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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. men are directing their anger and resentment at "pedophiles" to compensate for their inability to find virgin, unused female companion.
  2. Originally posted by infinityshock because it already has.

    this is hell

    because you couldnt find unused 18 yearolds.
  3. Originally posted by ner vegas fully automatic applause at the end of the show

    cluster standing ovations
  4. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny well when people stopped believing anything the media throws at them and started to turn to alternative media or citizen journalists cencorship will resume.

    if anything technology we have today are more efficient and absolute at censoring information than was possible in era of the past.

    totallen conzorzhip.

    yes. vindickated vinny vindickated again.

    the path to totallen censorship has traditionally never came from without, but rather has always came from within, when citizen, having been annoyed and pained from the free and unrestrained flow of information, clamor for protection from the information they're uncomfortable with, from the powers that be.

    at all cost.
  5. Originally posted by infinityshock thats like saying a 747 flying through the sky is a small plane

    compared to an an-52
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock obviously used to it

    some peepuh wear idiotic lenses all the time.
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock in reality

    in fantasy
  8. Originally posted by infinityshock this is why niggers should stay away from the white man magic

    cultural appropriations by niggers

    they cant get their heavily melanized hands on these technology if white men deny them access to these magics.
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein Welp!!

    Time for me to get on out of here work day / night is done …my B day is tomorrow and I won’t be online


    but ah will be alwayzs on yo mind
  10. Originally posted by infinityshock ive watched tons of videos that gory. people walking with their lower legs missing or a foot…machete attacks…i saw one today where an eyeball was popping in and out like a fucking cuckoo clock

    do you watch these .... documentaries as frequent as warriat watched rimming documentaries.
  11. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina not at all.

    germany could have easily denied it by claiming it was russian's propaganda work using openly available AI to generate the "conversation" but instead they owned it. had the germans denied it it would have been wholeheartedly swallowed by the NATOsphere and the collective "west" and their intel controlled "media".

    they want to get caught for reasons i have said the last time, that this was another "apology" in the making.

    ok so, for the uninitiated, this is how things are going to play out from here on:

    1] in the coming days more "leaks" of "wrong doings vis a vis russia
    " will surface especially concerning british & "american" complicity in this conflict.

    2] either ONE of this will happen :

    i]popular outrage will ensue amongst the voters of these "democratic" countries that were involved and the democraticaly elected goverment will have no choice but to repent and announce their unconditional pull of ukraine, and cessation of aids.

    ii] due to popular indifference, a fake "popular" outrage may be engineered amongst the "opposition" camp to force the government to admit their wrong doing and announce the cessation of aid to ukraine and unconditional pull out.

    if [1] happens and the outrage was too great, the "elected" government may be sacrificed either by resignation of the top leadershit or regime change due to lost of confidence votes etc etc according to democratic regime change playbook.

    3] the deep state / elites / jéws whatever you want to call these hidden power in charge will laugh it off and walk away and move on to the next adventure and shenanigans like some rich jéwish kids/negroes that have just crashed their dad's ferrari/stolen vehicle into a bunch of school children and went on as if nothing have happened.

    next stop: israel.

    irregardless whats happening is the closure of this "thing" in the ukraine.

    the end is neigh.
  12. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I swear I thought I saw her vagina open and close there several times at the end.

    because your looking at HIS COCK,

    yes ?
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock keep being jelly

    o im not jelous of being called an idiot all the time.
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock Indubitably

    in theory
  15. Dalit Movie Appreciation Thread
  16. Originally posted by ner vegas no, constantly spamming old man porn is fucked up

    because he forced you to watch it.

    i think your warriats most frequent respondent.

    i checked all the threads hes made and its always either you or finny the 2nd post after his Op.

    finny just said hes an idiot but you actually made serious attempt to address his mundane drible.

    now you're retracting your consent eh.
  17. Originally posted by ner vegas I can block that too if you want

    your loss.
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock They're both going to be in your asshole

    small fists i c
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock

    racist whyte pipo reported the proud and empowered female negroe for not raising her chald according to whyte mangs standard
  20. i didnt know White Pippo steal
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