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Posts by paradoxspace

  1. Hes way too much for me to handle. I just can't like the guy and i feel like hes a tool
  2. Originally posted by Totse 2001 You lack compassion for a charity event player? it says it right there. It was for charity.

    Twitch streamers only do "charity" streams to try too bring viewers.. I guess maybe i am a piece of shit, but i sympathize for his family. No child should have to be raised without a father. Thats gotta suck growing up later, explain your father died doing a "charity" stream.

    What an idiot.... I really don't have compassion for someone who died due to lack of sleep because they wanted to play video games. I feel sorry for his kid and family , but yeah....

  4. Originally posted by RisiR Ok, so I'm currently not working (still getting paid, I don't know how you call that in English) because I got burn out or some shit. That means I can smoke non-stop which I did for the past 2 months.

    I have apparently smoked ~300g since Christmas. A bit too much, even for me. I feel like shit, energy-wise, no motivation or anything, bad libido and overall super bored.

    Today I only smoked a small hit after being sober for ~18 hours. I feel ok.

    Anyone here smoke a lot?

    Ive been smoking daily without a break for 1 1/2 and a total of 4 years. At one point i was getting up too 2-3Gs a day , but im taking bong hits. Right now im only at around half gram to a gram. I dont really get burnt out as much anymore , but it still can make me super groggy if i smoke too early.
  5. Originally posted by infinityshock jesus christ. if some of the things I've heard of were in your head it would probably literally explode.

    The amazing thing is , by the looks of how everyone on here acts/talks that this would actually be believable LOL
  6. Originally posted by wtfisthishit I am pretty sure 99% of this website is autism.

    Either youre addicted to drugs or have autism if youre on this form
  7. Originally posted by RisiR I can't. I don't even know if he has posted about it or not.

    He calls his dates "slampigs" and treats them like garbage (sorry that I can't link you to every post of his where he does that) and fucks and gets fucked for the exchange of drugs. Do you remember when he smashed his ass through a glasstable and took pictures of it after fucking in the shards?

    I'm absolutely certain he stuffed his drunk dick in some passed out bitch more than once.

    wait he fucked glass shards? that is a different level of insanity.
  8. birds are the key too becoming woke
  9. I honestly give no fucks about what anyone on this site does. If you wanna live your life without having your child in your life so be it. If you wanna be the guy that calls him out on it then so be it. Either way i will sit back with my tea and enjoy
  10. Originally posted by RestStop You just need to cop drugs for the right price. After that all your problems will become absolutely 100% irrelevant.

    bundy bundy bundy
  11. When i was 7 years old i accidentally forgot to feed my hamster and he ended up dying. I've never admitted this to anyone, i feel like a monster. Should i go turn myself in to the police? I think i might possibly call a mental hospital. Plz help , i feel like this is what lead me to dog fucking antics.
  12. Originally posted by RisiR Quoted. Haha. You'll never live that down, dogfucker.


    and i stand by that
  13. did you call an ambulance?
  14. Rather let a dog licks its ass then lick my face over touching half the females in my aids infested town
  15. Wheres my pitchfork?
  16. Originally posted by RisiR I'm actually not even talking about the thread. I just don't think that weed gives a shit about laws and all the Califags I'm talking to act like they have this amazing, superior quality Cannabis disregarding that the plant has been in human use since thousands of years.

    I'd like to grow outdoor in Cali because of the weather but that's it. Indoor the plants don't care where the empty warehouse they grow in is located. The plant doesn't care about funky names, either.

    It's been over 10 years that I made my first BHO. Y'know, it's like being at the first Beatles concert in Hamburg and you chill out with the guys and you don't really like John Lennon and then like almost 2 decades later they become famous and some noobs who downloaded their Best Of (cover versions by really bad bands) and listen to it on repeat are trying to explain you what it's all about, maaaaaan.

    Stoners who have nothing besides smoking weed as an identity tend to be the ones who brag about their area having the best weed. As you said anyone can grow indoor and there is quality weed all around the world. Its still fun seeing though the different types of weed people have throughout the world. Seeing bud grown in the Himalayas , south america, Africa, etc etc. I also like too see how bud turn out in different growing conditions etc. It shouldn't ever be a dick measuring contest.
  17. This thread is pure gold .
  18. Originally posted by RisiR Not really. I'm speaking just for myself. I started smoking weed 16 years ago when it was illegal and I still have to see something that WOWs me after the US legalization. The Czech Republic decriminalized all drugs like 10 years ago, Portugal too. Weed is legal in Spain an more or less in The Netherlands.

    A free ounce of bud is nice but really, it's nothing new.

    I see what youre saying I just got bored and wondered what everyone on here was into or had on them at the time.
  19. You guys really go hard when you don't like someone. I'll remember to always keep the lube close.
  20. Originally posted by RisiR I don't get it.

    This literally could apply too any thread ever posted on this site..
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