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Posts by Crepe

  1. Crepe Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Dirtbag No I won't because I had a decent dad who made me believe that if I'm not the biggest drain on someone's finances then they don't love me enough.

    My dad is the same, he taught me how it is.
    I am going to use this experience, I will crush those who cross me!
  2. Crepe Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I'm not joining the Telegram because I care about my mental health but I will if someone buys me a Botox gift card.

    How old are you?
  3. Crepe Yung Blood
    I use an air frier!
  4. Crepe Yung Blood
    I never seen Game of Thrones, I heard it was ok, but the ending was bad!
  5. Crepe Yung Blood
    I remember going out with this guy from college, was said he wanted to be friends.
    He got me so high, he was blowing me kisses, and told me he wants to tie me to a radiator, and fuck me!
    I thought I was getting kidnapped, he was engaged too, should have did it.
  6. Crepe Yung Blood
    I just got my phone back!
    I might be able to join, it this on Discord?
    Can someone send me a link?
  7. Crepe Yung Blood
    I am back, my phone was taken away.
    I was doing a lot of thinking and got some ideas!
  8. Crepe Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Donald Trump That's grand.

    But Robert Greene is a simple unsophisticated jedi ethnic advocate.

    Why should the rest of us have to take straightforward jedi ethnic advocacy/racism seriously as anything other than simply bigotry, which is what it is?

    Some jedi thinks all gentile white men are evil. OK. I'm sure he does. Not interesting.

    not star wars!
    he writes welll!
  9. Crepe Yung Blood
    Pool side party!
  10. Crepe Yung Blood
    Eww, gross!
    He probably had it coming!
  11. Crepe Yung Blood
    I am reading Robert Greene!
    I will destroy any one who crosses me, especially those misogynist!
  12. Crepe Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Enigma Damn everyone is going on me about this community college thing today

    What are you studying?
    I am thinking of maybe focusing on philosophy and psychology!
  13. Crepe Yung Blood
    Im watching Breaking Bad!
  14. Crepe Yung Blood
    I heard of this guy!
  15. Crepe Yung Blood
    Men lie way more than woman, its in their nature as they are misogynist.
    All misogynist should be on a list and tracked!
  16. Crepe Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Vox Hi Creep! I’m Fox, I’m well known for mentoring (grooming) young children. If you’re a good girl, maybe one day you can serve my deranged psychosexual need for control and domination! I can help you lose weight too. DM me! :)

    I will crush and make any creeps like you regret even thinking that they can best me!
    I am too good for your sick fantasies, you deserve what is coming to you!
  17. Crepe Yung Blood
    I want to study psychology and philosophy.
    I have a good grasp on these type of subjects and know how the mind works.
    It would be cool to learn more, though I am way ahead of the introduction classes.

    Jiggaboo_Johnson is right, you can learn more if you put your mind to it.
    I should start a psychology and philosophy TikTok, and start teaching people to think for themselves.
  18. Crepe Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Enigma I'm Enigma the Global Moderator of this forum. If you have any questions feel free to bring them to me. Welcome to our forum.

    Hi Enigma,
    I was seeing an message yesterday saying I cant post more than 10 times a day.
    Can you change this for me?
    I want to share pages of my dream journal, they are way crazier than anyone I know fr, your mind would be blown.
  19. Crepe Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Can someone tell me what this is from someone sent me a pic from it years ago.

    It looks like a rap music video
  20. Crepe Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Someone should make an effort to get the site shut down.

    Oh! I have a Discord!
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