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Posts by Fluttershy
2024-09-04 at 8:35 PM UTC in Ranking the most and least welcoming members of the forumI’ve been a member of this lovely community for several days now, and I’ve been met with an influx of both warm hospitality and cold, bitter rejection.
I’ll start with the good
BradleyB : The first to reach out, and by far the friendliest. I feel as though we’ve really connected on a spiritual level, we’re both handsome hung men who are trying to get over our primal urges (fucking niggers and men) he inspires me time and time again. 9/10
Fonaplats : a true gentleman and scholar, lover of good music, and overall friend. Also one of the first to reach out to me, and was even kind enough to invite me into a group chat full of people that tolerate bradley. 10/10
KingOfFrogs : Was mostly suspicious of me at first, but generally hospitable and welcoming. As he is a pretty boring guy I don’t have much else to say about him. 8/10
Honorable mentions
Wariat : has generally left me alone except to ask me if I’m HTS. 4/10
Now for the bad
Candyrein : Constantly obsessed with me, making long elaborate posts about me in her thread, and won’t stop dming me to ask if she can run away with me. 6/10
Kafka, scron, frala, and others who aren’t even worth mentioning : very rude and inhospitable, accusing me of being an existing member of the forum, and calling me a liar and other filthy names. 5/10
Generally, I’d say the experiences and interactions I’ve had on this website have been both impactful and profound. Thank you all for having me, and god bless you all. -
2024-09-04 at 8:21 PM UTC in How are you feeling at the moment..
Originally posted by Kafka I feel distracted lately because there's too many entertainment options and I'm gaming more because I want to be closer to my old friend. I have Netflix, Disney+, Crunchyroll, Prime and BFI Player subscriptions. I want to be productive but watching my friend's Twitch feels like a safe space even though it's wasting time.
What’s BFI? -
2024-09-04 at 8:17 PM UTC in Members of this site won’t stop soliciting meAn alarmingly accurate description
2024-09-04 at 8:16 PM UTC in Hey Lanny now that I got a taste of what the banlife is like
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
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scron actually made a meaningful contribution to this website for once. Good job 👍 -
2024-09-04 at 8:15 PM UTC in Members of this site won’t stop soliciting me
2024-09-04 at 8:12 PM UTC in Members of this site won’t stop soliciting me
2024-09-04 at 8:05 PM UTC in Members of this site won’t stop soliciting me
Originally posted by Bradley Fluttershy will be showing me what he looks like later and I will not be resending the image but I will uniquely store it in my memory for masturbation/identification purposes later. I will however share rude generalizations about his appearance as I do with most people who choose to display their true visage to my ocular intakers
That’s okay brad as long as you don’t mention my eyebrows or my chin or my forehead I’m very self conscious about those facial features -
2024-09-04 at 7:47 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬
Originally posted by Bradley When someone calls me a racist I make sure they know I have a black friend named Candy!!!!
Yes she is online
and no she doesn't like me that much!!!
Don't ever call me racist again I tell them or you'll ahve to deal with candyrein
What do you mean by “you people”? -
2024-09-04 at 6:49 PM UTC in Fool me one time, shame on you.
2024-09-04 at 6:48 PM UTC in Members of this site won’t stop soliciting me
2024-09-04 at 6:22 PM UTC in How do I become more of a loser?
2024-09-04 at 6:05 PM UTC in Fool me one time, shame on you.
2024-09-04 at 6:03 PM UTC in Members of this site won’t stop soliciting me
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You sure know a lot about the regs for a new user…You've got too much of a potty mouth and "confidence" to be that wet blanket Myers
Ive been lurking since January. I finally decide to join your lovely community and this is how you all treat me. It’s appalling really. At least bradley believes me… I think. -
2024-09-04 at 5:55 PM UTC in Members of this site won’t stop soliciting me
2024-09-04 at 5:32 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬
2024-09-04 at 5:32 PM UTC in Members of this site won’t stop soliciting me
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Who is this alt this time?
You caught me guys, I’m really wariat.
Now that the jig is up.
hry bradley do you thbk the resin the young polish girls wont twlk to me but they talk to the young trashy guys but they wont talk to a nice guy like me?!?? how come do tou think? -
2024-09-04 at 5:30 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬You’ve made posts using information you wouldn’t have if you didn’t read my posts. If you’re going to lie at least don’t lie like a nigger
2024-09-04 at 5:29 PM UTC in Fool me one time, shame on you.
2024-09-04 at 5:28 PM UTC in Fool me one time, shame on you.
2024-09-04 at 5:28 PM UTC in 🍬🍬Candy~Land🍬🍬