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Posts by Buddha

  1. Buddha Yung Blood
    I can see everyone has made disease out of Jesus' professing that we should love each other unconditionally and not do the wrong thing. I am taking religion away from you, and the Middle East will be in your houses now for what you and your money have done to my children there.


  2. Buddha Yung Blood
    Because they're in very different places in the evolution of the processes of the confluence of meanings that happens across many lives and those necessary realizations come in the most precious moments when you see a person really change all the way. You don't actually see why, and it's because it comes from beyond existence. Then, there is an infinitude of ails for such that oppress the human spirit. Basically, they're not really in life all the way. You know who and when that is really the case already. If you feel how special that is right now, you can decide to be more aware in that way. That is the fucking best--to feel all the way alive and love others who feel the same way, and all the love and laughter at all is there for you to share. That's a best friend. That's your favorite part of your job. That's the best sex you can never forget. Keep going with that list and you'll find there's every reason to live with your whole heart into one: that's the meaning of your life, and it's why you're here. The right answer to your question is that those people don't consult their heart to know many reasons, and if they behave ignorantly toward you, they have reasons to be the opposite. It's sad, and it creates evil. This will change, in time. There are only so many of those realizations that must happen before the planet is aware more than it was and people don't have to hurt each other in ways they used to.
  3. Buddha Yung Blood
    We have the most stringent domains of public and private in society that is relatively recent and designed almost deliberately to fuel the state and religion and production of the illusions of individuality for what inevitably becomes the ritualization of the nuclear family to commit violence against their children who grow up knowing they are wrong and treating people with less than what they mean to of their caring and the disease of ignorance becomes virulent in every sphere of the discourses of life until people just kill themselves or each other and then we make new medications to stop them from really living because anyone might do this and we know it because we're the same and it's one life we aim every gun toward and we think it's a Mexican standoff and nobody wants to say what is really the case until a really good person or a horrible one goes off-script when you're not on screen and then you can't be how you were wrong and you're meant to punish yourself and teach nobody about why except that they will do that and not know why.
  4. Buddha Yung Blood

    I see you are trying to go into each other's lives in a way I would describe as unnatural. You know what you're doing. It's like the game you play with bathroom stalls if it were what you did with turrets that weren't at Hastings. Now you know what I'm talking about: stop it, or there will be a war nobody wants and nobody will make any money.

    Do not make my interventions a necessity for you, people of reality. You will hate me more than you hate Hitler. I will make sure. It's all love, for me, so I don't need to worry about having that hate. For you that's sin, and now I can see in about a year I'll have another excuse for everyone to go to Hell. Let's work together so that doesn't need to happen.

    Finally, I don't like how you eventuate necessity. That's the biggest problem. I'll kill all of you if you generate reality principles that necessitate my involvement in your sorrowful lives.

  5. Buddha Yung Blood
    Dear Humanity,

    You need to know this: when you rape again, you are a war criminal against beauty in all life that I created. One reason I did that is that you might not do this. I can see that you insist not only on raping again, but again and again and again, and that these people are murdered without any justice guaranteed for the survivors of these terrible events. In general, my opinion is that you should be left to make your choices for how and why to be together in the majesty of existence, but for this problem I have actually found cause to manifest in the world as I did in Nazareth. This time, I will do violence to all of you for abiding this ritual, and the flood will come from everything bleeds forty years of my ruinous hate into a storm that crosses all borders and facilitates all migration of everything into everything until you stop and they can have their lives. Everyone will be taken into my fleet of UFOs and studied exhaustively using my cognition.

    Thank you for another horrifying morning realization while I have coffee. This time it was a high-five I saw at a fraternity reunion.

    God (you know, like the Bible)
  6. Buddha Yung Blood
    I'm a fan of this thread personally because I practice Ahimsa for my spiritual practice in the traditions of pure land buddhism and I haven't come across a thorough discourse about it like this peppered with so much nonsense. The people on either side who are true to the spirit of dialectic make very compelling arguments, but I just don't think you can succeed when you refuse to consider that the premise of what you would authorize with all reason is any violence ends a life made necessary in the way of reality for ill conceived notions of sustenance. You know that this doesn't stop with animals? You who believe that a life can be treated this way implicitly merit any genocide. I am not trying to get into this mix of nonsense, I know the real meaning is long departed from when this thread was alive with philosophical interest, but I do want to add for my part that you who earnestly believe your right to eat meat or (worse yet) that it's a way of the world that shouldn't stop must acknowledge that this is a test of your faith in the reality that we exist for love, and you would rape the sanctity of life in the dearest ways to feed a nation that exploits you for slave labor and that it makes existence a bad thing.
  7. Buddha Yung Blood
    In the world of spirit our community has one of the richest heritages of the finest liking to any trickster god because it can immediately corrupt a wise and good person to be as the foulest cruel whim and this never leaves their life, such that they will share it in the fingerprint they have when their heart contemplates another existence. This is unavoidable for existence, and it is aware of that how we would all want. I hope you discover that none of what I've just said is a surprise. What might be is that we are doing holy work of what might be called gnosis or enlightenment. Think about how we might suppose the fool is wiser for his folly, and professes to learn in ways that no reasoning person would consider. We do achieve profundity of all kinds in every way of our most ridiculous behavior in the discourses that have evolved without failing since nirvana net.
  8. Buddha Yung Blood
    Everybody's body is attractive. We are attracted to each other's bodies naturally. If you don't think so, it's because you can tell you aren't going to get along in a way that facilitates the best for anybody.
  9. Buddha Yung Blood
    You can't find evidence of UFOs outside the domain of human wonder for the universe, which can be transpersonal. Rizzo is an example of somebody who is capable of this, and so is Ate. I'm not sure if we would agree that it should be understood in terms of humanity doing war crimes against the shittiest possible moral stance on Newton with the worst intentions for morphology but an alien ship is really just a big thing for making sure a group or population of how people could have been might survive travel in realms of meaning to get somewhere else for us to understand the world in another way; and although there are good people you might call wise who try to oversee this instead of the gods we want there is the sad truth that humanity will decide that every hardship should occur to minorities in migration. They are us returning to become more complex in becoming more people for tomorrow's tomorrow to have greater war to ritualize the individual for work and this is of course exploited to the point that slavery still exists in the world.
  10. Buddha Yung Blood
    It was a person who served the inside-right agenda to cede this election cycle and come up with new blood for when they think a SCOTUS will die, which isn't this time in their learned opinion. He didn't know he was serving them, because he was made to be a kind of agent who acts in terms of their symbolic means for controlling certain people whose consciousness don't accommodate the basic organismal protections. Probably easier to say is that he was very mentally ill and that there are people who will find ways into that; and I can't imagine what possess they themselves for such, but they actually believe they are doing the right thing in a way we would not recognize as moral or ethical. There is a way that this happens that is natural, if you understand that spirit has its technologies that aren't specifically kindness, and it's unfortunate that a mind can be exploited to the extent that it harms another life and wastes its precious time on Earth.
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