2015-06-25 at 1:24 AM UTC
Do you enjoy your job?
I don't have a job yet.... but I'm sure I'll love it. Unless it's one of those part time jobs.
You guys are on that next level shit. Anyway, for my story... I was never really into drugs. It was all about smoking weed at age 15 and 16. So what I did was... play this weed game with two friends (well, the second person wasn't really a friend, but rather a friend of a friend) and in the end I got such a bad trip that I ended up puking underneath a bridge. That's the last time I smoked it. Meanwhile other "friends" were trying to get into XTC. Some of them even got scammed. Hilarious. I'm glad I don't have any junkies as friends.
Does everyone have to have their prostate checked out after (the first time) they have sex?
2015-06-25 at 12:36 AM UTC
Well... I'm Here
So why didn't you re-open your forum, Arnox? It was the perfect opportunity.
2015-06-24 at 8:09 PM UTC
Zoklet theme!
I've always wanted a Zoklet theme since Zoklet shut down (to be honest, the reason I decided to join (besides the rampant shitposting) was because of the theme color) but none of the spin-offs would ever be able to give me that. Hopefully Lanny can do something about this.
The first ever unsuccessful TRT.
It's like I'm an immigrant from an African country seeking a new home in one of the European countries but they all tell me to move after a certain period of time. Fuck.
No sweat, I'm still a full blown virgin.