thanked by Narc

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Male logic is the stupidest fucking myth ever devised. Men just make their horrible decisions based off a different set of emotions… maybe. Men are absolutely not guided by cool, detached logic though, either in general or in politics. I wish dudes would stop pretending they're somehow better at decision making. Their decisions are frequently influenced to the extreme by anger, hate, romantic ideals of honor/respect (or being disrespected), and of course they will say and do a lot of dumb shit for a chance at pussy.

    Look at the population of every jail in every country across the world and tell me about how men are society's greatest decision makers. Fucking morons, the lot of you. Testosteroni is a hell of a pepperoni. Kill yourself.

    men built everything you see around you, what have women ever made? JACK SHIT

    put men alone on an island, they work together, survive and eventually build a city. put women on that same island, they giggle and fuck around for a few days and then starve to death because no one did a fucking thing.

    now tell me who has the better track record for making better decisions.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    maybe the problem is you aren't doing enough drugs
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  3. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
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  4. Ghost Black Hole
    this is the only pseudoscience I believe in

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  5. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Barf up those black pills, famalam. Calling the modern era a dark age is fucking laughable.

    Oh it's a golden age for freaks like you. But for normal white men like me it sucks. I'm taxed to fuck just so that people who openly hate me can get them gimmedats.
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  6. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace The only reason you fuck girls that young is because they have daddy problems and their decision making is heavily affected by the drugs.

    YOu say that like its a bad thing
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  7. Ghost Black Hole
    He wouldn't know what to do with a lady if she was spread eagle and dripping all over his mattress he keeps on the floor. He would just call the police and cry until she left and then go back to huffing cat shit and playing his ps2 rented games he never returned on his floor TV thinking he's hot shit
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  8. Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal "Everyone" = casual normies with Xbox huge hands

    Show your whore nigger loving mom my pic and post one of her

    I wanna ravage the fuck out of her while you listen and cry in your room you little cock nosed virgin
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  9. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lol you're dumb as fuck if you think that was about actual leopards.

    You're dumb as fuck if you think normal healthy people are passing from covid. Hell even Trump's old obese ass brushed it off. You though w/ homosexual activity,unprotected sex w/ IV drug addicts, overweight etc. you'd do well to be careful.
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  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Highly unlikely. The PCR test was never designed to identify any virus.

    I think they're super shoddy test that are probably testing for something more benign because like now everyone and their mom has covie (thats hebrew for the word covid fyi) and they like having it so they can sound relevant and sensationalize their little lives with no actual consequence.

    It's like, sir will please put on your mask and I'm like no fuck you you put on a mask and stay home if thats how you really, this is tyranny of the highest order, to be honest. A lot of fear mongering and sensationalism. §m£ÂgØLs like a pig with a wig rolling around in shit because thats what he likes, he likes the shit.

    I think the globalist elites end game regardless of who gets elected is to let this thing keep going on and on for the next five years or so to take local businesses, a world econimic downfall where you will be forced to take vaccine if you want have a job, go the bread line, ect.. don't you all see whats going, you know the master lie to much, the elites aren't your friend, they hate normal people
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  11. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by WellHung Titty Boy did ur folks Paypal you November rent, yet? Get a check to me, while you're at it.👍

    Why does your chin look like a scrotum?
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  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Mhmmm. Good luck with your sexual hangups.

    good luck getting pregnant by taking it up the ass.

    you fucking freak.
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  13. Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal All I want is an 11 year old girlfriend

    Even an 11yr old would laugh at you.
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  14. Billy teh Block Head Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal All I want is an 11 year old girlfriend

    All I want is to tie you up and jam a hot butter knife in your dick hole
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    did you cut it open and sleep inside like that animal in star wars
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  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace How is that different from any other industry? Twitch is literally the same thing but without the sex.

    Actually, twitch streamers (the ones based on sex appeal while trying to pretend it's not about sex) are even moreso what I was talking about. OnlyFans doesn't always lead to high pressure sales for an ever rising list of demands. Some of the Twitch "stars", though, are notorious for demanding more and more money from their fans/followers.

    And this industry is entirely unique.

    Porn and prostitution are entirely different.

    This shit is literally worse, because it's all about manipulating natural feelings of attraction in socially alienated youths (often on the autism spectrum, or suffering from severe social anxiety and codependency issues).

    And as I said before, I've witnessed it first hand in real life.

    My friend's step son got taken in it. He was barely out of high school. He was maybe 18, possibly even 17, and he fell hard for this cam girl. He started racking up the family credit cards. I actually witnessed one of their family fights. The mom started unscrewing her son's bedroom door so she could keep an eye on him at all time.

    They were out several grand, and they are by no means wealthy, so that's actually a pretty big deal.

    The kid is now a problem child who can't be trusted.

    The aftermath is so fucking deep that an entire family started falling apart.

    Socially alienated and/or mentally ill kids are just ripe for picking clean if a streamer finds such a catch.

    I also read online about some other people who descended into absolute poverty chasing that perceived romantic connection.

    A skilled flirt can make just about anything feel real.

    So few people realize how serious this shit can get.
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  17. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    If I could be a cute little bitch on the interweb and make a bajizzlion dolla's doin it I'm pretty sure I would
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  18. Originally posted by gadzooks This whole OnlyFans and e-thot industry is actually pretty fucking embarassing to human kind.

    I think that most people who defend it really just don't realize how depraved it is.

    I've read stories about low income working class guys blowing their whole paychecks to send cash to women who doll themselves up and flash a bit of cleavage on their streaming channel.

    A lot of them are particularly young men who, as far as I'm concerned, are being manipulated and taken advantage of.

    These guys end up steeped in delusion that by giving money to these broads online, they have achieved some kind of significant connection with them.

    Genuine sex work is one thing, but many of these e-thots are downright predatory and do not give a fuck about the naive boys that they're exploiting.

    And in case anyone thinks I have some kind of sexist bias, I legitimately consider myself a feminist and believe that rape culture is a thing and that the patriarchy is not entirely a mythical Boogie man.

    But on this issue, I am firmly against this kind of bullshit.

    Personal responsibility...the weak of mind will always be exploited and parted with their money.
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  19. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Maybe don't eat a carb rich diet you fat fuck, Jesus Christ lmao. We're not going to build toilets to accommodate your fat ass. Most of us don't eat 6 big Macs a day, so we only have to flush once. It would just be a waste of water.

    Maybe try being less of a pig and you won't have to complain about the goddamn toilets not being powerful enough, of all things.

    You know damn well your penis pillaged anus drops bombs son, don't front like you're a petite shitter lol.
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  20. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby He would just cheat on his wife and do drugs behind her back until she left him. If he was going to be a father then he wouldn't of killed himself. And he actually literally was taken to court twice for rape charges, I never was, just keep pushing your false narrative, guy who thinks he can get pregnant by taking it up the asshole.

    I don't like him because he would make up lies about me constantly. He had it coming, he did it to himself.

    Originally posted by G lol fubi was a dirt bag all this pseudo E-motion is comdeic.

    Can you not be a nigger for like 24 hours?

    I dont think a single person on this site in any position to judge anyone else. Seriously. We’re all a bunch of losers and social retards and addicts and manic depressives.

    Nobody normal would stay around here for decades at a time.

    If you didnt like the dude maybe just shut the fuck up.
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