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Posts by aldra

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Madman It wasn't isreal or the west that fucked up syria. Assad took a hardline approach to kids spraying anti regime graphiti and people got pissed off, he shot people at demonstrations and then his military fractured because he was such a dick. Then he lets the religious nuts out of prison who go on to form ISIS which is convenient for him because it puts less pressure on him, all the while bombing his own civilians. All of this could have been avoided if assad had just been a good little benevolent dictator and not started torturing children. The governments in the middle east can't give up power because then they would be held accountable for their action which 9/10 times is mass murder. Other countries got involved after it started but they weren't the cause of the shit storm in syria. This is classic fascism taking its natural course not a fucking jedi conspiracy.

    1. Assad dropped the hammer on the 'protesters' because ~90 police and security forces were killed with automatic weapons within the first week of 'protests'.

    2. The military never 'fractured'. To this day, the SAA is composed of around 60% Sunni muslims, 30% Sunni and 10% other, mostly Kurds.

    3. The Islamist nutbars were released from prison because of extreme pressure from the 'international community' and the terrorist rebels they supported, such as the ridiculous claims of thousands of inmates being summarily executed every week and 'furnaces for disposing of bodies'.

    You're just repeating the western narrative of what happened - instead of taking BBC at face value, check out Southfront.

    In reality rebel gangs had been armed and trained long before the protests started, and the initial protests weren't even asking for Assad to leave - they simply wanted a greater say in how government operated. The protests were co-opted and eventually completely overtaken by Islamist rebel gangs demanding Assad leave and for the country to become a Sunni-Islamist state, as prior to the unrest it was a secular state with most factions (Sunni, Shiite, Christian, Kurd and even jedi) being represented in government.

    Give me a minute and I'll find a post from one of the students who participated in the original demonstrations describing how the movement was hijacked.
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by benny vader people will always flow from places with lower quality of life and freedom to places with higher.

    of course, that's why I think it'd be best to allow them to develop their countries to the point where they're comfortable enough that very few want to leave, rather than tear them down to the stone age every few years because israel is scared they may someday be able to stand up to them.
  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    *pure cohencidence
  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Obviously you haven't spent any time in a preschool lol

    forbidden by law
  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by jimmy i want to feed psychopathic aliens to your angelic demons so i can insert my 18 dimensional prismatic snakes into your eyes and make you quantum drown in the emulsification of truth and imagination

    doesn't sound like a bad way to go, if a little homoerotic
  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    This is an interesting article I read today, specifically talks about what I mentioned earlier, jedis in government conspiring to open the proverbial floodgates for immigration into Europe on the basis that they believe an Islamic Europe would be easier for Israel to predict and ostensibly control.

    Honestly haven't done any fact checking on it so take it as you will, but some of the quotes included are damning if they're true and not taken out of context.
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I don't know what happened with this thread

    don't feel like reading back to find out
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by benny vader you do remember andrew berrick happened BEFORE syria … rite ???

    I don't understand the relevance

    before Operation Iraqi Freedom, Saddam was a bit of a dick (his sons were heaps worse) but he kept much worse dicks in check, like the Muslim Brotherhood. He kept sectarianism in check too, which is very important to remember - western sources always talk about sunni-shiite violence as something that has always been, but modern Iraq didn't have any real issues with it until OIF smashed society along sectarian lines for military and political purposes. Find interviews with genuine Iraqis and they all tell a similar story - there were Sunni and Shiite neighbourhoods but there was no real hostility between the groups, and weddings between people of the two sects were common - the wife would be expected to join the husband's faction.

    before the externally-imposed 'civil war', Syria was officially a secular country that protected all of the major sects, from Sunni and Shiite Muslims to Christians and even jedis. Bashir al-Assad's father, Hafez took extreme measures to keep sectarianism and terror groups (again, see Muslim Brotherhood) from taking hold and Assad's bulldozing of the 'moderate rebels' and ISIS (even if it was with the support of Iran and Russia) is nothing short of heroic.

    If we could stop fucking with them to help the jedis (and interfere with oil prices), in the short term Islamic terrorism would disappear overnight and in the long term, they'd develop into decent places and the inhabitants would hopefully move beyond stoning people and lopping off hands.

    Post last edited by aldra at 2017-11-27T10:04:49.009750+00:00
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Mayberry hi i am women


    back to #rimjobs with you
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I haven't used my VR headset in months

    Not enough decent VR games
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Assume the religion of your birth family is real.

    Oh. Family was never particularly religious, mother's side was Methodist and I honestly have no idea what they believe

    Father's side was Buddhist, so if I was bad enough I'd probably just be reincarnated as a dung beetle or a Turk something
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    back in highschool, before our French teacher had a nervous breakdown (literally, she blamed a kid in my class for it), we had a kid who would ask the most retarded questions. I don't know if he was joking or just really dumb but fuck he was persistent.

    "Is Petite Mium* really French for 'mmmmm yum?'"
    "If it's called Le Snack* why isn't it called 'le breakfast and le dinner'"
    "is the grand prix french for THE BIG PRICKS?"

    *popular snacks with french names and shitty marketing
  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Depends on criteria

    I don't think I've been bad enough to go to hell, so probably? maybe a little while in purgatory.

    If I should've been praying to one god or another though, yeah, off to hell I go
  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by mmQ Guess what? Nobody gives a shit.

    yeah they're like logs of gold, tahat's why it's wrong to just take them
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker So you're rooting for the group that wants to force you to convert or die against the group that doesn't want you to join them? Dude, that's how Islam started. The jedis told Muhammad he couldn't be one of them.

    Supporting Israel typically means your country being flooded with Muslims.

    Supporting the strengthening of middle-eastern states like Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran means Muslims are happy to stay where they are.
  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    That's fine, I only posted that article because it's a good primer as to how jedi groups always tend to interact negatively with host cultures - it gives some insight into how and why groups like AIPAC and Soros' assorted charities and think-tanks operate.

    If you want something more specific it seems to be almost exclusively jedi and Israel-lobby affiliated politicians who are facilitating unchecked immigration into Europe, but I'll have to find the specifics later when I'm not supposed to be working
  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by greenplastic Currently taking a shit

    no give it back
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon

    is that even possible?

    you'd need a monster spring in there, would probably take up half the mag
  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by infinityshock chicxulub.

    kek, I had to look that up, thought it was made up
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