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Thanked Posts by tourettes420

  1. tourettes420 Yung Blood
    *note* i do not condone illegal behavior, this can be used for people who have genuinely lost their keys. I shared the same knowledge on LLZ and always will intend this for educational purposes.

    anyway sup fags, you ever needed a whip to drive around, but you were too fat and gay to get a license or couldnt afford a car cause you lived in your moms basement snorting your paycheques away on fishscale? Well, now you can further your L taking by stealing gm vehicles made from 95-2005 and just maybe get buttfucked in the joint. Heres how!

    shit required

    1. A gm vehicle from 95-05 with no steering wheel lock (in this tutorial a 2002 silverado 1500 is used)

    Unless you can remove the lock yourself, in which case you can also use this on gm vehicles from 94 and before, which helps because those years dont have security, and therefore don't require bypassing anti theft)

    2. A variable potentiometer resistor to bypass the security (radioshack should have this)

    3. tools to get to under the dash (unless you arent a bitch and can break the plastic off with your hands)

    4. some wire

    5. knife/wire cutters

    6. patience

    Ok, first things first, unhook the battery retard. Now, go under your dash and identify your wires to use to hotwire the car.

    Typically, the wires you will have in gm cars that are used for the hotwiring application, are gonna be slightly thicker than the majority of the others ,typically run near the steering column (you can trace them from the ignition switch) and they consist of usually two red wires (12v source),

    1 purple wire-although the 2002 silverado example uses a yellow one
    (this is the starter wire you touch briefly to the red 12v wire that sparks and starts the car)

    1 pink wire and 1 white wire for the ignition

    plus your accessory wire (radio/lights/dash controls etc) usually orange but can vary.

    To find your wiring for sure tho, i suggest looking through this:

    or using google

    Now, here the pic for wiring it all up (black wires and circles represent connections that you always keep together while driving, and the green wire and circles represents the yellow starter wire you touch to either of the 12 volt wires fuckface)

    So according to the photo, you connect the 2 12v red wires together, then run wires from either of them since they paired together now, to the following wires: ignition 1 and 2, accessory 1 and 2 and finally the starter 1 wire- BUT, the starter wire must only BRIEFLY touch the one of the red 12v wires, the others mentioned can stay wrapped around the 12v ones.

    Now, go ahead and hook up your battery and get those wires in place, the radio and some lights should kick on, then try tapping the starter wire against one of the 12v ones- it should spark and try to start, but will fail... Due to the security system that prevents twats like you from stealing them lel

    So how do you bypass the security? Use the potentiometer mentioned!

    The variable potentiometer resistor can be adjusted by hand, so you don't have to go through a huge pack of resistors and keep wiring a new one up and constantly wait cause the car locked you out for picking the wrong resistor.

    Use this vid as a reference for hooking up the potentiometer, dont worry about what he says going to the junkyard and shit, go under the dash and clip off what he shows you here.

    Use this guide as well to figure out how to get to the security wires and hook up a regular resistor, but instead of using the regular resistor we use the potentiometer instead (two prongs its nothing different. Don't worry about the ohm meter, reading resistances or soldering. You gamble with with potentiometer and twist the wires together since you a broke faggot lel. Unless you can afford an multimeter, in which case follow the reading resistance instructions, because it'll make the job alot quicker, and you won't have to keep adjusting the potentiometer non stop. Otherwise, you start the car with the poteniometer in place, see if it runs, if the engine gets killed by the security, wait til the security light by the gauges stops flashing,readjust the potentimeter by turning it, and repeat til it starts)

    And congrats shithead! You hotwired a car and bypassed the security like in the movies! Your parents must be so proud lmao

    Post last edited by tourettes420 at 2016-11-16T08:09:20.470173+00:00
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