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Posts by Olusola Adio

  1. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    You need to destroy the relics of that old relationship as part of your recovery
  2. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    From Heb 11:15, we also see that the memories of our previous #SoulTies are not hazy. They are clear, vivid and reproducible.

    Yes, you are now born again but you didn’t forget how your last boyfriend in Egypt made you feel
  3. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
  4. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    There are times in your wilderness experience where Satan tries to show you that your #SoulTies should be returned to
    Satan is wrong. He is only trying to rob you of your inheritance with God
    From Heb 11:15, we also see that satan will hardly bait you with new stuff but with stuff you’re already conversant with
    Someone once said satan is running out of material, if he uses old stuff against you
  5. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    Originally posted by infinityshock oh yea, baby…i want to mortify my member against your tonsils…all unclean and fornicatingly like with lots and lots of inordinate affection.

    well…no affection, but i promise ill leave you a nice juicy surprise if you do a good job.

    From Heb 11:15, we also see that the memories of our previous #SoulTies are not hazy. They are clear, vivid and reproducible.
  6. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    Yes, you are now born again but you didn’t forget how your last boyfriend in Egypt made you feel
  7. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    From Heb 11:15, we see that if our minds are not renewed with God’s word, we’ll seek opportunities to return to practice our #SoulTies
  8. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    From Heb 11:15, we see that #SoulTies were developed through our lifestyles in Egypt as unbelievers. We learnt a lot of them in Egypt
  9. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    Hebrews 11:15 “…if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to return.”
  10. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    Ezekiel 23:11: “…she was more corrupt in her inordinate love than she, and in her whoredoms more than her sister in her whoredoms.”
  11. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    The Bible defines #SoulTies as inordinate affection that should be mortified or put to death in our conduct as born-again believers
  12. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    Col 3:5a: “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection…”
  13. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
  14. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    Pro 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. #Rozo
  15. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    understand what #SoulTies are and how to break them with the power of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.
  16. Olusola Adio Yung Blood
    it will be easy for Satan to disguise frauds as real people to u in your DMs. #SoulTies
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