what about octavian the poster here?
oh yea blitzeran was his name or something. remember?
or how bout wilt chamberlain or joe rogan or that dude who did the scams and had to away form usa and fucks instagram models except more like only teens like polanski back in the day or something would be me more me or whay id want out of life nothing else just this really.
i dont give a fuck about “relatiuonships” aldra. id muchr ahter jsut fuck teens or bitches like dude sin porn than have any relationships. jsut me tho. Relationships are for females and pussies. real men jsut bang bitches and say bye later.
its the lust of the flesh or young meat and there is nothing wrong with it. its natural and human.
aldra its nothign to do with porn its the young flesh or young meat im tlaking about. whatever it is porn life anything they get what none of us do thats a fact. the flesh the mind of the flesh or devil of the flesh.
and you dammw ell know not only do they get what you could only wish they also have nuch betetr jobs than any of us get licke dby perfec tbody teens vs sitting at a desk doing rpogramming even liek you or the other shit jobs anyone on this forum has.
ur a fucking faggit good relationship is just a normi lame lifestyle and u know it. fact is ur turning it on me when im tlaking specifically about those grnadpas on oldje living betetr than u and nme. u know im right. u know u would rather trade palces with them like me and fuck teens not kids as you say you word twisting lame but teens liek theyd oa t their age or even ours than some lame bitch sitting on ur couch complaining whod oesnt even look as good as those teens has shit body issues already doesnt have a eprfect body and innocence in the eys like that lady chick on oldhe when she did sxcenes with rgandpas or great grandpas at 18.
your a moron. you have no solutions yourself because you damm well know you settled for osme bitch and those guys on oldje grandpas also twice ur age live better or have it better. most dude sliv elike shit settle for sutpid anoying and old bitche sonly ferw live good like those grandpas or egt what they want out of life.
2024-02-13 at 3:19 PM UTC
I dont get whats the big deal
maybe I feel like someone will jduge me or run up trying to make a name even if i have no fould play nothing illegal planned jsut want to meet a new friend or even teddy bair love like just hugs and snugglign to a movie type deal; whcih is legal as long as i dont touch butttocks or tits or nothing and only kiss forehead and suhc which would be amazing all onto itself i feel like someone could run up and be like why u tlaking to that girl? I feel like if I wasnt in such a ghetto rightwing and touch kncuklehead culture but a more open minde dliberla one id be less afraid to tlak to these girls and try this.
2024-02-13 at 3:16 PM UTC
I dont get whats the big deal
im such a fucking coward i literlaly had tow opportiunuties today and i just either didnt catch up or improve speed or another one i wlaked faster than her and dint say nothing and even didnt try at all lik i even have no confidence anymore at least with this age group. i dont get why because it still would be amazing to have such a chick without the illegal stuff.
2024-02-13 at 3:15 PM UTC
Typical Polish guy
Pollack cultur ein a nutshell keepo watching the vidoe fuys lol. this is why I say Jailhouse Braldye would like it here.
2024-02-13 at 3:14 PM UTC
I dont get whats the big deal
why I am so afraid on the street even when walking parallell or catching up to make eye contact with girls who look younger than 16? I mean its not illegal to find a girlfriend to jsut do huggies wiht like a daughter to hug watch movies spend time together hold hands and relaly folks this would be enough for me no sex no kissing no foul play nothing illegal it owuld be still heaven. why am i so afraid of them even making barely eye contact i feel they are judging me or something or society is.
plus what you say makes no sense because in a muslim country id have to be helal rich and born there or a muslim. so again whats the ufgcking solution besides joining oldje?
even the 14 yr old weirdo autism racist chick on here clitoris shes fucking around with a guy over 30. why the fuck are polish chicks so boring and agephobic?