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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. establish the arsetrailian chapter yourself
  2. Originally posted by ner vegas better video released:

    makes me wonder if it was actually a REAPER though. you'd think a fixed-wing drone would be moving forward so the wreckage would come down diagonally rather than straight down, but it's possible it dropped speed and was climbing to try to avoid the missile

    reapers are slow when doing surveys
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock the kind that has enough testosterone to be able to grow facial hair

    but not enough to grow masculing jawline
  4. Originally posted by infinityshock as usual…that makes no sense

  5. Originally posted by Donald Trump It's all across Ireland

    now you will all pay more taxes for better fire fighting system at these locations
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock simple:

    the j­ews are trying to eradicate the white race because they hate white people

    how many superior White babies have you sired o' my superior White man ?
  7. the bottoms go and touch the Wall.
  8. what kind of man uses beards to camouflage his lack of jawline ?
  9. spamingitis is more likely to afflict those who are 65 or older
  10. jokes on you.

    he fired all salt of the earth "americans" and hired illegals and is now making a killin'.
  11. because he runs for ALL russians
  12. Originally posted by Warcry i thought it was fake or its someone pretending to be her., But its an actua chick in lodz guys lol. I know cause I would block her cause she always ended up abkcing out of actually meeting me and later she would like call me or find me somewhow plus i remember that Ii got on cam with her once fully clothes and all but still saw her.

    fimd out wjere she goes to school
  13. Originally posted by Ghost Who are you

    turn around.

    i'll gibe you muh DNA sample.

    for id purposes.
  14. Originally posted by CandyRein My man is everything you wish you were…white ..loved ..and not a bum who can’t tell between you’re and your ..still ..after explaining it to you

    id rather die a virgin on muh feet than sustaining my sexual desire on my knees eating coochie, not just any coochie but charred, excessively tanned pussy.
  15. whos this "they"
  16. how many lives you asspire to save today, tara.
  17. Originally posted by CandyRein That’s because you’re a fake Asian …non medical Asian ….

    thus seth the fake negro
  18. Originally posted by Ghost You're the expert

    yes, im writting a dessertation on child lovers and child love.
  19. Originally posted by ner vegas "how can I turn every thread into a discussion about noncing and porn"

    it takes multiple people for a thread to become all about noncing and porn.
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