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Posts That Were Thanked by Nil

  1. The Matrix was actually a documentary about a mild mannered computer programmer trying to delete his facebook.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You cunts believe in all manner of bullshit with weaker support that scientific consensus on climate change. Fuck it though, I can't be bothered to go through the usual song and dance.

    Let's just pretend I go through the process of extracting examples of such beliefs from each of you before pointing this fact out. HTS doubles down on the troll and pretends like he never leaves his room because he can't find certain evidence that his door hasn't changed to lead to a deathtrap since the last time he walked through it, aldra says something about how you should be skeptical of the institution of science but ultimately agrees that scientific publication counts as positive evidence, and "vinny" goes on to post increasingly incoherent ramblings where he backs himself to a more and more absurd position involving various conspiracy theories and probably claiming DJT is the definitive source of truth on climate change at some point and the thread dies when that back and forth peters out.

    There, I just saved us all a lot of time. You're welcome faggots.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Technologist Well if that’s the case, I’ll stick with my stupidity!

    You don't have a choice anyway.
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    does this site attract schizophrenics or does it actually inflict schizophrenia upon people?
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  5. Originally posted by HTS Hey PHM… you like Huey Lewis and the News? Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically.

    I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.
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  6. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala No I’m not ok. My goddamn plants got knocked over.

    Shouldnt have fucked with me bitch.
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  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Just like the truest art, my posts are not meant for others but to stand defiantly on their own. I am the absurd hero of shitposting, I see and embrace the futility of trying to have a serious conversation with child like intellects but I take up that impossible task anyway. Not for your benefit, but for mine. Also stimulants.
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  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by POLECAT I do wish you would contact our people and get them on here, these niggas dont even know how funny s n d chatters can be and those dgd nutters are not helping the DH Rep

    I cringed
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  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    The only people I've ever met who were overtly racist enough to get tattoos, form groups etc. We're by all accounts weak willed and stupid individuals. Racism is born out of fear and insecurity, two traits a self respecting man seeks to eradicate from his psyche. I dislike Chinese people but I can't admit it's out of fear of the yellow peril and their insidious nature of sliding into other countries. I hate communism and how destructive they are to the environment as well as their persecution of Buddhists, Muslims and followers of falon gong. I am willing to admit my apprehension is based on fear of a yellow planet.

    Being racist towards black people literally means you are a cuck. You fear black people taking the only fat white bitch willing to fuck you. You are afraid of black people according you because they can see the fear in your eyes. You want to blame your insecurities on them and your hatred is based on envy.

    Literally everyone racist is a faggot. Discuss
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  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    If you think man isn't affecting climate change you are dangerously stupid. If you think there's a global scientist kabaal dedicated to falsifying things that are apparent to anyone with 2/5 senses, you are so fucking stupid you need to die right now
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  11. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    esbity is the kinda guy who stands in the grass where it says do not stand and litters then posts about it online
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  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    NIS has probably been boring since it was created although I wasn't on it for a year and a half.

    DH is exactly what spectral is talking about when he refers to things as "chat room lite." None of the posters are interesting and squirrel is the only marginally attractive one. It's middle aged people who do nothing but post shitty banter that would make millenials who communicate only in emogis cringe.

    In theory It can't hurt to have more people on this site but they're so fucking lame and boring there's no point in them posting or even existing. We have infinityshock and spectral but they have wellhung and LJ so I really just hope everyone dies and it's a nice quiet funeral. Thank you
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  13. RestStop Space Nigga
    Apparently it's a get out of everything free card for being a piece of shit.
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  14. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    mental disorders are literally just adjectives you use to describe a person but sounds more sciencey
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  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Technologist Very well put, but no where in my little head do I feel like others control me. I see how you see it, I just don’t feel that way, at all.

    Sure, most of my day I feel like I'm a totally autonomous free agent. Trained dogs probably have no perception that they're domesticated. I'd argue that it's inherent in the ideas of socialization and indoctrination that you don't have a conscious awareness of the ways in which you are controlled. The space of ways of being which are denied to us by social forces aren't at all obvious unless we sit down and really try to think about it. The fact that we don't feel like we're being controlled says next to nothing about the reality of the matter and indeed if we attempt to impartially examine how much control is exerted over us we find it's quite extensive.
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  16. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    How can 10 years of sending millions of soldiers off to die in misery, cold, hunger and dirt barely a full tank of diesel's distance from Berlin possibly be remembered as "we nearly took over the world, we nearly waz kangs".
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  17. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ~L J~ Cuz like your girl Lala said, he can be normal when he’s not posting craziness.

    Anyone can be "normal" when not being crazy, you stupid cunt. You think Hitler didn't have normal moments? What kind of fucking piece of shit degenerate would judge someone's character based on outliers?

    You're such a fucking retard.
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  18. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cootehill You wanted to know why jedis are so successful - this is why.

    jedis take shit super seriously - even the comedians. They are raised in a serious culture, they aren't fed any lines about the next world or reincarnation, and they aren't encouraged to indulge in idle consumerism.

    You never see jedis going "oh well, fuck it, I'm going to watch shitty TV from 30 years ago and forget about my tribe and my self interest".

    I need you to think and focus very carefully here, Cootehill, because the people who take life seriously are actually the brainwashed ones. This is why you don't make sense to me, since you've faced death before.

    When you die -- that's it. This reality is over. None of this stuff will matter. You're already lucky in the fact that you're going to live in a reality where you ARE so privileged. Muslims won't be a majority until approximately 2070, and we probably won't be alive by then. That reality won't exist.


    You should be trying to make your existence in this reality as comfy and enjoyable as possible for yourself, not caring about some shit that will only have an affect on the humans long after you're dead. This has nothing to do with your "self interest". You won't be living in the reality you're complaining and fighting against. If you turn off the news you won't notice any of this shit.

    Once you realize this, you can't comprehend why someone would care. This is why /pol/ is made up of teenagers and people younger than you, and why it's pathetic that you're regurgitating their perspective of life.
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  19. Madman African Astronaut
    lol @ u using schizophrenic as an insult, you are a schizo you fucking dumbass, and of course everything is ajedi conspiracy you go full on retard all the time, hardcore retard
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  20. stupid noob VICTIM of farm equipment [the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery We are the most intelligent and contributive species.

    This. I'm so sick of humans saying we are the worst species ever. It's lacks merit and is based in some stupid hippy dippy tree hugging faggotry about muh mother erff.

    Humans are the pinnacle of evolution on this planet, just because you are a fucking retard doesn't mean the species as a whole is.
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