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Posts by harriettubman20

  1. The McDonald's by my place has been fucking trash for so long. You could go inside and nobody ever comes to the counter, you could go through the drive thru and wait over half an hour and your order was wrong. Ofc everyone that worked there was black.

    I went back recently and they had a white girl working the window, she was nice, and they got my food out to me within a couple of minutes.

    She wasn't working today, so just black people again. I had to wait again and my order was wrong.

    Makes you think.
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Older women suck…so much baggage and attitude.

    A young dumb one is so much better/more peaceful.

    Yes I like dumb bimbos…when I get home from work the last thing I want it a discussion on world politics…no I want my dinner serving by a visually attractive young piece of ass wearing a sexy outfit with no flabby bits.

    The quality of the brain or depth of personality is irrelevant.

    If you want intellectual simulation get a friend. If you want your dick sucking on the reg, get a bimbo.

    Why would she serve you dinner? She believe she's entitled to dinner that you paid for, and if you don't pay it someone else will. They're the ones with the attitudes because they've still got the mindset that they're the prize and that anyone would be lucky to commit to them because they exist and have tits.

    Eventually when I'd been with enough women and getting pussy stopped being the only thing that mattered, I got to the point where I wanted to be able to have a conversation for more than 5 minutes without feeling like I'm babysitting. 22 year olds don't know how to talk about anything but themselves. That's not peaceful. Sure, they will suck your dick, but that's not exactly hard to come by at any age.

    Peaceful is when she comes over, you sit down and talk about something you can actually stand to listen to, you fuck, and she leaves. A woman who's been humbled and learned it's not all about her is a lot more open to these kinds of arrangements. If she's got baggage and attitude that makes the juice not worth the squeeze, just say that. Something's bound to humble her eventually, losing out on you could be it.
  3. Originally posted by Dirtbag I want to quit Monster but need a substitute. It gives me anxiety.

    Have you tried Rowdy Energy? I don't really do any energy drinks anymore but when I did, that was the first one that actually did something for me besides make me jittery. Caffeine from green tea is better for focusing.
  4. Someone who can actually do shit for themselves and doesn't need me to come save the day every five minutes.

    Surprise, I like older women.
  5. Rule #1: Never put in more than you're willing to lose.
  6. I have a feeling that half the reason climate change deniers become so resistant to the idea of even accepting that climate change exists is because common sense would tell you that the people who keep bringing attention to it and have the authority to implement solutions are actively making it worse and primarily only take action to control the general population without adhering to the Pareto principal.

    You look at this stupid bullshit graph that Crooked Hillary posted on Twitter and anyone with half a brain can see that no one is meeting the target. The people who actually know shit realize that these figures are completely made up anyway and they still say that the government isn't actually doing shit about it. The Biden administration has approved more oil and gas drilling permits on public lands than the Trump administration did. And even accounting for uncertainty, the graph visibly shows there is no difference yet but simply projects that there will be starting around next year and even that it could potentially be worse for a brief period of time.

    The "common sense" conclusion is that if it's true and any of that actually matters, they'd be doing things that actually matter, like cracking down on corporations responsible for the majority of emissions, subsidizing remote work, making the armed forces greener, or diverting a huge chunk of the budget to improving wind, solar, and nuclear technologies. Not burdening the consumers who could theoretically be carbon neutral and still not meet the target.

    I think these people just have a hard time understanding that the Democratic party will correctly identify a problem but they have no intention of actually solving it (because if you want to trick people, why would you hold the truth in front of their face?), so they assume that it's bullshit touted to get richer. Which it is, but not in the way they think.
  7. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Weather ≠ Climate

    Letters ≠ Alph@bet
  8. Originally posted by Enigma don't try to pretend to be an alt of an old man with a distinctive posting style)

    I didn't, you're just retarded.
  9. I did what I had to.
  10. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina ALL video games are made by adults.

    Yeah, this is one of those jobs I was talking about.

    Adults are typically the ones building playgrounds and elementary schools as well.
  11. The whole point of being an adult is that you get to do what you want, but if you're making it one of your main hobbies like it was when you were a kid then people are absolutely going to think of you as a loser.

    It stops being that interesting once you have control over your life. You have a car and a job. Stop playing open world games and start going on hikes. If you want to play Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley or any other yard work simulator, go mow a real lawn and get paid for it.

    It's a good way to stay in touch with long-distance friends or unwind on days when you're rained in and have nothing else going on, but waiting to get off work every day so you can run back to a home with dirty dishes and unfolded laundry piled up and play a chore simulator is fucking cringe.
  12. What's up with all these retards messaging minors? Fucking a 22 year old college slut or something I get, but I can barely stand to talk to any female under 25.
  13. This woman is a few eggs short of a Grand Slam.
  14. 40 pounds in a year? What was your old diet, 3 pot roasts a day and never going to the bathroom??
  15. Originally posted by Enigma Op will love to CD nuts in his mouth

  16. Were atomic wedgies a thing at your high school?

    I feel like this thread never could have existed if they were.
  17. Originally posted by Mighest Could you just buy and return or do they not allow returning opened software?

    They'd likely be able to charge you with theft even if you not leaving with the merchandise.

    You probably could, but the last thing I'd want to do when I'm stealing from a store is have to talk to a store employee.

    The theft of digital goods is already a huge legal gray area, and it is legal to take pictures of merchandise. Even if they realize what you're doing, when they don't have a clear path to pursue action against you are they going to bother, especially over a few games? Seems like there's less legal precedent there than for something like refund fraud.

    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny that's wrong. don't do that. it's a baddy.. not a goody

    Sorry, I won't post things like this on Good Ideas anymore.
  18. The Democratic approach is to shift responsibility to you, and make you switch to paper straws or other bullshit to do your part. Then they're "doing something" while they fail to meet every single goal set for them by climate scientists, mainly because they let their buddies continue to generate the emissions of a billion people.

    Really makes the Republican approach of "do nothing" pretty appealing when the end goal of both these things (profit without solving the issue) doesn't change.
  19. Looked like he would have survived after the first step but then it just flattened him out like it was trying to squeeze out the toothpaste.
  20. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Because going to community college is NOT better educated than teaching yourself

    I guarantee I am better educated on MANY topics than some dumb twat who did a shitty college course.

    The simply fact you think you have to pay someone else to teach you shows you don't have the intellect to figure stuff out/teach/learn yourself.

    Community college is good for getting credits towards a degree at a real college, especially if you can get good scholarships and grants. Assuming your high school waives the ACT fee and you aren't a retard, you can just study for a couple of hours and score well enough to get a full ride to a community college, pocket any grants you earn, and then transfer to a school that actually matters.

    The learning part of college is only halfway about actual knowledge, it's about learning from someone that employers actually trust did a good job. Sure you can read books on your own and learn a skill, but some other dipshit can say he does "his own research" and he's dumb as bricks. A degree is someone with authority signing off on what you learned.

    In some fields that's not even the important reason to go to college. It can be useful for the internship opportunities and the connections you make while you're there, since it lets you skip the line and get in at a decent job. A lot of my STEM friends pulled that off, but pretty much everyone I know who went into humanities (including me) had to scrub toilets or flip burgers or something before they started getting real jobs.
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