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Posts by BobTheStoner

  1. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Originally posted by reject All right which one of you is this

    32 ounces of anything with the strength of vodka or higher is BOUND to make you throw up unless you are a hardcore alcoholic. That dude downed 32 shots.. that would kill a good percentage of the population
  2. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Originally posted by snab_snib it enhancements ash out of the smoke. it doesn't enhancement out the active ingredients. when you drink bong water, you're just drinking ash.

    I'm not advocating drinking bong water here lol.
  3. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Originally posted by snab_snib it doesn't. the water just enhancements the heavy elements of the smoke… ash.

    drinking bong water won't get you high.

    Well if it flavors the smoke it must have some effect on it and if it doesn't flavor the smoke than there's no use.

  4. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Wouldn't recommend imo just because who knows if the smoke passing through anything but water has an effect on it.

    But that's just me.
  5. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Merlin Almond extract smells bretty good.

    Yep and is VERY strong.

    Nearly twice that the alcohol percentage of vodka.
  6. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Originally posted by reject I like the smell of gas but I don't go around huffing it

    Not analogous at all.

  7. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Merlin No way vanilla extract, the actual vanilla and not the alcohol part, is bad for you.

    Back in my day I used to drink leaded gasoline. Kids today just don't know how good they have it.

    Well is it artifically flavored extracts that are hard on the stomach or just condensed vanilla in general?
  8. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Originally posted by snab_snib 35% vodka doesn't have fucking vanilla extract in it

    Troll or dumb
  9. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Originally posted by snab_snib so you're going to pay six bucks for a nasty fucking shot of flavor extract in alcohol?

    you have problems.

    steal them. but if you're going to steal, why not just… steal alcohol or delsym?

    and drinking vodka is in no way similar to drinking fucking mccormick peppermint extract bottles.

    or make a fucking friend and get someone to get it for you. get a fucking homeless person.

    Again ethyl alcohol is ethyl alcohol no matter where it's found

    35% vodka is just as strong as 35% vanilla

    And it's sold it large containers
  10. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Dude just get some clear hand sanitizer, put a cup of salt in it, shake it for ten minutes, and enhancement it through cheesecloth

    Results in 70% alcohol

    K my bad turns out its ethyl but still that sounds Hella unhealthy
  11. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Dude just get some clear hand sanitizer, put a cup of salt in it, shake it for ten minutes, and enhancement it through cheesecloth

    Results in 70% alcohol

    You trying to get me kill myself dude? Rubbing alcohol is used in hand sanitizer whereas ethyl is used in extracts
  12. BobTheStoner Yung Blood
    I was getting sick and tired of seeing all these discussions on bluelight and other websites trashing extracts (Vanilla, almond and anise) some claim it's unhealthy but usually lack a reason for why it is so. Just off the bat let me tell you extracts require no ID. Anyone of any age can buy them.

    Let me tell you what I know, these extracts contain Ethyl alcohol, the same kind found in every alcoholic beverage you've ever drank and are at BARE MINNIMUM 35% alcohol because they are required to be so. Some extracts such as almond and anise contain up to 65% alcohol.

    What this means is the extracts are at least as strong as vodka and can be as strong as moonshine.

    They are sold in 1-8 ounce quantities in normal grocery stores and sold in 32 ounce bottles at Costco if you're looking for a bargin. 1 shot is one ounce so DOSE ACCORDINGLY

    I would recommend buying at non unionized stores as the extracts can be quite expensive. ANY cheap grocery store will work. Dont go to the big chains like Ralph's or Albertsons but Walmart is acceptable.

    If you can get the mindset to not think about the taste of what you're drinking (a similar mindset to downing vodka or lean) these extracts can be quite effective.

    I wouldn't recommend buying citrus based extracts as the alcohol mixed with the extreme acidity of what you're drinking is no bueno.

    Some have concerns over the artifical nature of some extracts but honestly there's probably more processed stuff in the munchies I'm eating.

    HOWEVER if you're still concerned they make organic extracts sold at the big name grocery stores that are more expensive.

    Leave your thoughts friends
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