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Posts by Mayweather

  1. What type of faggot says dream girl.
  2. Last 2 posts =\r\sadcringe
  3. HTS say please leave me alone and I will stop bullying you.

    I know this can't be pleasant.
  4. lol at serving customers in a weed dispensary being your 'ideal job'.

    Real ambitious.

    Didn't even read the rest.
  5. Originally posted by Phoenix Sorry RiRi, fax is fax. I'm a dead tran.

  6. Originally posted by Phoenix I'm a good liar too. :D

    Please die.
  7. Malice you are a sick and grotesque voyeur

    Some would add cuckold but you have nobody to get cucked by
  8. It's obvious just from her typing style that this whore weighs over 300lbs and walks with a profound waddle. Likely emitting a farmyard odour, §m£ÂgØL thought she was a donkey and impregnated her with a literal mutant.
  9. lol at that shameful thanks/thanked ratio.
  10. Bill Krozby no matter how bad your lot in life is at least your not a 1/10 tranny or a literal handsome and well tanned individual Mexican playing out subhuman and embarrassing fantasies online.
  11. Originally posted by Bill Krozby It's not the real mayweather and if it is, thats just sad.

    Bill Krozby intelligence on display ladies and gentlemen.
  12. Originally posted by Malice Yeah, he's funny. What else do you expect people to say?

    No woman will ever touch you you ugly Mexican chimp.
  13. You are a complete loser.
  14. Why 'blog' about your life when it's so shameful.
  15. Holy shit this thread is so embarrassing.

    This must be what they call the scum of society.
  16. Imagine how low your intelligence would have to be for this to be a notable event in your life. Worth sharing and reflecting on.

    You are legitimately disabled.
  17. Lol at being a heroin addict

    What's the point of living
  18. It translates to your posts.

    I remember you losing several heated verbal altercations with a stroke victim in semiazas.
  19. You have a simian look and constitution about you from the pictures I've seen.
  20. Hydro is a affront to nature in every way.

    Please smother your disease ridden retard baby and immediately after attempt a forward roll.

    With your health conditions and obesity the impact should kill you without requiring too much cleanup.

    Do this tonight.
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