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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock ill stuff a rupee up your asshole with the head of my cock

    because anything bigger will break it.
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein I’m about to be 40 and I’ve never been to Jail in my life …

    I know that makes you mad ..and that makes me ..glad ..

    And Raven too ! 🥰

    they still arrest 45 year olds.

    your local jails dont have age limits like amusement parks.
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein l o l…….

    Take a pic with the app it ..and prove that’s what it does…..


    post your mugshot and see the difference. s.
  4. Originally posted by infinityshock newsflash.

    women dont have penises

    they do now, according to the new dicktionary,
  5. Originally posted by infinityshock i will splay you out like a christmas goose and stuff you like a freight train plowing into a subway tunnel until your eyeballs pop out like a broken chihuahua getting run over by a parade of M1 abrams tanks

    a freight train is very small relative to the tunnel.
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock The US is controlled by unelected kikes

    thats why your forefathers gave you the 2nd A.

    to get rid of them.
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock if animals werent meant to be eaten they wouldnt be made out of meat

    or maybe theyre made out of meat so that vegetarians and herbevors wouldnt eat them.

    have you considered that.
  8. Originally posted by infinityshock Q: how was russia able to get a damning surveillance of what was probably as highly classified and secured of a meeting as its possible to get

    A: a j­ew who is trying to instigate confrontation between russia and the west


    not at all.

    germany could have easily denied it by claiming it was russian's propaganda work using openly available AI to generate the "conversation" but instead they owned it. had the germans denied it it would have been wholeheartedly swallowed by the NATOsphere and the collective "west" and their intel controlled "media".

    they want to get caught for reasons i have said the last time, that this was another "apology" in the making.
  9. i couldnt tell by just lookimg at her
  10. Originally posted by infinityshock wrong


    as always

    gorilla glue is an isocyanate adhesive that depends on the moisture to cure. the higher the humidity the quicker it cures.

    so they cure so fast and so furious that it cured as soon as it touched the air.
  11. Originally posted by CandyRein


    not only did the app made her skin fairer but also made her eyes bigger.
  12. he looks pretty trans-ready in the first pict.
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock the best kind of rapist

    these videos with happy endings brighten my day

    so this is how you cope.
  14. Originally posted by Solstice Would you rather be pissed off or pissed on by a 12 year old?

    boy o girl
  15. Originally posted by infinityshock You can be the cum dumpster that is the receptacle to my copious quantities of testicular ejaculations

    do you have any non-testicular ejaculations
  16. thats what you get from trusting the kews.
  17. Originally posted by Ghost I wish Lanny was named Larry

    more like lenny
  18. a REAL WOMAN knows her role and place in the society.

  19. Originally posted by CandyRein Ya…and it was …wayyy too easy lol..just like your mom


    the flood control was implemented after you complained about wellhung "flooding" your loose inbox.
  20. Originally posted by infinityshock Whiteman magic that dirty niggers have no business meddling in

    3 second gorrilla glue takes forever to dry in the tropics due to extremely high humidity.

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