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Posts by tumbleWeed

  1. tumbleWeed Yung Blood
    Anything seem strange? Trust Kaspersky Labs opinion. 2013 most recent though.
  2. tumbleWeed Yung Blood
    #niggasinspace there
  3. tumbleWeed Yung Blood
    That depends on if you connect them ++, -- or +-+-. If you take two and insert them into each other, that batteries short, and discharge. the discharge will produce heat, but unless something goes horribly wrong, they should not explode. If you attach them ++, --, in series, you have summed the voltage, 18V and the mAh, or Wh, depending on your units, will sum as well. That is not saying they have the ability to discharge at a faster rate, each only can discharge at the same given rate. If the batteries are connected in parallel, the amps you can draw will sum, voltage will remain 9V, and mAh will sum.
  4. tumbleWeed Yung Blood
    ATsophie, free to chat? I am avail 4 hour
  5. tumbleWeed Yung Blood
    Do we know how to get an invite code? It has been some time since SWIM has delved in. ATsophie thanks. need help. where? talk?
  6. tumbleWeed Yung Blood
    Just checked it out. I love the ip tag. was looking for sausage party, heard it leaked, can't find. but def. future tor loc.
  7. tumbleWeed Yung Blood
    SWIM & sure others. Where do you find them. especially after the unfortunate events surrounding KAT arrest and take down. Looking for alt options, potentially more discreet.

  8. tumbleWeed Yung Blood
    Just like &totse.... love it.
  9. tumbleWeed Yung Blood
    Hello all,
    I am tumbleWeed
    gone since &totse died

    1. "galaxies do spin faster near the center. The Supermassive Black Hole, (SMB) at the center of most galaxies is the reason for this. In our own galaxy, near our SMB, stars have been recorded at velocities in excess of 5x10^3 km/s. In comparison to our solar system's leisurely 230 km/s.

    2. Relativity, the center and edges don't travel at different speeds compared to what? In your stated case, single frame from a single observer, one time, one point. This is not how we have observed the universe. We haven't just seen a single photograph and made these assumptions.

    3. Dark Matter is likely not a single thing. It is generally a blanket term used to describe some things we have ideas about, but really aren't sure.

    4. Temporal retrograde/antrograde is applicable in a single frame in your postulation. However, over a given time period, the light emitting objects would have moved, revealing their velocity, by distance traveled since last viewed. The distance would be calculated using the observable xy axis change, and red shift to calculate the z axis.

    5. Remember, it's all relative.

    This is likely not enough to understand the concept, if you have specific questions, please ask.
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