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Posts by fag

  1. fag Houston
    You all should buy my albums so I can be a star and get to the bottom of this.
  2. fag Houston
    Abuse is rampant in those group homes. My mom worked in a place like that and she abused the kids then came home and abused me. Jobs like that only attract the very most unskilled and under qualified people around. They have special training for employees about not abusing the fucking kids. I think it is higher than 1% because a lot of fucking kids get molested.
  3. fag Houston
    IDK what to believe.
  4. fag Houston
    You should add flax seed and dried cranberries.
  5. fag Houston
    I'm not the one responding to sarcasm with hostility numb nutz.

    I'm still not sure what a gallon of oatmeal is, liquids come in gallons.
  6. fag Houston
    Originally posted by snab_snib no. not really.

    A. are you a criminal under investigation?

    B. are you a player in international intrigue or billion dollar industries?

    if you answered no to both of those questions, nobody is fucking spying on or harassing or gang-stalking you.

    and you are mentally ill if you think that such is happening.

    But bananas give me migraines.
  7. fag Houston
    God your so fucking dumb.
  8. fag Houston
    Originally posted by snab_snib who implied that? you.

    Naw, it was your shitty condescending attitude and inability to have civil and coherent discourse.
  9. fag Houston
    Do I get gallons of oatmeal from the oatmeal well?
  10. fag Houston
    Why don't you fuck off since you're obviously so much better than every single person here?
  11. fag Houston
    I broke my dads hand when he punched me in the face hahahahlololololol. You see, your pointer and index finger are both supported by the bones in your forearm when punching. Your ring and pinky have no support and are smaller bones so when impact occurs they are easily broken.

    You may have figured out how to enlighten your gastro intestinal system but sarcasm seems to go over your head.
  12. fag Houston
    If you call me a radish again I'll break your fucking face faggot.
  13. fag Houston
    Originally posted by snab_snib mentally ill people are really just shitty people. that's all mental illness is. being shit.

    well that's a case closed on mental illness, are there more complex issues that can be fixed with your dogma?
  14. fag Houston
    All shit like this only catches low hanging fruit. Most child molestation is done by family members and not stranger danger.
  15. fag Houston
    Is that an insult? My idea's and whole of scientific pursuit starts as hypothesis.
  16. fag Houston
    I'll give you one bitcoin to cut off dutertes dick and make him asphyxiate on it.
  17. fag Houston
    I believe in fair fights, I don't resent any of those things but I don't worship them either. You have no power, probably no sex, and little money so I guess your life isn't that great?
  18. fag Houston

    "injections of apomorphine (14) or the barbiturate sodium
    amytal (15) interrupted catatonic stupors in schizophrenic
    patients so regularly that one author coined the term “decatonisation”
    for the procedure"

    They threw every substance and a lot of dumb ideas at it at one point or another.

    "Numerous studies suggest that opiate antagonists
    may have antipsychotic properties. A review of
    the literature describing the use of naloxone to
    treat schizophrenic patients has shown mixed
    results. The three studies on naltrexone have
    found no benefit in controlling auditory hallucinations."

    Doctors and yes I am a doctor.
  19. fag Houston
    I want to see ISIS get in the UFC.
  20. fag Houston
    They used to treat schizophrenia with opiates.
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