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Posts by Abdulla Aljunaid

  1. syco the rappist
  2. thats all just dont mug urself
  3. shish shsh shush
  4. buy a tin of golden syrup,,, its p much pure sugar,, meld it with the gel coffin tabs and cook xdm candeys
  5. put da lime on da coconut adn shake it all up drink it in de morning and also make u feel better bettr wen u mixd it all up
  6. olo
  7. i threw up again
  8. i was gonna say cool tatoo
  9. i must harvest his melanin
  10. Abdulla Aljunaid and the freaky warriors
  11. this is ur inspring words


  12. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I went driving listening to music because thats my favorite thing to do.

    u know whats fun to do??? drive under a lorry
  13. Originally posted by The Self Taught Man stuck in a thought process for about 4 hours

    this is why u train urself to automatically smoke a spliff at regular intervals, u will be stuck then u automatically spark up,, then u breath out the vaper andthe cycle skips and u can escape it
  14. i can make sure u recieve safety werever u go i can even get u from 1 end of firth pak to the other safely not many ppl can do that
  15. sheff my home town it is the one if ygm fam
  16. fucking tiny mouth clones
  17. perfumed ponce
  18. let me run a few hussles off the acc fam
  19. idiot its leagal in the uk if u have a small amount abt half a kilo its ok
  20. ur dad loves u so much im happy that in the usa a father can show his love for his retard son and coddle his son in the nude and kiss him and tickle his beard but i dont think they should legal it in the uk
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