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Posts by trippymindfuk

  1. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael.Bauer fuck u for not helping me

    Fuck you for asking for help with police shit. I don't know dude or your daughter. I told you I hope everything works out with your daughter. At least I didn't raise a kid that sends strangers online nudes at 14 and does drugs. Great parenting there, fucktard.
  2. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ner vegas

    Damn who needs flavored butt lube? Like are you gonna lube up her butthole just to eat it or lube her up, fuck her butt and then eat it afterwards? Either way no thank you.
  3. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley SOMEONE DO ME SOMEONE DO ME!! WHAT SAUCE AM I

    You are Sriracha, kinda spicy but not too bad. Something I didn't think I would like but it's actually pretty good. Also there's a cock on the bottle and you busted yours out on here.

    That's the best I got 🤷
  4. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Sitting on my bed, got off work a little early and I already took the dog out so it might be the optimal time to take a little nap nap
  5. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Damn I just saw that your girl Nicki got knocked trying to leave The Netherlands with some weed. Hopefully they don't knock her head all the way off....

    Probably better to get caught there than almost anywhere else but still she should know better than trying to fly with some weed. It's not like we don't have shitloads everywhere in America lol
  6. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grimace The way you describe it certainly sounds like psoriasis (red patches, in eyebrows, crotch, etc)

    If it is psoriasis, you need to go see a rheumatologist because you're dealing with an auto-immune disease that might need treatment beyond something topical.

    That said, you can still use plenty of ointments that are over the counter that will certainly help. Look for OTC psoriasis ointments that include coal tar. Apply it twice a day. It's greasy. It smells, but it works. Also look for ointments that have salicytic acid. Many face acne products have salicytic acid as it's main ingredient. Combine the two and you should see an improvement within about 2 weeks of daily applications, twice a day.

    Even if it isn't psoriasis, you will certainly benefit from it.

    If it's just really bad dry skin, let us take a page out of our black friend's book. Cocoa butter and mineral oil. Slather that shit all over your body. Let it absorb. You could also experiment with shea butter. Basically get a massive handful and rub it into your skin until it's no longer visible and then get another massive handful and rub it over TOP of your skin and lay down and take a nap. Let that shit absorb my nigga.

    If you combine the two (psoriasis treatment and the lotions) you should definitely see a huge improvement in two weeks, but if it's actually psoriasis you really should see a doctor, my nigga.

    I definitely need to see a doctor, I have a few issues besides this. Thank you everyone for your responses, I appreciate it 💯
  7. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Get Dermalogica rosacea cream. I don't think I have that condition but it works very well to get rid of redness. Green balances out red. That should do the shop but you can also get green concealers.

    For dry skin I'd need to know what you're doing to your skin, you shouldn't be using an exfoliator everyday, try limiting it to once a week. I hope you don't use face wipes. Don't use products with alcohol.

    For dry skin and your budget I'd recommend Pond's cold cream. I use it but the cold cream I love is from Etsy:

    I don't exfoliate everyday and definitely don't use alcohol or face wipes, I'll definitely have to try some of that cold cream
  8. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Okay I got my oxtails Marinating’s my first time making these y’all wish me luck on this Memorial Day …I kno I can do it tho💖

    Imma set my alarm for 3 hours and get up to start cooking…

    And I have fireworks for tonight!! 💥

    It’s gonna be a great holiday 🥰

    Later fuyz 😴⏰

    About a month ago I had a friend I work with give me some oxtails, they were really good. Reminded me of beef tips and egg noodles my mom used to make.
  9. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ner vegas belt sander

    no skin = no problems

    Yeah I've thought I might be better off without skin sometimes, problem solved 🤷
  10. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Is it that St. Ives Apricot scrub? I used that as a teen and it made my face all red. Probably had something to do with my skin writing disease but it definitely looked like an allergy. I remember my dad telling me to stop using it. Do you use it on your body?

    Yes it's the St. Ives kind, I only use it on my face, it helps with the dry skin but I've also noticed it leaves it looking pretty red right when I get out of the shower. I figured it was because it scrubs dead skin off, it usually doesn't stay red too long.
  11. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I've always had problems with dry skin but the past couple years it's gotten worse than it's ever been. I assumed it was psoriasis, the spots on my face and eyebrows look like psoriasis patches. I also have little red spots on assorted parts of my body, particularly my chest, sides, and thighs, mainly the inside of my thighs kinda near my crotch.

    It's not like I have a woman to get naked for but as I was getting undressed to take a shower it really hit me how horrible my body looks.

    I use apricot scrub on my face and then put Vaseline on my eyebrows, around my nose and in the dry spots in my moustache.

    I'm not sure if I should shower more because honestly I only shower every few days I guess because it's hard to stay motivated going through a little bout of depression but I'm trying. I feel like I shouldn't shower everyday because that may make my skin even more dry.

    Any ladies (or dudes, I'm definitely not judgemental) have any skincare tips for extremely dry skin? Also some dry patches will bleed for hours if I accidentally scratch it because it itches. It really makes me hate life sometimes, I've never looked in the mirror and thought damn, I look like shit.... even when I was homeless on heroin I don't think it's ever been this bad.

    I'll check back in the morning, I'm going to get ready to try to get to sleep, I have to be up at 5.

    Thanks in advance and goodnight my space friends.
  12. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I've spent a lot of time as a teenager sitting in one of my neighbor's backyards around the fire ring, drinking mgd and smoking brick weed. It was very therapeutic.
  13. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Is your name really bennett? That's such a gay name (No offense) but I always associate it with girls, like Tracy or Melanie

    No I mean my name is Bennett, I ain't in it lol. My real name is Ryan. I don't think that's too gay, definitely not as gay as Bennett.
  14. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael.Bauer hey everyone my daughter used this site a lot as well as telegram, discord, reddit, Twitter and several other websites. her grandmother and me found out someone is sending her drugs in the mail and giving her money on cash app from this site. she said his name is Joe and solstice. I am in touch with the Charleston Police Department and helping them gain more information about this guy. she told me everything and I am asking for this site to cooperate with me and the cops. we have his email, his address and his phone number and I was told not to get involved but this is unacceptable

    she was sending him nude photographs and he was talking to her on the phone constantly despite being my age, I looked him up on her Facebook I want to know who to contact to find out more information regarding what he was doing on this website with my daughter. she claims she doesnt remember how to log into this website anymore and then lied and said well that guy paid for her to delete her account

    I want to know how to find information on this Joe guy because he is a chomo that was sending my daughter drugs for doing sexual stuff guys please help me she just turned 14 and is going down a dark path

    thank you,

    I wanted just this to add if anyone wants to contact me or the police by phone I can give you my telephone number or the number of the detective leading the case

    If you already have all his info and are in contact with police wtf you need anyone else's help for. Most people here ain't going, i personally think you're a troll but regardless I don't know him or her so my name is Bennett. I don't want anything to do with any kind of police ass shit period but if you are not a troll then good luck with your daughter.
  15. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    We don't seem to have them here. I remember they came out in 04, I believe. There was a shitload of them in 88 I want to say, I was a little kid but I remember you couldn't walk anywhere without feeling them crunch under your feet.
  16. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley don't worry I haven't had sex in like a year

    Sex is nice but being single a long time makes me miss having someone to come home from work to and all that wholesome type of stuff
  17. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Girlfriend was 2014 but we were together like 8 years.

    Getting laid would be like 2019, damn now that I realize it's been that long it's really depressing 😭
  18. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Just got up from an unintentional nap and thinking about smoking a little something. I think I should probably eat first so I don't eat so much once I get a buzz.
  19. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    It's been a while so I'd definitely buy me a piece of pussy but I'm from the city, I'm used to being able to find "ladies of the evening" with quite ease, this country bumpkins shit isn't so easy in that regard. I'm reminded constantly that although I live in the country, I'm definitely not a country boy.
  20. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
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