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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock

    Dude looks like Bob Dobbs
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock When you see a couple of two different races…in public…on TV…in an advertisement…what are your thoughts? What are your thoughts when members of your family date outside their race?

    As much as I would like to preserve European Heritage, we don't all have to

    why does it bother you so much. That sounds more like Jealousy than your concern for the White Race being eradicated.

    If the whole world fucked everyone else that would end that problem of people like you existing.
    Maybe you're worried about race haters dying off over the White Race as it is. You don't like all white people do you? No.. so why do you care.

    circular thinking on your part.
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut

    though she's kind of cute for a pudgy face redhead

    Jeffrey Colmyer and Tiffany Cimino, of Little Egg Harbor, pleaded guilty Tuesday to theft by failure to make required disposition of property. Colmyer also pleaded guilty to money laundering on behalf the couple's companies, Rayne Construction Management Services and Colmyer & Sons Construction.

    (MORE: Tropical Depression Alberto Kills Several)

    State authorities will recommend that Colmyer receive a seven-year state prison and that Cimino get probation when they are sentenced Sept. 7. They say the couple stole more than $1.4 million, mostly Sandy relief funds, and used much of the money to gamble and buy luxury items.

    This included a $17,000 diamond ring and trips to seven casinos in Atlantic City, where they gambled most of the money away, according to Fox News.

    "Meanwhile, they abandoned jobs, or in many cases failed to even start jobs, leaving many victims with uninhabitable homes," the state attorney general's office told Fox News.

    source Bing
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein And I see I made you change your dick hand pic


    He's "Cocksi the Nazi"
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein You almost stopped stalking me for 5 min.. I applaud you

    Sounds like you want the asian hag to stalk you somemorererrr
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock there is no version of reality where that ever happens

    I got fucking pictures of you Pal. several snoopy photos.

    Phag Azz
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock because any of that makes any sense

    youre an idiot

    You're Elusive and we know you're a hairy old Chinese woman out of the Mongolian mountain region who made her way to America!
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    would the Billion dollar vibrator be related to the Hadron Collider or Hardon Collider?
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    kitty fur
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    LOL this is Infinityshock

    Now who is the real Mudslime?
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    ^ One of those is the true Infinityshock.. but which Yeti.. which indeed
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock im gonna goop on you.

    You're doing it wrong you anti-social freak.

    My Word
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RottenRobert jedis wear a Yamaka to protect their head from birdshit. Even the birds hate them.

    These are the real jedis. this sect would agree with you on Zionism being false Israel.

    Why would you show photos of the people who probably agree with you on many political issues that you share in common?
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    When does the line of fine become defined for the definition of "Cruel Punishment" to be drawn. and how wide is the space between the lines?
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by EllariaSand

    Find the first use for the word Cunt

    without Wikipedia's help (which is probably not 100 percent accurate)
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Big improvement.

    suggestion. Have different color adjustments for menu/thread pages.

    if you could implement that as an option in User Controls.
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Listen, Beigey. You need to stop buying prepackaged guac. It’s super easy to make your own and it’s 10 times better.

    Pro tip: Sprinkle some feta on top.

    I used to make my own all of the time. you got to wait for that fucker to ripen and then hit it fast.

    I don't know why something so uncomfortable will make me go back to it. Like I said before.. putting a finger in the blender over and over.. maybe I'm just bored.
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    A simple pack of Guacamole from Lucky's that says "medium mild"


    I ate it last night and it had chunks of peppers in it. I figured, people put roasted peppers in guacamole but not habanero. and why put mild?

    We don't drink milk in this house.. we drink rice or almond milk.. neither is cooling this shit off. Who puts hot ass peppers in fucking Guacamole then tricks you into thinking it's "Mild"

    I used to eat spicey food all of the time , My father (adopted half mexican fucking crazy asshole) would make us eat some crazy shit. test us for eating peppers out of the jar..anyways, (Bill Krozby move) I digress.. I added ranch to this shit.. my nose is running right now and I'm getting a pepper euphoric high now that it's cooling off 15 fucking minutes later.

    My age is catching up with me I guess. everything fucking hurts now.

    You guys ever get that buzz from eating spicey peppers?
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