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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Wariat, Vinny, or Infinityshock might be interested in ahem supervising her.

    like anakin skywalker, shes too old for the jedi council to .... nurture,
  2. Originally posted by Obbe So my 14 year old daughter has gone crazy and only thinks about one thing now, sex.

    She admitted to having unprotected sex with her stupid boyfriend with no birth control, no condom. We had to get her a Plan B, and now she is on birth control and planning on fucking again asap. It's literally all she thinks about and talks about.

    It's insanely worrying, she's a beautiful blue-eyed blonde girl who developed shockingly quickly and now a flip has switched in her head and she's going to get herself in a dangerous situation if she isn't careful. We thought her boyfriend and the kids she's been hanging around with have been a bad influence on her, but apparently she was the one who initiated the sex and came on to the boy.

    I guess I just need to accept that she's going to be getting railed on the regular now and isn't an innocent little girl anymore. I really hope she still uses her college fund for education.

    just remember this FACT:

    none of this would have happened if she was molested as a yiung child.
  3. now with the illegal bann on finny finally being lifted, the draconian measures like post limits and email verification remain and persist,

    are we wrong to assume the finny bann saga was just a ruse and a phalse phlag by lanny to introduce draconian restriction on freedom of speech to restrict legitimate alts from freely and truthfully expressin' themselves on this website.
  4. Originally posted by infinityshock I'll give you the tip. I promise, just the tip

    as expected, compensating shafts for tip
  5. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Their circuit boards aren't.

    of cheap brass and nickel
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock Sexuality is the literal functionality of reproduction

    but reproduction isnt the only outcome of sexuality
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock Wrong.


    As always.

    The pilots seat doesn't count as economy class

    ja, straddlin' yourself on pilots makes u a prostitute.
  8. Originally posted by Donald Trump No one on earth hates them even 0.0001% as much as they should.

    You might think you hate them enough, but you don't.

    action speaks louder thsn words
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein

    I remember hearing they used real skeletons because they were cheaper than the fake ones

    My God …

    Then you find out there’s a “curse” that took the lives of the majority of actors in the movie..

    People think it’s a game if they wanna

    lots of movies also used real negroes instead of white mang in black face not realizing the curse that follows with using real negroe actors ....
  10. lady liberty isnt liberal enough until she have adams apple on her neck and a buldge on her crotch
  11. Originally posted by ner vegas the more I watch it the more I'm impressed by the skinny naked guy's technique

    opens with a front kick that just hammers elevator guy down, stops a tackle with a knee to the neck, throws some solid punches

    naked men excite al ..... i mean nerve gas.
  12. Originally posted by CandyRein Welp!!

    Looks like it’s that time ..I’m work here is done 😴❤️🌙

    tara did not descent from the line of high endurance slaves
  13. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If one million monkeys were typing on a typewriter for one million years, you would eventually get a work on par with Shakespeare.

    thats as retarded as saying if a million ants were given a million years to do ant things theyre eventually get to construct something on par with the pyramids or the great wall.

    yea rite.
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock That makes no sense

    Originally posted by CandyRein It actually does ….you must be extremely slow not to understand …his slow azz

    finny. outwitted by eh negroe.

    it means the only economy related stuffs you understand is economy class.

    because you ride economy class, fly economy class, en sail economy class.
  15. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Get a rare earth magnet and stick it to its chest, then sit back and watch the fun.

    theure plastics.
  16. Originally posted by infinityshock i tried tipping the robot at walmart

    that fucker was heavy

    it gave you more than just its tip.

    didnt it.
  17. Originally posted by CandyRein I feel really pretty..butt looooves my new glasses he keeps saying how sophisticated and pretty I look❤️

    so, sophisticated is the new euphimism for old.

    got it.
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock Chinks invented fireworks. Caucasians invented firearms.

  19. Originally posted by infinityshock HIGHLY processed foods

    how high.

    even dried meats are processed foods.
  20. Originally posted by infinityshock Same as the chinee.

    tell me with this doll where did chinamen touched you
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