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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    And I'm telling everyone here.. even though I know of the Cheney/Bush and so on connection.. there is an odd connection of obama, hunter, reed, clinton, ayers, and a few others .. is it possible that it's not a political party but just a collective of Americans and worldly players behind it?

    not blaming anyone.. but it's interesting.
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Archer513 You’re right narc

    I should listen to heroin addicts…


    giggles with hands in face like a japanese school girl.
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Safeway delivers.

    if you're too lazy to go to a store yourself.

    I like Target. it's a cleaner version of Walmart. a bit pricier but the small produce department is pretty decent.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock

    Once again.. the State of Israel is an evil forced invention. The real Israel has not happened yet.
    Real jedis in the "State of Israel" are anti Zionist movement. This is why they're so hostile towards many American Christians. Until they get to know you're not a Zionist Movement christian. I am pro Israel, Pro Zion and hope God gives them the land one day soon.. but these are false jedis. You're angry at faux jedis for their crimes. This has nothing to do with Rabi Jesus nor jedis who would most likely agree with you on the State of Israel and they only know the land of Palestine themselves. It's weird how you just want to lump everything together. It's easier that way for you. "Kill everything and let G-d sort it out"

    And the song I posted is Catholic in nature. Not sure the Catholics like the State of Israel neither. So what's the point of your post?
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Red_Woman Why would I do that? I like my double espresso first thing in the morning.

    Sorry.. double espresso's is for the refined.

    I'm working class.. Latte when feeling like a sweet, or a straight up black coffee
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    If this doesn't move you Spiritually, Infinity.. you have no soul :(

    Ave Marie!

  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    So all of this time we been calling "bill the cat" jill and an actual Jill becomes a member? or is there more to this story?
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the pat-man Who is responsible for this shit????

  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    If you have a trader Joes.. buy these. 2 bags in the morning is like drinking a 20oz Redbull

  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock theres no way dr.pepper has less caffeine than mt dew

    i used to use it for its driving stimulation effect and dr pepper was less 'peppy' than mt dew. i would have to drink almost double dr pepper to get the effect of mt dew…because mt dew tastes like broken ass.

    Mt Dew 51 Dr Pepper 42

    What were you reading?
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Madman I'm from the ozarks and this band is great. This song got famous but all of their stuff is good.

    It's weird. It doesn't sound like something you would expect from the Ozarks. It sounds disco-ish. like someone from NYC or London.
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Do you mean other bands they would crititue or their own stuff.

    There was a lot of talented people on totse. Coders, hackers, and musicians or into house mixing.

    People would upload great articles and information. not everything was destructive in nature. much of it was fanfare or telling stories or making comic strips of their own. That's the part I liked about totse. Mostly the dialup and mainly text info. the web version made it great from 2000-2001 because it had video or photo with pdf files and links.

    I myself was layering tracks with a MIDI recorder and 3 synths I owned. I wish I could find the fucking songs I had from the later years I mixed. I do have a few older songs I did when I was first starting out.

    Originally posted by aldra I remember on totse there were long-running 'mp3 game' threads where people would upload tracks and give short reviews - should be easier to do now that sites like youtube are so prolific.

    The gist is each person gives a quick review of the track the last person posted, then posts one of their own… and so it goes.

    Don't be faggot and post more than one song at a time.

    I'll start with this:

    embedded bandcamp link

    (noisy electro punk)
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I love this song. Havn't heard it in years. thanks for posting it.

    Originally posted by DietPiano [video]Jackie Blue

    Not quite folk, but this is an underplayed 70's GEM with spooky lyrics and a sick guitar solo
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Madman My beer is gone but i did eat stir fry that I cut up the vegetabvles for, so I did my part, I'm now waiting for my roomates to leave to kitchen so I can get the tequila because if I get it in front of them they will think I'm going too far, im glad I live with such insufferable pussies because im too hardcore by myself.

    They just don't want you keeping them up all night, sluring and yelling at polka dotted elephants. and barfing all over the living room carpet.

    I would just go into my roof, lock the door, put on headphones and listen to Rush, Caress of Steal, to fall asleep and get up in the morning to see how much damage you created. I wouldn't piss and moan about it.
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by tee hee hee Was the safety not on?

    It shouldn't of been on him (unless you mean the DEA) in which it wasn't supposed to be loaded. He didn't check the chamber.
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Archer513 You have stupid friends.

    Not a friend.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "some Italian dude"

    Well I'm convinced.

    I'v heard it before from people in the UK and other places .. you're all just paranoid
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock dont you worry your pretty little head about how i am in RL. you just sit back and focus your energies on being the best fap material contributor that you possibly can and make sure im getting my moneys worth out of you.

    I'm gonna laugh if there is a report done on totse.. sadly Lanny will have to be dragged into it (but only for source of new info.. he didn't do anything.. thta I know of)

    and they print all of our P.I. LOL I'll turn mine into a book since I don't have a dime in savings.. while you.. You will probably want to move to the islands in West Indie somewhere to prevent the Black Brotherhood of Islam come calling on you. or MS13, even :D
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Red_Woman Yup, double espresso in the morning. More short during the day and one after dinner.

    Just get a small and ask for 3-4 shots and it's a low calorie high octane treat. If it's a latte
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Nucking futs.

    not all of them. some have validity to their stories.

    some like "no planes hit" are fucking idiotic. I think that was just pushed in there to disinfo the true conspiracy of inside and global involvement. It wasn't inside Government.. it was inside corporate upper management utilizing government agencies to get on the inside.
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Starbucks Coffee, Blonde Roast venti, 20 oz. 475
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