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Posts by SlaveoftheBeast

  1. I get the impression that TDR is going to say that he is SOTB

    I have no idea what is going on

    still, decent thread

    There is not even a glimmer of a chance that I am the rodent you rube. I find it truly offensive that you could even suggest such an abomination! He is a crude, impudent try hard where as I am a sophisticated, refined person of culture. If you so much as suspect that I am him you desperately need to have your head examined.
  2. Man, spectroll, you dickrode SotB so hard for so long. You can't even back out of that now. Literally nothing you can say now will speak louder than the fool you made of yourself for all that time.

    Why don't you go into detail, for the sake of the little people? Tell everyone all about it.

    Right, guys? You want to hear all about this, don't you?

    Yes please, for the benefit of everyone involved here, do tell all of us about it. We are waiting here with bated breath on the details. More than you even know.
  3. That was the real SlaveOfTheBeast.

    Of course I am the real deal, just as SpectraL is. We are the last of the true templars, and the only thing holding back the wave of kiddiots to try to make way for what used to be a great thing to become great once again. Since it seems we are struggling with a losing battle I am not sure how much longer it will make sense to keep up the fight. With shitposters like the rodent running rampant all over the place it is nearly impossible to find quality content.
  4. You're alive!!

    Oh and speaking of where everyone went? Where is our good buddy DaGuru? I see that he is registered here but has not been posting. Have you heard from him? I hope that all is well with him and his family.
  5. And you have bushy eyebrows which stick out in opposite directions. So there.

    Spectral my old friend, you are such a cultured and intelligent person. With the sharp wit you possess surely you refrain from sinking to the level of these worthless try-hards. You have been the backbone of this community for years, as they have tried to drag you down into the pit with them. Don't fall victim to their school yard insults, you are above this shameless nonsense!
  6. Damn man, these mouth breathers have really sunken to an all time low. What will be next? Your momma's so fat jokes? If this is not enough evidence that the true Totse spirit is dead I cannot even conceive what it would take to prove it.
  7. Obviously, you haven't been keeping your eye on the ball, and speak out of innocent ignorance. I buried the hatchet with Psycho, as you said, and I was genuine about that, but then he couldn't take a bit of heated debate and ran back to cower behind his patented PI gambit, posting a member's PI because he couldn't take it, knowing Lanny wouldn't do anything about it. Nothing has changed about him. A cowardly and disgusting little rat in every sense of the word. There's no genuine remorse there, just more bullshit and lies. And then you come along and have the nerve to blame me for reneging on my completely genuine gesture of goodwill? Making it look like my word is no good or something? Gimme a break. My word has always been good, and it always will be.

    Don't let these immature kiddiots get you down man. They have to resort to leaking PI because they run out of things to support their side of an argument and resort to acting like cheap dime store hoods releasing the PI of other users to deflect attention away from their pathetic attempt to prove you wrong.
  8. This whole thanks system is just a pathetic cry for attention from a bunch of worthless trolls who have nothing going for them in real life.
  9. Great to hear from you, my friend.

    I see that all the kidiots have found a new playground.
  10. It's not antagonizing, it's just telling the truth, like I've always done. The Totse crew had, not one, but TWO chances at a decent platform, which could have lasted decades, but instead, everyone just stood idly by while the power abusers and kidiots ruined both of them for everyone. And of course, the power abusers and kidiots had to get theirs in the end the only possible way that was left, and because of that, everyone lost. What was I doing all that time? Trying every option available. Speaking the truth. Giving warnings, advice, and completely accurate predictions. Getting infracted, Getting banned. Getting permabanned, because they don't like hearing the truth. Still played with their heads big time. Pissed off the power abusers and the kidiots relentlessly in an attempt to jam a round peg into a square hole. Basically, waged the war all on my own, while everyone except a few, like DaGuru and Slave of the Beast and jackketch, just sat around guffawing. Well, nothing to guffaw about now is there? It's all gone. And now you're finally arrived to complain about the loss and hold it up as something that you profess was worthy fighting for? Now that it's all gone?

    This truth has been evident for quite some time my friend....
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