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Posts by Sourdieselking1

  1. Bro are you weak or something just lift it up fam

    nigga it's a wall safe...
  2. "Challante" isn't a word and if it was, it would be spelled "Chalant."

    What kind of safe is it? You may just be better of stealing the whole thing.

    it is a fireproof, 30-40 inch wall safe. Lol no way I'm gonna be able steal it just using a motorcycle.
  3. And trust me, I've got like 20 other people to buy bud from having one less connect is nothing.
  4. And I'm also using a proxy server... Duhhh.. Don't think I didn't come prepared.
  5. You dont do anything. Its on you for being a bitch and not saying "hey man that last pound was a bit light.". Its on you for not getting it weighed in front of you. Dont go and fuck with someones shit when you havent even tried to talk it out. Considering some of his customers are high level distributors you should know that some of them are probably associated with violent individuals who would do his dirty work for him if they asked him for some pot and he tells them what happens. Not to mention how suspicious it would be if you stopped buying from him near the time he got pinched and you would definitely have to be at least ready for a line of question if you wanted to continue the buying relationship.

    You are comming to the internet to conspire to commit a criminal act. That act being executed on a criminal will afford you no legal recourse if it went to court down the road. Think about that. Now think about the fact that you yourself couldnt not make the plan and execute without leaving a trace on the web. You could not help yourself from asking for help in this matter and that shows that you are not prepared to do what you want to do.

    Also admiting you have a stolen ninja probably wasnt the most intelligent thing to do.

    I would suggest getting a life.

    bro, I have told him in many occasions and I also told my cousin to straighten things out, he keeps coming up with bullshit excuses and yes he does weigh in on front of me but when I check on my scale and other peoples scales it said a total different number than his... And I plan on moving out of the state and so does my cousin in after this happens..
  6. I've been buying from this huge grower I've known for the past 2-3 years and btw I'm living in a non legal state (NY). So I usually go to him when I buy Os or pounds and he grows nearly 200-300 plants every 2 weeks Veg and moves those into flowering and then does the same with seedlings.. So on average he grows 2000-3000 plants every few months.. He's a pretty non challante and chill guy and tends not to care what he has laying around.. Now he's been shorting me lately if I buy QPs or pounds I'll end up getting less what I pay for and that's a lot of money to get shorted on.. It's not like I'm buying grams... This is deadass full weight..

    So as I was saying, most of the time when I go over to his farm (he grows all of his plants in his barn or house, and summer time crops outside in the fields he blends in with magic mushrooms and other legal crops, as he's a supplier of a lot of local markets in town, his grandfather was a 2nd gen farmer who gave the whole thing to this guy and his dad after he died in his will.. Anyway, I've seen probably a numerous amount of cash on many occasions at this guys house; one time I see on his table about what looked like maybe $200-$300K or more, stacked and laying like just like that I could be anyone coming into his house, someone could kill him or rob him entirely, like he doesn't even care who sees or knows what he pushes . And my cousin who's known him since high school also the same girl who introduced him to me, tells me that he's got more than that in his safe and other secret stashes all throughought his home and barn..

    Now, I have a stolen 2012 Kawasaki 350-S, if I were to try and rob him when he's on vacation and leaves his home vacant (which is a lot throughout the year), how would I go about doing it? It's obvious he's involved in illegal cannabis growing so he's not gonna report a single penny missing to the cops cause he'll just get into trouble, and he's got a shit ton of customers too so its unlikely he'll think it's me and some people.. Some customers of his are high level distributors.

    Question is how do you carry out a task like this and how many people would be needed to carry it out and everything? What is the best strategy and would cutting a safe of his open with plasma cutters ( as I've had a pair since my welding days from high school) or would that just be too risky in case he has it booby trapped with black powder inside and then I'm fuxked... So he has tons of hiding spots throughout as well as just leaving cash around like that in weight, this guys just asking to be robbed he's a sitting duck.. My cousins got more inside info ( like I said they've known each other since HS, they've dated and broken up, had flings, got back together, and so forth so they've got quite a history and he's been ripping her off on her profit percentage as she sells bud for him too... Would it be best to wait till he goes on vacation again and have her give me the safe codes or areas where hidden money is stored as well as weed? Or do I gotta resort to using plasma cutters to open his safe so I don't risk my girl getting found out or nothing? Btw, she's my cousin so we're direct relatives so it's not likely she's gonna rat me and her out...

    And would doing it on my stolen Ninja bike be the best advisable thing?
    I mean if I do this with my closest people and we net around $500- or the bigger figures, that's a great profit.. Even $300k between 3 people is still flame..

    Oh and FYI, before you tell me to get a job I do have a job I'm working full time as a cook and currently going to a CC for nursing to become a RN.. And still that's not even enough.
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