2024-02-21 at 10:20 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
And if you do somehow find my actual door where I live I have a camera I’ve been meaning to set up on top of now will be sleeping with multiple weapons next to me jus to let you know.
2024-02-21 at 10:20 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
I can easily also make phone calls )I know a lot of people including criminal or drug connections you don’t even dream about while you know none here or in Poland) and sandwich you in between the gate area if I find out someone suspicious is hanging around and again thanks for letting me know as I will be now weaponised and have an excuse if I do take someone out this thread and image I saved will give me the legal excuse to do it in defence.
2024-02-21 at 10:19 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
Even if ur on tor other users here in sure and lanny would quickly sell you out once the authorities started to ask questions on top of this you’d be on camera as they are everywhere around here thirdly it would be you and not me who probably would be trying to call cops or be in a hospital.
2024-02-21 at 10:18 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
Why would I be scared of you or stop slandering this person who slandered the entire polish nation on multiple occasions and my people?
2024-02-21 at 10:17 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
Also just to let you k ow there are cameras all around the building and if you tried to get me while trying to cover your face waiting outside for me or for someone to open you the gate you’d easily be recognised. I could also give this info out to the management ahead of time and already let them know to let me k ow in case anyone WKS questions about me first and foremost to let me know and make sure to timestamps on their camera this person.
2024-02-21 at 10:16 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
Who would even find or be able to hire to get me with your contacts you have in Poland? I’m really shaking considering it would be much not elokwentny I’d stab you before you stabbed me and can raisly and have done so in the past weaponised myself while I doubt you’d even be able to get w gun around here.
2024-02-21 at 10:01 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
Im not sure if I should send police this info or wepaonize myslef and wlaka round with multiple handguns and knives and pepper sprays or to simply change my look and wear a fake mustache or something like shave my head from now on? what do u guys recommend? Or to go to a lawyer with this info or hire some real muscle and proteciton cause of the feara nd terrified situaiton im in?
2024-02-21 at 9:05 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
I have screencaps of your death threats so I dont know why you hoose to edit them.
2024-02-21 at 7:45 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
thanks for the warning though. ill be sure for weatch for your „assasin”. also again very smart.
2024-02-21 at 7:44 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
very smart making threats online.
2024-02-21 at 7:34 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
plus even if you knew some building you wouldnt know the exact door within it nor would you even be able to tell the address of it if I hit it.
2024-02-21 at 7:34 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
lol what makes you think it was actually of my location not somewhere near by? or what makes you even think it was near by? You are the retard if you think I did that.
2024-02-21 at 7:27 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
again i wonder why do some girls end up like tiffnay taylor or those cam whores doing porno on telegram and she didnt or hant ende dup this way? what does it all come down to guys?
2024-02-21 at 7:26 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
if i reclal you are so retarded you actually believe the age of consent is 18 in europe or europole has 18 as some age of comnsent if i reclal right. is this correct?
2024-02-21 at 7:23 PM UTC
Kafka and the rest of yall
lol you got gps coordinates. those arent ecxact only approximate and cant pinponit exact location secondly I was on vpn. thirdly what can u do to me? nothing as you people already tried to do it all and failed. No cop cares in Poland about someone fucking over the polish but under your Amerikkkan age of consent nor is anyone going to try to get me or beat me up for a faggit or retard liek you on the internet. so your going to try to swat all the different locations my gps shows me at and hope im one of them? u think poland cops even care or theyll even take ur call in english?