plus i just want my ass licked so bad. I dont care about sex. the idea of just putting my legs halfway up like in an upside splits while w gIrl does awesome tounge action whole stroking my cock is heaven. thats hevaen not fucking body on body action that that david dude does regularly. i am actually as i write this jelous of a dog guys. this russian team vidoe i recently saw oF tHis redhead she fucking does it so good the way she showed her toue action ona d s ass jsut made me so fucking jelous guys… gUys…
that body on body action is so overrated? bradley just doesnt get it. he keeps thinking that did guy has it so good or is doing better than me in life just due ro having more body on body action. and i tell him no because ehe has no palce to live. has to hustle for even beer or food money scamming people or dealing.has to steal to find an excuse for the perpen tomlet him abck in etending he took the item by mistake. etc. isnt body on body action over rated guys?
I found this very interesting guys like what’s the real difference betweeen a 18 and 20 yr old also what allure I don’t fucking see a single allure amongst the Łódź trashy chicks looking for only trashy young guys right bradley?
i like my piece because it invokes nowtaliga of the way gaming art used ro be in the late 90s parricularly pc games like space games or sci fi rts games.
that if you have self dignity, self respect, restraint and are not wuick to rush out the door or to a prize or know how to be steady and restrain yourself you will be miserable both in prison such as canteen lines and at night clubs trying to even meet much less shag chicks. anyone besides me notice this? like st. ightclubs only the bad live good and the good die young just like prison.
dude i was born in poland the country that electa guys like this as a lolitician who repeats hinself switching counties around but im still smarter than u: