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Posts by ðŸĶ„🌈 Soyboy - vaxxed and octoboosted 💉 (we beat covid!) 👎💕👭🍀 (ðŸĐ✊)

  1. Data Protection is important. I hope that bully gets sued.
  2. Donald Trump is weird.
  3. Originally posted by Elbow Yes and no. Like, the person who I am today has not been there, but at one point in the distant past the body I sprang forth from was dragged to that location. I have next to no memories of this, but in a sense, yes: "I" was there. I was not. I remember we went to the Grand Canyon, but I do not remember being at the Grand Canyon itself.

    Hey I'd like to trip balls on peyote in the desert too.
  4. You should be a career girl.
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Well there's plenty one can do about it

    Point and laugh
    Call them fucking nuts
    ejaculate in your hand and then ask them to shake hands
    Call the police

    Clear your negativity out of my thread, mister.
  6. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Massive deltoid muscles. Massive dianabol giveaway.
  7. Shitposting is not a crime.

    It let me make the account, but it looks like NIS doesn't support fancy text for login?
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