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Thanked Posts by harriettubman20

  1. The whole point of being an adult is that you get to do what you want, but if you're making it one of your main hobbies like it was when you were a kid then people are absolutely going to think of you as a loser.

    It stops being that interesting once you have control over your life. You have a car and a job. Stop playing open world games and start going on hikes. If you want to play Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley or any other yard work simulator, go mow a real lawn and get paid for it.

    It's a good way to stay in touch with long-distance friends or unwind on days when you're rained in and have nothing else going on, but waiting to get off work every day so you can run back to a home with dirty dishes and unfolded laundry piled up and play a chore simulator is fucking cringe.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Because going to community college is NOT better educated than teaching yourself

    I guarantee I am better educated on MANY topics than some dumb twat who did a shitty college course.

    The simply fact you think you have to pay someone else to teach you shows you don't have the intellect to figure stuff out/teach/learn yourself.

    Community college is good for getting credits towards a degree at a real college, especially if you can get good scholarships and grants. Assuming your high school waives the ACT fee and you aren't a retard, you can just study for a couple of hours and score well enough to get a full ride to a community college, pocket any grants you earn, and then transfer to a school that actually matters.

    The learning part of college is only halfway about actual knowledge, it's about learning from someone that employers actually trust did a good job. Sure you can read books on your own and learn a skill, but some other dipshit can say he does "his own research" and he's dumb as bricks. A degree is someone with authority signing off on what you learned.

    In some fields that's not even the important reason to go to college. It can be useful for the internship opportunities and the connections you make while you're there, since it lets you skip the line and get in at a decent job. A lot of my STEM friends pulled that off, but pretty much everyone I know who went into humanities (including me) had to scrub toilets or flip burgers or something before they started getting real jobs.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. I watch NASCAR... Not nearly as awful as the 90 somethings on FB who comment on every post but insist they stopped watching in 2001 make it out to be.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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