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Posts by Landy Pamm

  1. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood hey man it's better than injecting heroin into your penis

    I can not argue with you there, My Son!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Lucy and everyone here
  2. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley I just want to see every jedi person deceased.

  3. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    I predict racism in the next responding but not this one
  4. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    noticed the older cartoons are 5 second segments each. 3 segments here.

    until Stewey started his long takes of silence while making something in the kitchen or setting up a death trap for Brian.
  5. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    you have to remember that this isn't like an Ink blot or a print of the persons. it's a shadow because it blocked gamma rays. everything else got singed and turned ash color. they preserved these in that one area of the Dome building and bridge near by as a memorial. but it's just things that blocked gamma enough to prevent total burn.
  6. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    probably a puddle of water and not person or animal related
  7. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Xlite People really have no idea how dangerous jfk was to israel and j3wish supremacy.

    He wanted to repeal the federal reserve, sought to register the American Zionist council with FARA and wanted to inspect Israel’s Nuclear reactor, based on stolen technology and HEU (highly enriched uranium), from the NUMEC plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania.

    So.. they killed him and installed a puppet.

    Sounds like you think George Bush and Cheney were innocent of the whole thing
  8. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Bullshit. The US Government orchestrated and perpetrated the terror attacks on 9/11.

    OK Conspiracy Skitzoid MAN

    see how you like that

    you're a retro hippy.. dig on this

  9. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    "Oh look a Ladde..ack!"

    last thought on his mind
  10. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Kind of gay to insert this statement but I was testing my TV 4K color range. put on a 12k video (which only streamed in 4K but the picture is still improved a bit)

    Watching nature. all animals and such. the good of God's gift to mankind. Nature. Beauty

    We fuck this up with power and the ego our Governments in charge have. the Macho shit. everyone chimes in at some point "Our country will fuck your country up'

    Pride of Man

    women too.
  11. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Vaporized in a 10th of a second.

    That's CGI bro.

    its existed but it wasn't so much detailed that much. it was blurred a bit in the shadows left behind.

    I guess its the same effect as a negative. the ore used in wall materials of different clays or whatever created a chemical effect when heated by the gamma rays?

    yadda yadda. the gist is yes that happens but it also shows you can be protected if you're in a basement

    its going to be hot as fuck for a minutes or two. some people might die from that and no doubt you' will have some degree of burns on your flesh.

    some people outside lives because the were standing behind buildings blocking the direct line of view of the blast but still got severe "sunburn" like burns on them. they suffered from the fallout effect and some died, some lived. some never got cancer. just fucked up memories of the bomb.

    all they saw was blinding light but not in the direct path. the building came down and killed those who would of been able to stumble off in a daze had it not fell on them

    many people will survive even larger nukes. I dont think they're hotter than the little boy nuke. they're just broader and do more damage (obviously)

    Im not a physicists and neither are any of you (that I know of)

    Gab makes you horny as shit but limp dick syndrome right now

    fuck SSRIs
  12. Landy Pamm African Astronaut

    I just brushed pass these stories over time. I don't think it involves all

    the thing about Freemason is that recruits (or whatever the term is) will do good deeds. mow lawns for elderly and clean up days

    but you take an oath of secrecy. so some member can be talking about some illegal shit standing right next to you that might piss you off and want to rat him out for being a scumbag. but you don't. because of that Oath.

    should we blame all members by association? its bullshit to have members with secret society be Presidents or Mayors or General Managers etc when there is no doubt some form of nepotism and corruption by the corrupted people in Freemason or any society.

    but you can't blame Freemason itself. the original Freemasons were Guards for Christ.
  13. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    price is 7 dollars now"

    Ok here is 100 dollars

    $1,393,278.46 USD in todays money based on 14.28 in bitcoin value I would have received at 7 a coin.

    fuck me
    I dont want to talk about this anymore. I could of had a house in Nevada and chill money for life.

    reached a price of around $7 in late 2016.

  14. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood He could launch a dummy ICBM and take 1000 days to go 1km and take half a city , great job putler maybe firing off your entire arsenal and you might take the capital by 2084

    silly statement but again. all the big guys can go to their secret sub base in the arctics and wait out nuclear winter while 75% of the worlds population is purged in all large metro in less than 24 hours time

    though honestly burn victims might survive and die a slow death later. cancer if they survive for decades. like that Japanese woman who had a giant melted piece of window glass in her spine for 40 years before a doctor finally found it and dug it out. she suffered from spinal pain for decades. she died shortley afterwards from cancer but she didn't have the spinal issues I Guess. bless that doctor for finding it or taking the time to do so.
  15. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Xlite J3ws was asked to stay home at 9/11 though.

    Also, they dont have a problem killing off their own aslong as they get total control.

    Mossad along with ccp is running shit.

    so you're kind of contradicting yourself. who specifically told J'ews to stay home?" where are you getting your facts from? post links.

    the Mossad, CIA, KGB are all the same. like the CIA has never murdered an American or sacrificed their own.

    who the fuck knows what Mossad is up to. that's a secret government group which needs to be purged and restructured.

    compartmentalize seems like it should still have an oversite to call BS
  16. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep Getting my hair dyed and trimmed. Gotta look good for the in laws.

    post pictures or get out
  17. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The hebrew churches are even more pedophilistic than the Anglicans and Catholics combined

    Source: twitter

    Remember this might be one secular. the so called modern version of "Orthodox or ultra". which sec is this so called evidence related to?
    There are Christian secular like this and Muslims and probably Buddhist and so on.

    why is everyone so set on hating J'ewish people in general? always the trope to blame them. its fucking weird.

    It's the same vibe with "Kill off all White Males". seems like a spin tactic to blame. right? there are a shitload of "I'm J'ewish by culture but Atheist" in Hollywood and suddenly they jumped the hedge into the "Kill Whitey" so it must be all J'ews. but everyone needs to take responsibility to make this mud ball world a better place.

    also I want to fuck some hot old woman. who here has a single mom. not a lot of nonwhites. white women have "Karen'esque special rights to exist" and you're "Lucky to have them" bullshit.

    How can anyone be with that? then comes along BBC
  18. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Xlite US have been under j3wish control ever since that day.

    Its convoluted. It's not J3wish control. But J'ews took part in the Bolshevik takeover which clearly leaked into US power.

    J'ews that were born that but Atheist killed their own people in Russia. 12 Million if not more. No one ever speaks about this. Just Hitler because he wasn't J'ewish and killed them for racist beliefs.

    also some say Hitler never hated J'ewish people in general but Bolshevik and one reason I heard was because "J'ew science" had blinded him temporary but mustard gas that blinded him killed his comrades.

    The officer who requested that Hitler get the Bronze Star (or whatever the medal was called) was J'ewish himself and he stated his love for that guy.

    His Doctor giving him B-12 (with Meth) shots was J'ewish. Hitler must have known this but didn't fucking care.

    yet lets be fair. Germans wanted to kill the "evil J'ew" they drummed up with a war cry. they needed a scape goat for their econominal woes of the time. "Blame the J'ew"

    it's bullshit

    Lets go with the classic 9/11

    "No J'ews died in that building"

    BULLSHIT. if J'ews were responsible along with the Arabs they killed their own. the percentage of J'ew who died in the WTC and probably pentagon was larger than their representation of the US Population making them a larger victem.

    this isn't me cucking J'ews because I am a "Christcuck" it's fact. look it up and do the math. I wish I had the list of names with the ethnicity and religious connections to them. It does exist.
  19. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The zapruder film

    I watched that whole thing. "conspiracy fodder" the host claims. fuck that Brit. and him just blaming Oswald when it's possible he was a patsy.

    who saw him shoot the cop? in those days, did they have radios. I think they had radios since the 30s but they also had call boxes. Blue for Police usually with a Red one for Fire.

    how does anyone know the details if Oswald shot the cop and or even shot the President. all based on circumstantial over any real witnesses. I don't think that makes you a conspiracy nut because you question LHO involvement or even at what level. By claiming he was a Patsy could mean he had something to do with it but not Alone in his actions
  20. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood canada has more minorities per capita but they don't run rampant and muslimify the country and allow prayer loudspeakers and immigrant enclaves. We brutalize them with a scam economy and blizzards until they beg to go home.

    There are no indian rape gangs here which is a common occurance in the nonce capital of the world known as UK where it's illegal to say the N word on the computer, you need a license to own a TV and pornhub is blocked for the entire country.

    Literally a nation of cucks. I refuse to spell "color" with a u because i'm not a french eurocuck like the british. They lost the culture war and all think Trump is bad meanwhile their breakaway colony thinks they are all soy faggots and we need nuclear powered bitcoin and guns.

    also Anglicanism is just plain wrong,. Imagine the head of your church being a British nobility. If you check the statistics they actually molest more children than catholics

    Im not going to stop being a Christian because of the weird shit and opportunist who have cursed the Churches reputation of being rapey rapey because Pedophiles know this is an opportunist moment or the Church guys making a shitload of money for themselves and not God.

    100k a year (Im sure its more now) to be a reverend is pretty good pay for studying for your Sunday prayer sessions and or Wed fellowship (which they usually have an assistant for). Im sure I'd get shit from people for pointing this out.

    It should be an honor to be a minister and not expect Top scale pay. WOW
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