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Posts by RisiR โ€ 

  1. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood โฐ ใ‹ฐ โ‚ โธŽ โธ” โธ• โธ– โธ— โธ˜ โธ™ โธผ โธฝ โธพ โธฟ
    ๐’€€ ๐’€ ๐’€‚ ๐’€ƒ ๐’€„ ๐’€… ๐’€† ๐’€‡ ๐’€ˆ ๐’€‰ ๐’€Š ๐’€‹ ๐’€Œ ๐’€ ๐’€Ž ๐’€
    ๐’€ ๐’€‘ ๐’€’ ๐’€“ ๐’€” ๐’€• ๐’€– ๐’€— ๐’€˜ ๐’€™ ๐’€š ๐’€› ๐’€œ ๐’€ ๐’€ž ๐’€Ÿ
    ๐’€  ๐’€ก ๐’€ข ๐’€ฃ ๐’€ค ๐’€ฅ ๐’€ฆ ๐’€ง ๐’€จ ๐’€ฉ ๐’€ช ๐’€ซ ๐’€ฌ ๐’€ญ ๐’€ฎ ๐’€ฏ
    ๐’€ฐ ๐’€ฑ ๐’€ฒ ๐’€ณ ๐’€ด ๐’€ต ๐’€ถ ๐’€ท ๐’€ธ ๐’€น ๐’€บ ๐’€ป ๐’€ผ ๐’€ฝ ๐’€พ ๐’€ฟ
    ๐’€ ๐’ ๐’‚ ๐’ƒ ๐’„ ๐’… ๐’† ๐’‡ ๐’ˆ ๐’‰ ๐’Š ๐’‹ ๐’Œ ๐’ ๐’Ž ๐’
    ๐’ ๐’‘ ๐’’ ๐’“ ๐’” ๐’• ๐’– ๐’— ๐’˜ ๐’™ ๐’š ๐’› ๐’œ ๐’ ๐’ž ๐’Ÿ
    ๐’  ๐’ก ๐’ข ๐’ฃ ๐’ค ๐’ฅ ๐’ฆ ๐’ง ๐’จ ๐’ฉ ๐’ช ๐’ซ ๐’ฌ ๐’ญ ๐’ฎ ๐’ฏ
    ๐’ฐ ๐’ฑ ๐’ฒ ๐’ณ ๐’ด ๐’ต ๐’ถ ๐’ท ๐’ธ ๐’น ๐’บ ๐’ป ๐’ผ ๐’ฝ ๐’พ ๐’ฟ
    ๐’‚€ ๐’‚ ๐’‚‚ ๐’‚ƒ ๐’‚„ ๐’‚… ๐’‚† ๐’‚‡ ๐’‚ˆ ๐’‚‰ ๐’‚Š ๐’‚‹ ๐’‚Œ ๐’‚ ๐’‚Ž ๐’‚
    ๐’‚ ๐’‚‘ ๐’‚’ ๐’‚“ ๐’‚” ๐’‚• ๐’‚– ๐’‚— ๐’‚˜ ๐’‚™ ๐’‚š ๐’‚› ๐’‚œ ๐’‚ ๐’‚ž ๐’‚Ÿ
    ๐’‚  ๐’‚ก ๐’‚ข ๐’‚ฃ ๐’‚ค ๐’‚ฅ ๐’‚ฆ ๐’‚ง ๐’‚จ ๐’‚ฉ ๐’‚ช ๐’‚ซ ๐’‚ฌ ๐’‚ญ ๐’‚ฎ ๐’‚ฏ
    ๐’‚ฐ ๐’‚ฑ ๐’‚ฒ ๐’‚ณ ๐’‚ด ๐’‚ต ๐’‚ถ ๐’‚ท ๐’‚ธ ๐’‚น ๐’‚บ ๐’‚ป ๐’‚ผ ๐’‚ฝ ๐’‚พ ๐’‚ฟ
    ๐’ƒ€ ๐’ƒ ๐’ƒ‚ ๐’ƒƒ ๐’ƒ„ ๐’ƒ… ๐’ƒ† ๐’ƒ‡ ๐’ƒˆ ๐’ƒ‰ ๐’ƒŠ ๐’ƒ‹ ๐’ƒŒ ๐’ƒ ๐’ƒŽ ๐’ƒ
    ๐’ƒ ๐’ƒ‘ ๐’ƒ’ ๐’ƒ“ ๐’ƒ” ๐’ƒ• ๐’ƒ– ๐’ƒ— ๐’ƒ˜ ๐’ƒ™ ๐’ƒš ๐’ƒ› ๐’ƒœ ๐’ƒ ๐’ƒž ๐’ƒŸ
    ๐’ƒ  ๐’ƒก ๐’ƒข ๐’ƒฃ ๐’ƒค ๐’ƒฅ ๐’ƒฆ ๐’ƒง ๐’ƒจ ๐’ƒฉ ๐’ƒช ๐’ƒซ ๐’ƒฌ ๐’ƒญ ๐’ƒฎ ๐’ƒฏ
    ๐’ƒฐ ๐’ƒฑ ๐’ƒฒ ๐’ƒณ ๐’ƒด ๐’ƒต ๐’ƒถ ๐’ƒท ๐’ƒธ ๐’ƒน ๐’ƒบ ๐’ƒป ๐’ƒผ ๐’ƒฝ ๐’ƒพ ๐’ƒฟ
    ๐’„€ ๐’„ ๐’„‚ ๐’„ƒ ๐’„„ ๐’„… ๐’„† ๐’„‡ ๐’„ˆ ๐’„‰ ๐’„Š ๐’„‹ ๐’„Œ ๐’„ ๐’„Ž ๐’„
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    ๐’„  ๐’„ก ๐’„ข ๐’„ฃ ๐’„ค ๐’„ฅ ๐’„ฆ ๐’„ง ๐’„จ ๐’„ฉ ๐’„ช ๐’„ซ ๐’„ฌ ๐’„ญ ๐’„ฎ ๐’„ฏ
    ๐’„ฐ ๐’„ฑ ๐’„ฒ ๐’„ณ ๐’„ด ๐’„ต ๐’„ถ ๐’„ท ๐’„ธ ๐’„น ๐’„บ ๐’„ป ๐’„ผ ๐’„ฝ ๐’„พ ๐’„ฟ
    ๐’…€ ๐’… ๐’…‚ ๐’…ƒ ๐’…„ ๐’…… ๐’…† ๐’…‡ ๐’…ˆ ๐’…‰ ๐’…Š ๐’…‹ ๐’…Œ ๐’… ๐’…Ž ๐’…
    ๐’… ๐’…‘ ๐’…’ ๐’…“ ๐’…” ๐’…• ๐’…– ๐’…— ๐’…˜ ๐’…™ ๐’…š ๐’…› ๐’…œ ๐’… ๐’…ž ๐’…Ÿ
    ๐’…  ๐’…ก ๐’…ข ๐’…ฃ ๐’…ค ๐’…ฅ ๐’…ฆ ๐’…ง ๐’…จ ๐’…ฉ ๐’…ช ๐’…ซ ๐’…ฌ ๐’…ญ ๐’…ฎ ๐’…ฏ
    ๐’…ฐ ๐’…ฑ ๐’…ฒ ๐’…ณ ๐’…ด ๐’…ต ๐’…ถ ๐’…ท ๐’…ธ ๐’…น ๐’…บ ๐’…ป ๐’…ผ ๐’…ฝ ๐’…พ ๐’…ฟ
    ๐’†€ ๐’† ๐’†‚ ๐’†ƒ ๐’†„ ๐’†… ๐’†† ๐’†‡ ๐’†ˆ ๐’†‰ ๐’†Š ๐’†‹ ๐’†Œ ๐’† ๐’†Ž ๐’†
    ๐’† ๐’†‘ ๐’†’ ๐’†“ ๐’†” ๐’†• ๐’†– ๐’†— ๐’†˜ ๐’†™ ๐’†š ๐’†› ๐’†œ ๐’† ๐’†ž ๐’†Ÿ
    ๐’†  ๐’†ก ๐’†ข ๐’†ฃ ๐’†ค ๐’†ฅ ๐’†ฆ ๐’†ง ๐’†จ ๐’†ฉ ๐’†ช ๐’†ซ ๐’†ฌ ๐’†ญ ๐’†ฎ ๐’†ฏ
    ๐’†ฐ ๐’†ฑ ๐’†ฒ ๐’†ณ ๐’†ด ๐’†ต ๐’†ถ ๐’†ท ๐’†ธ ๐’†น ๐’†บ ๐’†ป ๐’†ผ ๐’†ฝ ๐’†พ ๐’†ฟ
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    ๐’‡  ๐’‡ก ๐’‡ข ๐’‡ฃ ๐’‡ค ๐’‡ฅ ๐’‡ฆ ๐’‡ง ๐’‡จ ๐’‡ฉ ๐’‡ช ๐’‡ซ ๐’‡ฌ ๐’‡ญ ๐’‡ฎ ๐’‡ฏ
    ๐’‡ฐ ๐’‡ฑ ๐’‡ฒ ๐’‡ณ ๐’‡ด ๐’‡ต ๐’‡ถ ๐’‡ท ๐’‡ธ ๐’‡น ๐’‡บ ๐’‡ป ๐’‡ผ ๐’‡ฝ ๐’‡พ ๐’‡ฟ
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    ๐’ˆ  ๐’ˆก ๐’ˆข ๐’ˆฃ ๐’ˆค ๐’ˆฅ ๐’ˆฆ ๐’ˆง ๐’ˆจ ๐’ˆฉ ๐’ˆช ๐’ˆซ ๐’ˆฌ ๐’ˆญ ๐’ˆฎ ๐’ˆฏ
    ๐’ˆฐ ๐’ˆฑ ๐’ˆฒ ๐’ˆณ ๐’ˆด ๐’ˆต ๐’ˆถ ๐’ˆท ๐’ˆธ ๐’ˆน ๐’ˆบ ๐’ˆป ๐’ˆผ ๐’ˆฝ ๐’ˆพ ๐’ˆฟ
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    ๐’‰  ๐’‰ก ๐’‰ข ๐’‰ฃ ๐’‰ค ๐’‰ฅ ๐’‰ฆ ๐’‰ง ๐’‰จ ๐’‰ฉ ๐’‰ช ๐’‰ซ ๐’‰ฌ ๐’‰ญ ๐’‰ฎ ๐’‰ฏ
    ๐’‰ฐ ๐’‰ฑ ๐’‰ฒ ๐’‰ณ ๐’‰ด ๐’‰ต ๐’‰ถ ๐’‰ท ๐’‰ธ ๐’‰น ๐’‰บ ๐’‰ป ๐’‰ผ ๐’‰ฝ ๐’‰พ ๐’‰ฟ
    ๐’Š€ ๐’Š ๐’Š‚ ๐’Šƒ ๐’Š„ ๐’Š… ๐’Š† ๐’Š‡ ๐’Šˆ ๐’Š‰ ๐’ŠŠ ๐’Š‹ ๐’ŠŒ ๐’Š ๐’ŠŽ ๐’Š
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    ๐’Š  ๐’Šก ๐’Šข ๐’Šฃ ๐’Šค ๐’Šฅ ๐’Šฆ ๐’Šง ๐’Šจ ๐’Šฉ ๐’Šช ๐’Šซ ๐’Šฌ ๐’Šญ ๐’Šฎ ๐’Šฏ
    ๐’Šฐ ๐’Šฑ ๐’Šฒ ๐’Šณ ๐’Šด ๐’Šต ๐’Šถ ๐’Šท ๐’Šธ ๐’Šน ๐’Šบ ๐’Šป ๐’Šผ ๐’Šฝ ๐’Šพ ๐’Šฟ
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    ๐’‹  ๐’‹ก ๐’‹ข ๐’‹ฃ ๐’‹ค ๐’‹ฅ ๐’‹ฆ ๐’‹ง ๐’‹จ ๐’‹ฉ ๐’‹ช ๐’‹ซ ๐’‹ฌ ๐’‹ญ ๐’‹ฎ ๐’‹ฏ
    ๐’‹ฐ ๐’‹ฑ ๐’‹ฒ ๐’‹ณ ๐’‹ด ๐’‹ต ๐’‹ถ ๐’‹ท ๐’‹ธ ๐’‹น ๐’‹บ ๐’‹ป ๐’‹ผ ๐’‹ฝ ๐’‹พ ๐’‹ฟ
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    ๐’Œ  ๐’Œก ๐’Œข ๐’Œฃ ๐’Œค ๐’Œฅ ๐’Œฆ ๐’Œง ๐’Œจ ๐’Œฉ ๐’Œช ๐’Œซ ๐’Œฌ ๐’Œญ ๐’Œฎ ๐’Œฏ
    ๐’Œฐ ๐’Œฑ ๐’Œฒ ๐’Œณ ๐’Œด ๐’Œต ๐’Œถ ๐’Œท ๐’Œธ ๐’Œน ๐’Œบ ๐’Œป ๐’Œผ ๐’Œฝ ๐’Œพ ๐’Œฟ
    ๐’€ ๐’ ๐’‚ ๐’ƒ ๐’„ ๐’… ๐’† ๐’‡ ๐’ˆ ๐’‰ ๐’Š ๐’‹ ๐’Œ ๐’ ๐’Ž ๐’
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    ๐’  ๐’ก ๐’ข ๐’ฃ ๐’ค ๐’ฅ ๐’ฆ ๐’ง ๐’จ ๐’ฉ ๐’ช ๐’ซ ๐’ฌ ๐’ญ

    Is this shit compatible with the forum? Can I use these symbols in usernames?
  2. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    The dreaded post hole.
  3. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    One of the worst things I have seen was sounding with a scalpel. I only went back to that vid a couple of times.
  4. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Iโ€™m not worried Iโ€™m just uncomfortable. Stop talking about my penis!!!!

    Put it in my mouth to shut me up then.
  5. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Fluttershy I just speak the truth.
    And truth is itโ€™s gay to gander at another manโ€™s pussy.

    True. The gayest thing you can do is watch a guy jerk off. Trust, I know what I'm talking about.

    When you watch a gay gangbang for example, something we all would agree is pretty fucking gay, right? Well, if you watch it, everyone in that gangbang is gayer than you because they are all fucking a dude but jerking off alone isn't gay at all. Only when YOU watch it, it's gay. When you watch a dude jerk off, you are the gay. You make it gay. Think about it.
  6. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Fluttershy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Look who's jealous for my attention. :blush:
  7. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Somebody help me he has a boner!!!!!!

    It's not a threat. Don't worry.
  8. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Bradley Fralala and I have always been the same person

    You got a nice pussy, brad.
  9. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Why do you go to so many doctors? Are you actually fucked?
  10. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Bradley I still don't

    That's ok. Maybe you'll get your chance to take pics with her in the future.
  11. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by shitty titty Iโ€™m right here lol

    Ha! I knew it.
  12. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    I can't do anything right. :(
  13. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Would touch: Fluttershy
  14. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Too bad she died :c

    She's probably still around...
  15. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Dat a bug.
  16. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Bradley Like me???

    You got pics with Doug's smiling daughter?! Uhhh...

    Alternative answer: 100%, I want to see every member of this community do good. You took me in and accepted me when I had quite literally nothing else.
  17. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by RisiR โ€  Haha yea… again.. nothing.

    I take it back. I have Fluttershy who is NOT nothing. :)

    Can I touch you?
  18. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Fluttershy or would not touch

    Haha yea... again.. nothing.
  19. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Clearly not many if Iโ€™m so picky about it

    You beat me with logic. I have nothing.
  20. RisiR โ€  29 Autism
    Originally posted by Fluttershy BradleyB : this one is self explanatory, who knows where that thing has been or when the last time he washed it is.

    Wariat : I donโ€™t want to get cooties

    FonaPlats : I would not touch Fonaโ€™s penis with a ten foot pole out of a deep respect for the love he and his wife share. It is truly profound and beautiful and I donโ€™t consider myself a homewrecker

    Frala : she doesnโ€™t have a penis, how would I touch it?!?!!

    How many dicks have you touched in your life to be so picky?!
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